Trump supporters love them some Putin.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Let me post the link.

For some background. The author, Jazz Shaw, has never written a word critical of Trump. Nor has she ever written a word that even remotely supported Biden.

That got me to thinking. Why is it that there are so many Trump supporters who love Putin. Now you can claim these folks just oppose American involvement in whatever they are opposing. But at the same time Jazz is really upset that we aren’t bombing the crap out of the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Apparently that is a foreign military conflict that absolutely warrants American involvement.

Jazz seems to think we can trust Putin when he says that he has no intention of attacking NATO. And Jazz says we can totally trust Putin since he is evil, not stupid.

I’ll give you a minute to find something to take for the headache that is certain to cause. Imagine that as a selling point. We can totally trust this guy. After all he is evil, not stupid. We can trust the evil guy?

This is what I’m talking about. The convoluted logic that you have to embrace to put forward these ideals is astonishing. It defies explanation.

This does tie in to a previously lamented complaint of mine. Modern “Conservatives” are bereft of any Core Belief.

So why is it that Trump Supporters are so often Putin Supporters?
Let me post the link.

For some background. The author, Jazz Shaw, has never written a word critical of Trump. Nor has she ever written a word that even remotely supported Biden.

That got me to thinking. Why is it that there are so many Trump supporters who love Putin. Now you can claim these folks just oppose American involvement in whatever they are opposing. But at the same time Jazz is really upset that we aren’t bombing the crap out of the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Apparently that is a foreign military conflict that absolutely warrants American involvement.

Jazz seems to think we can trust Putin when he says that he has no intention of attacking NATO. And Jazz says we can totally trust Putin since he is evil, not stupid.

I’ll give you a minute to find something to take for the headache that is certain to cause. Imagine that as a selling point. We can totally trust this guy. After all he is evil, not stupid. We can trust the evil guy?

This is what I’m talking about. The convoluted logic that you have to embrace to put forward these ideals is astonishing. It defies explanation.

This does tie in to a previously lamented complaint of mine. Modern “Conservatives” are bereft of any Core Belief.

So why is it that Trump Supporters are so often Putin Supporters?
They adore the strongman. They want to be led, and they need to feed off the perceived "strength" of someone else.

This appears to be what they've wanted all along, and now's their chance.

Who knew. I didn't.

People instinctively recognise someone who is independent , has clear and firm opinions and who has repeatedly shown that they are also successful individuals both personally and on behalf of those to whom they have responsibility .

The rest is psycho babble .
As to Dear Uncle wanting to expand into Europe/ NATO land .
That is just specious garbage and part of standard but low pay grade fear inducing propaganda .
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People instinctively recognise someone who is independent , has clear and firm opinions and who has repeatedly shown that they are also successful individuals both personally and on behalf of those to whom they have responsibility .

The rest is psycho babble .
As to Dear Uncle wanting to expand into Europe/ NATO land .
That is just specious garbage and part of standard but low pay grade fear inducing propaganda .

Interesting take. Different than your previous claims.

Not quite a year ago you insisted that once Putin cut off Ukraine from the sea, he would be satisfied with a land bridge, read that to mean alll costal areas, to Moldova.

Once he has that secured does anyone really think Putin won’t demand a Land Bridge to Kaliningrad?

That’s the problem with Putins claims. The lies make believing anything he says problematic. Especially when you realize that dozens of war crimes are committed every day by the barbaric Russians. So the chances of me seeing things their way is pretty much nil.

Rape, mutation, barbarism. That is the glorious history of Russia.

Let me post the link.

For some background. The author, Jazz Shaw, has never written a word critical of Trump. Nor has she ever written a word that even remotely supported Biden.

That got me to thinking. Why is it that there are so many Trump supporters who love Putin. Now you can claim these folks just oppose American involvement in whatever they are opposing. But at the same time Jazz is really upset that we aren’t bombing the crap out of the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Apparently that is a foreign military conflict that absolutely warrants American involvement.

Jazz seems to think we can trust Putin when he says that he has no intention of attacking NATO. And Jazz says we can totally trust Putin since he is evil, not stupid.

I’ll give you a minute to find something to take for the headache that is certain to cause. Imagine that as a selling point. We can totally trust this guy. After all he is evil, not stupid. We can trust the evil guy?

This is what I’m talking about. The convoluted logic that you have to embrace to put forward these ideals is astonishing. It defies explanation.

