Trump supporters get excited over Fox News Questionable poll

Rasmussen. Fox, Reuters, and Gravis all have Trump either leading hiLIARy or within the margin of error.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Fox News Poll: Trump tops Clinton, both seen as deeply flawed candidates | Fox News
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

IMHO, Democrats who believe "Trump will be easy to beat" are the perfect analog to Republicans saying the same thing about an unknown Jr Senator back in 2008.....


Gravis is a shit poll, Reuters was online, Rasmussen is a shit poll and Fox is right up there with that group. These are not quality polls.

Of course.....the polls are wrong. Got it.


Most of the polls disagree with the bunch you cherry picked, look at the bigger picture.

Nothing like being guilty to what you accuse others of.

Those are the the 4 most recent polls. Sorry it doesn't confirm your bias.

Even the polls that favor the hag shows Trump gaining ground
Rasmussen. Fox, Reuters, and Gravis all have Trump either leading hiLIARy or within the margin of error.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Fox News Poll: Trump tops Clinton, both seen as deeply flawed candidates | Fox News
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

IMHO, Democrats who believe "Trump will be easy to beat" are the perfect analog to Republicans saying the same thing about an unknown Jr Senator back in 2008.....


Gravis is a shit poll, Reuters was online, Rasmussen is a shit poll and Fox is right up there with that group. These are not quality polls.

Of course.....the polls are wrong. Got it.


Most of the polls disagree with the bunch you cherry picked, look at the bigger picture.

Nothing like being guilty to what you accuse others of.

Those are the the 4 most recent polls. Sorry it doesn't confirm your bias.

They are not, but that's OK.
You almost gotta laugh. It seems that the only ones who "get excited" over Fox's poll are the radical low information lefties.
Trump supporters are all excited because they think that Trump is now beating Hillary Clinton in the polls....relying on a Faux News poll....which, has been discredited.

A Fox News poll released earlier this week showed Trump with a three-point lead over Clinton, but the poll came after Clinton had led in all but two — including one poll that was tied — of the previous 25 major national polls pitting Trump vs. Clinton and listed by the poll aggregating siteReal Clear Politics.

Nonetheless, the Fox News poll received broad, almost saturation media coverage this week. In the video below, the Morning Joe panel on MSNBC attempts to analyze the single, Fox News poll.

At the same time, independent election forecasters and political scientists who looked at the Fox News poll spotted some significant problems including the most obvious one, namely, that the poll appears to be a statistical “outlier.”
In other words, unless the results of the Fox News poll are repeated in a significant number of upcoming polls, the poll is essentially meaningless.
Trump Vs. Clinton Presidential Polls: Trump Shows Gains In Race — Or Does He? November Election Picture Still … – The Inquisitr

They get excited over every poll.


That's what clowns do.

At any rate, no one should be paying attention to any National Polling data, they have turned into a world wide train wreck. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore, and most of us have cell phones that pollsters don't have access too. So you will see National Polls being touted all over this board. Some are online polls where people can vote more than once. Many won't participate because many of them are associated with donation sites. The text polls are the worst, because one person can text in their choice a thousand times. So if you're looking at a national poll make certain to read the internals. Pollsters admit they're being forced to use very small samples in their data. I saw one National Poll that only had 736 participants that is somehow supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters. They're laughable and more often than not the outcome is the opposite.

Trump does very well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Sanders and Trump are very well known for touting the polls. Sometimes you'll hear them mention the polls 4 times in one paragraph. So this indicates that the only ones participating in these polls are mainly Trump and Sanders supporters.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

Here is a great article describing the problem with polls today.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Polls this far out are meaningless. The parties haven't even held the conventions yet and we won't see debates for several months. Not to mention that head to head polls don't reflect the electoral college. That's where Trump is going to run into trouble.

They’re also meaningless given the fact presidents are elected by the EC, not popular vote.

One would think conservatives realized that after 2012.
And how are the states won?.good god your a dence one. It still comes down to people voting one at a time.

You're a fine one to be calling anyone "dense" when you can't even spell it.
Rasmussen. Fox, Reuters, and Gravis all have Trump either leading hiLIARy or within the margin of error.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Fox News Poll: Trump tops Clinton, both seen as deeply flawed candidates | Fox News
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

IMHO, Democrats who believe "Trump will be easy to beat" are the perfect analog to Republicans saying the same thing about an unknown Jr Senator back in 2008.....


