TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO)

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Well, they beat the shutout of ACORN.:lmao:
Just saying, "How do we know that blood is real?" The organizers of the Deploraball have a track record of setting things up that aren't what they appear to
Then why is this site and one other ultra rightist site the only place this is getting any traction?
Nice Try - I have posted links to MULTIPLE sites, several of which provides police reports / statements.

All of this violence from your 'Party of Tolerance' must be killing you, huh snowflake? (Psssst: It is ok to condemn the actions of several dumbasses / terrorists that claim to be members of your party - it doesn't make you any less of a Liberal / Democrat, and no one will take away your Party Membership card and de-coder ring if you do! :p)
Trump protesters pepper sprayed by police in violent clash ahead of inauguration

This site shows no such attacks... the police were there to separate the protesters and the guest...
Then why is this site and one other ultra rightist site the only place this is getting any traction?
Nice Try - I have posted links to MULTIPLE sites, several of which provides police reports / statements.

All of this violence from your 'Party of Tolerance' must be killing you, huh snowflake? (Psssst: It is ok to condemn the actions of several dumbasses / terrorists that claim to be members of your party - it doesn't make you any less of a Liberal / Democrat, and no one will take away your Party Membership card and de-coder ring if you do! :p)
It's not my party as I have told you before dipshit..You just need someone to demonize..But you love violence, so you should be loving this..many times you have avowed your love of unjustified murder of drug users...
This site shows no such attacks... the police were there to separate the protesters and the guest...
Again, keep 'spinning' and denying, snowflake...good luck with that...


Trump Supporter Dave Allsup got hit in the head with a flag pole—

This is video of @realJamesAllsup being struck in the head with a flag pole. #DeploraBall #TrumpInauguration
— Deplorable Vet (@KGBVeteran) January 20, 2017

Here are the graphic images of the assault aftermath before being treated by EMS and taken to the hospital. #Deploraball
— James Allsup (@realJamesAllsup) January 20, 2017

TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO)
*More links on this page - as well
The only way you stop Neo Nazism (and this is what liberalism is) is by tear gas, rubber bullets, and billy clubs, and beat the ever loving shit out of these people.
Peaceful Protest is fine, but that is not what they are doing. What they are doing is inciting violence, committing criminal assaults and vandalism, and that my friends is a riot, and what they are doing is breaking the law.

Beat their asses, and throw them in jail. Leave the peaceful protesters alone, but take out these thugs with extreme conviction.
This is only the start - it will be much worse today / tonight. I hope not, but I believe it will..
The only way you stop Neo Nazism (and this is what liberalism is) is by tear gas, rubber bullets, and billy clubs, and beat the ever loving shit out of these people.
Peaceful Protest is fine, but that is not what they are doing. What they are doing is inciting violence, committing criminal assaults and vandalism, and that my friends is a riot, and what they are doing is breaking the law.

Beat their asses, and throw them in jail. Leave the peaceful protesters alone, but take out this thugs with extreme conviction.

Agreed, Tree! Instead of allowing this criminal to 'express his anger' in an attempt NOT to escalate the situation, the police instead should blow his ass off the roof of the car with a beanbag shotgun blast, then drag his ass over to the police van.
More than likely, FAKE NEWS.
What? CNN?
You wish the picture was from CNN. Unfortunately for you, it was from The Gateway Pundit! :laugh2:
No CNN was the inventor of fake news… Fact
Fox News was sued in court over lying and found guilty....That was long before CNN got caught...
Nope, CNN is the original fake news

Trump Aide Monica Crowley’s Book Pulled After Plagiarism Charges
On Tuesday, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. publishing subsidiary, HarperCollins, announced that it is withdrawing Crowley’s 2012 book, What the (Bleep) Just Happened?, in response to a weekend report by CNN investigative journalist Andrew Kaczynski that Crowley extensively lifted the work of other authors without credit in her harsh critique of President Obama.
.Trump Aide Monica Crowley’s Book Pulled After Plagiarism Charges
Trump Aide Monica Crowley’s Book Pulled After Plagiarism Charges

What a great post....if it had anything to do with the snowflake terrorists engaging in violence against Trump supporters which is what this thread is about. Stick to the topic or create a new thread.
Trump Aide Monica Crowley’s Book Pulled After Plagiarism Charges

What a great post....if it had anything to do with the snowflake terrorists engaging in violence against Trump supporters which is what this thread is about. Stick to the topic or create a new thread.
Stick in yer ass if you don't like it..Or just kill me..But it has something to do with rightist that lie....and crappy new sites you try to justify your fake outrage...
Liberals declaring they are about 'Tolerance' is like Radical Islam talking about how they are about 'Peace'.

LOL, so true. Although you can drop the "Radical" from the quote and it would still be accurate.
If a dog did that? It would be put down before it could hurt anyone else.

But liberals are lower on the scale than dogs so..........
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