This does tie in to a previously lamented complaint of mine. Modern “Conservatives” are bereft of any Core Belief.

So why is it that Trump Supporters are so often Putin Supporters?

Trump says he's pleased by Putin's praise: 'I like that he ...​

NBC News › politics › donald-trump › tr...

Sep 17, 2023 — Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that he appreciated recent praise from Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump quotes Vladimir Putin: 'Rottenness' of ...​

USA Today › elections › 2023/12/17

10 hours ago — Former President Donald Trump quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin after her alleged the former president's criminal indictments show ...

Teabaggers like whoever their dear leader likes. › elections › 2023/12/17

10 hours ago — Former President Donald Trump quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin...
They're making less and less effort to hide the fact they want an authoritarian strongman to "rule" us. Fuck the Constitution. They want an American Pinochet.

At some point, they may as well just come out and say it. Hell, who knows: Considering the condition this country is in, it may not matter.
They're making less and less effort to hide the fact they want an authoritarian strongman to "rule" us. Fuck the Constitution. They want an American Pinochet. At some point, they may as well just come out and say it. Hell, who knows: Considering the condition this country is in, it may not matter.
LIAR. Got any proof? Show it.

Biden is the one violating the Constitution
1. Illegally forgave student loan debt
2. Illegally opened borders
3. Illegally sold influence
Interesting take. Different than your previous claims.

`Not quite a year ago you insisted that once Putin cut off Ukraine from the sea, he would be satisfied with a land bridge, read that to mean alll costal areas, to Moldova.

Once he has that secured does anyone really think Putin won’t demand a Land Bridge to Kaliningrad?

That’s the problem with Putins claims. The lies make believing anything he says problematic. Especially when you realize that dozens of war crimes are committed every day by the barbaric Russians. So the chances of me seeing things their way is pretty much nil.
Rape, mutation, barbarism. That is the glorious history of Russia.


What poor eye sight you have Grandma Savannah , said Luiza of the Red Hood.

The SMO objectives have never changed and are unlikely to .
The south coast will be taken basically up to the Romanian border and only a fool would not create a land bridge to Moldavia .
What on earth made you dream of anything different ?You cheated and introduced Kalingrad into Moscow's strategic thinking , but as that is your invention ,I will ignore it .

The rest of your post is misinformed noise and warrants no comment -- I throw away rubbish and that is all you offered . Your fantasy and fanciful narrative .

So , in summary my take on Dear Uncle P's objectives has not changed and -- blow me down with a feather -- he repeated them himself word for word just last week.

Was there a relevant point to your post or were you just in waffle and Bull Shite mode?

Let me post the link.

For some background. The author, Jazz Shaw, has never written a word critical of Trump. Nor has she ever written a word that even remotely supported Biden.

That got me to thinking. Why is it that there are so many Trump supporters who love Putin. Now you can claim these folks just oppose American involvement in whatever they are opposing. But at the same time Jazz is really upset that we aren’t bombing the crap out of the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Apparently that is a foreign military conflict that absolutely warrants American involvement.

Jazz seems to think we can trust Putin when he says that he has no intention of attacking NATO. And Jazz says we can totally trust Putin since he is evil, not stupid.

I’ll give you a minute to find something to take for the headache that is certain to cause. Imagine that as a selling point. We can totally trust this guy. After all he is evil, not stupid. We can trust the evil guy?

This is what I’m talking about. The convoluted logic that you have to embrace to put forward these ideals is astonishing. It defies explanation.

This does tie in to a previously lamented complaint of mine. Modern “Conservatives” are bereft of any Core Belief.

So why is it that Trump Supporters are so often Putin Supporters?

I noticed most Biden supporters hate Jews. Why is that?
Let me post the link.

For some background. The author, Jazz Shaw, has never written a word critical of Trump. Nor has she ever written a word that even remotely supported Biden.

That got me to thinking. Why is it that there are so many Trump supporters who love Putin. Now you can claim these folks just oppose American involvement in whatever they are opposing. But at the same time Jazz is really upset that we aren’t bombing the crap out of the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Apparently that is a foreign military conflict that absolutely warrants American involvement.

Jazz seems to think we can trust Putin when he says that he has no intention of attacking NATO. And Jazz says we can totally trust Putin since he is evil, not stupid.

I’ll give you a minute to find something to take for the headache that is certain to cause. Imagine that as a selling point. We can totally trust this guy. After all he is evil, not stupid. We can trust the evil guy?