Rasmussen, Faux are right-wing sources and can't be trusted, just look back at Obama vs Romney polls. Reuters on May 11 shows that Trump surged and is "almost" even with Clinton and Gravis is one I've never heard of before.....hasn't earned our trust, so much for your info.

And, nobody is saying Trump will be easy to beat, considering how many uninformed people who aren't concerned about someone who lies every time he opens his mouth and how many things he has going against just depends on how many sane and sensible people come out to vote.
Rasmussen. Fox, Reuters, and Gravis all have Trump either leading hiLIARy or within the margin of error.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Fox News Poll: Trump tops Clinton, both seen as deeply flawed candidates | Fox News
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

IMHO, Democrats who believe "Trump will be easy to beat" are the perfect analog to Republicans saying the same thing about an unknown Jr Senator back in 2008.....


Gravis is a shit poll, Reuters was online, Rasmussen is a shit poll and Fox is right up there with that group. These are not quality polls.

Of course.....the polls are wrong. Got it.


Well.....remember when Rasmussen and Faux had Romney winning? How are those polls working for you?
Rasmussen. Fox, Reuters, and Gravis all have Trump either leading hiLIARy or within the margin of error.

Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
Fox News Poll: Trump tops Clinton, both seen as deeply flawed candidates | Fox News
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

IMHO, Democrats who believe "Trump will be easy to beat" are the perfect analog to Republicans saying the same thing about an unknown Jr Senator back in 2008.....


Gravis is a shit poll, Reuters was online, Rasmussen is a shit poll and Fox is right up there with that group. These are not quality polls.

Of course.....the polls are wrong. Got it.


Most of the polls disagree with the bunch you cherry picked, look at the bigger picture.

Nothing like being guilty to what you accuse others of.

Those are the the 4 most recent polls. Sorry it doesn't confirm your bias.

Even the polls that favor the hag shows Trump gaining ground

Yeah....but as time goes by and we find out more stuff that Trump is hiding....the intelligent people will fall off his band wagon.
Mertex you sound exactly like a GOP voter discussing Obama in 2008 and 2012......:rofl:

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Translation when any poll doesn't favor your candidate of choice it's flawed or phony. The polls are going to be all over the place even so the partisans will hype the polls that shows there candidate leading and dismiss those that don't it's really a combination of boring and amusing.
This is so much fun...where is Toro, the bullshitter when he and the op DECLARES that Real Clear Politics IS THE BOMB when it comes to polling...Presenting....

  • Trump Overtakes Clinton In RCP Poll Average For First Time ^ | May 22, 2016
    Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has overtaken Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in an average of head-to-head national polls, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls. Trump leads Clinton by 0.2 percentage points, 43.4 percent to 43.2 percent in the average, overtaking the Democratic front-runner for the first time in the average of polls. Several recent surveys have shown Trump with an advantage over Clinton. An ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted May 16–19 shows a tight race between the two candidates, with Trump holding a 2-point lead over Clinton. A Rasmussen Reports poll conducted May 17–18 had the presumptive GOP...
I'll let Toro put up the CHART of Trump winning the AVERAGE now..... That will hurt that idiot more than me calling him a bullshitter!
Mertex you sound exactly like a GOP voter discussing Obama in 2008 and 2012......:rofl:


Really? Were GOP voters lying? Obama never lied every time he opened his mouth. Obama had government experience. Obama was intelligent. Obama was eloquent.....he didn't just repeat same old meaningless phrases. Obama would never claim he was doing a fund raiser for veterans and then keep the money. Obama never got sleazy.

Try again.
Mertex you sound exactly like a GOP voter discussing Obama in 2008 and 2012......:rofl:


Really? Were GOP voters lying? Obama never lied every time he opened his mouth. Obama had government experience. Obama was intelligent. Obama was eloquent.....he didn't just repeat same old meaningless phrases. Obama would never claim he was doing a fund raiser for veterans and then keep the money. Obama never got sleazy.

Try again.

Hope and change!!


You're in for a world of hurt when reality hits in November.
Mertex you sound exactly like a GOP voter discussing Obama in 2008 and 2012......:rofl:


Really? Were GOP voters lying? Obama never lied every time he opened his mouth. Obama had government experience. Obama was intelligent. Obama was eloquent.....he didn't just repeat same old meaningless phrases. Obama would never claim he was doing a fund raiser for veterans and then keep the money. Obama never got sleazy.

Try again.

Hope and change!!


You're in for a world of hurt when reality hits in November.
Isn't that the same thing most conservatives were saying in 2008 and 2012? How's that working for you?

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