This is what I’m talking about. The convoluted logic that you have to embrace to put forward these ideals is astonishing. It defies explanation.

This does tie in to a previously lamented complaint of mine. Modern “Conservatives” are bereft of any Core Belief.

So why is it that Trump Supporters are so often Putin Supporters?
You are mixing/stirring three essentially different and independent issues into one post- and try to make a single issue out of it.

One is Trump, and those who support him - well one can't really change adult peoples educational background and thus their convictions

Two is what people might think and judge about Putin aka Russia
If Putin would not have attacked Ukraine - would the USA love him, or simply find other aspects to have a go at a "systemic" rival?
See e.g. China - hasn't attacked anyone in 40 years, and is constantly vilified by e.g. the USA

Three is about the USA or e.g. NATO getting into a war with other countries that do not pose a threat nor possess the ability to endanger NATO or the USA, aside getting into conflicts that might get Russia or e.g. China involved. Thus posing both a military and economic threat directly towards the USA or NATO.

So which one is it, that you want to bring in?
You are mixing/stirring three essentially different and independent issues into one post- and try to make a single issue out of it.

One is Trump, and those who support him - well one can't really change adult peoples educational background and thus their convictions

Two is what people might think and judge about Putin aka Russia
If Putin would not have attacked Ukraine - would the USA love him, or simply find other aspects to have a go at a "systemic" rival?
See e.g. China - hasn't attacked anyone in 40 years, and is constantly vilified by e.g. the USA

Three is about the USA or e.g. NATO getting into a war with other countries that do not pose a threat nor possess the ability to endanger NATO or the USA, aside getting into conflicts that might get Russia or e.g. China involved. Thus posing both a military and economic threat directly towards the USA or NATO.

So which one is it, that you want to bring in?
And you support a corrupt Biden? Why?
And you support a corrupt Biden? Why?
Why on earth, would I support a senile Biden and a US government (totally independent of it's party allegiance) that views warmongering as a solution to support US global hegemony?

China, Russia, Iran, Brazil, India etc. etc. are praying day and night for the human scumbag to return to office. Since he guarantees the demise of the USA as a global leader and main protagonist.
Why on earth, would I support a senile Biden and a US government (totally independent of it's party allegiance) that views warmongering as a solution to support US global hegemony?

China, Russia, Iran, Brazil, India etc. etc. are praying day and night for the human scumbag to return to office. Since he guarantees the demise of the USA as a global leader and main protagonist.

Did you vote for Jo Jorgensen?
Let me post the link.

For some background. The author, Jazz Shaw, has never written a word critical of Trump. Nor has she ever written a word that even remotely supported Biden.

That got me to thinking. Why is it that there are so many Trump supporters who love Putin. Now you can claim these folks just oppose American involvement in whatever they are opposing. But at the same time Jazz is really upset that we aren’t bombing the crap out of the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Apparently that is a foreign military conflict that absolutely warrants American involvement.

Jazz seems to think we can trust Putin when he says that he has no intention of attacking NATO. And Jazz says we can totally trust Putin since he is evil, not stupid.

I’ll give you a minute to find something to take for the headache that is certain to cause. Imagine that as a selling point. We can totally trust this guy. After all he is evil, not stupid. We can trust the evil guy?

This is what I’m talking about. The convoluted logic that you have to embrace to put forward these ideals is astonishing. It defies explanation.

This does tie in to a previously lamented complaint of mine. Modern “Conservatives” are bereft of any Core Belief.

So why is it that Trump Supporters are so often Putin Supporters?

This thread is so 2016.

And who the hell even uses the Ukraine flag for an avatar any more? I thought you guys and girls were flying the Hamas flag these days?
Nobody adores Putin. The issue is our corrupt government washing billions of dollars, funding the military industrial complex, and funding the corrupt Ukrainian government. Well since the CIA overthrew that country in 2014 I guess it's kinda like another state of the USA. We are flirting with WW3 and you lefties think that's good. Fucking idiots.
Did you vote for Jo Jorgensen?
I am not an American, so no.

Anyone that doesn't stand for Lefty&Lib or right wing would get my vote.
A feasible, realistic policy, that factually helps a country and it's society to advance and master the future with all it's incoming problems.

And NONE of these established "elitist" a-hole politicians and their parties, that simply take every potential voter for stupid.

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