Trump supporters need to face some hard facts


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters: Remember 2017? You had so much fun rubbing Trump's win in the faces of the Liberals. All those little Yoda photos, with your snarky little messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches" seem like long ago, do they not? Though I'm a Liberal, I don't believe in doing that sort of thing, but it's time for you folks on the Trump side to face some hard facts:

* Accept the fact that Conservative judges, even those nominated by Donald Trump have rejected all of Trump's claims and evidence of a "rigged election" Multiple recounts and audits prove this election count was accurate as any other.

* Accept the fact that "The Donald" wasn't 100% correct about widespread voter fraud.

* Accept the fact that Donald Trump's financial and tax records prove your golden boy in the White House is not the successful multi billionaire businessman he claims to be

* Accept the fact that Liberals and Conservatives make up about equal numbers in America, and working together will accomplish far more than working against each other.

* Accept the fact that harping on the misdeeds of Hunter Biden is not going to change the mountain of legal and financial woes Donald Trump faces when he leaves the White House.

* Accept the fact that the Trump administration has had more staff members convicted and jailed than any other.

* Accept the fact that if someone named Obama or Clinton had walked on to a convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, and had jumped into bed with multiple Playboy playmates', the "fair and balanced" evangelical folks at FOX news wouldn't be discussing sensitivity to human frailties or God's forgiveness.

* Accept the fact that being polite in the face of victory as well as defeat is a smart idea, and that good manners never go out of style. :bye1:
Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
Trump supporters: Remember 2017? You had so much fun rubbing Trump's win in the faces of the Liberals. All those little Yoda photos, with your snarky little messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches" seem like long ago, do they not? Though I'm a Liberal, I don't believe in doing that sort of thing, but it's time for you folks on the Trump side to face some hard facts:

* Accept the fact that Conservative judges, even those nominated by Donald Trump have rejected all of Trump's claims and evidence of a "rigged election" Multiple recounts and audits prove this election count was accurate as any other.

* Accept the fact that "The Donald" wasn't 100% correct about widespread voter fraud.

* Accept the fact that Donald Trump's financial and tax records prove your golden boy in the White House is not the successful multi billionaire businessman he claims to be

* Accept the fact that Liberals and Conservatives make up about equal numbers in America, and working together will accomplish far more than working against each other.

* Accept the fact that harping on the misdeeds of Hunter Biden is not going to change the mountain of legal and financial woes Donald Trump faces when he leaves the White House.

* Accept the fact that the Trump administration has had more staff members convicted and jailed than any other.

* Accept the fact that if someone named Obama or Clinton had walked on to a convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, and had jumped into bed with multiple Playboy playmates', the "fair and balanced" evangelical folks at FOX news wouldn't be discussing sensitivity to human frailties or God's forgiveness.

* Accept the fact that being polite in the face of victory as well as defeat is a smart idea, and that good manners never go out of style. :bye1:

You people have been complete dicks for 4 years. Your desire to play nice is denied.
Yes, people voted for a racist senile pedophile with an incestuous pedophile drug-addict son because Trump was mean on Twitter
You think people voted for Biden because Trump "was mean on Twitter"?

Who told you that?

Well, you certainly didn't give him a fair review of his accomplishments in the face of a 4 year withering resist effort....

Face it...You've been dishonest for the past 4 years, I don't expect differently now...So, go ahead and give your stupid "thanks" and GFY.
Trump supporters: Remember 2017? You had so much fun rubbing Trump's win in the faces of the Liberals. All those little Yoda photos, with your snarky little messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches" seem like long ago, do they not? Though I'm a Liberal, I don't believe in doing that sort of thing, but it's time for you folks on the Trump side to face some hard facts:

* Accept the fact that Conservative judges, even those nominated by Donald Trump have rejected all of Trump's claims and evidence of a "rigged election" Multiple recounts and audits prove this election count was accurate as any other.

* Accept the fact that "The Donald" wasn't 100% correct about widespread voter fraud.

* Accept the fact that Donald Trump's financial and tax records prove your golden boy in the White House is not the successful multi billionaire businessman he claims to be

* Accept the fact that Liberals and Conservatives make up about equal numbers in America, and working together will accomplish far more than working against each other.

* Accept the fact that harping on the misdeeds of Hunter Biden is not going to change the mountain of legal and financial woes Donald Trump faces when he leaves the White House.

* Accept the fact that the Trump administration has had more staff members convicted and jailed than any other.

* Accept the fact that if someone named Obama or Clinton had walked on to a convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, and had jumped into bed with multiple Playboy playmates', the "fair and balanced" evangelical folks at FOX news wouldn't be discussing sensitivity to human frailties or God's forgiveness.

* Accept the fact that being polite in the face of victory as well as defeat is a smart idea, and that good manners never go out of style. :bye1:

Trump supporters: Remember 2017? You had so much fun rubbing Trump's win in the faces of the Liberals. All those little Yoda photos, with your snarky little messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches" seem like long ago, do they not? Though I'm a Liberal, I don't believe in doing that sort of thing, but it's time for you folks on the Trump side to face some hard facts:

* Accept the fact that Conservative judges, even those nominated by Donald Trump have rejected all of Trump's claims and evidence of a "rigged election" Multiple recounts and audits prove this election count was accurate as any other.

* Accept the fact that "The Donald" wasn't 100% correct about widespread voter fraud.

* Accept the fact that Donald Trump's financial and tax records prove your golden boy in the White House is not the successful multi billionaire businessman he claims to be

* Accept the fact that Liberals and Conservatives make up about equal numbers in America, and working together will accomplish far more than working against each other.

* Accept the fact that harping on the misdeeds of Hunter Biden is not going to change the mountain of legal and financial woes Donald Trump faces when he leaves the White House.

* Accept the fact that the Trump administration has had more staff members convicted and jailed than any other.

* Accept the fact that if someone named Obama or Clinton had walked on to a convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, and had jumped into bed with multiple Playboy playmates', the "fair and balanced" evangelical folks at FOX news wouldn't be discussing sensitivity to human frailties or God's forgiveness.

* Accept the fact that being polite in the face of victory as well as defeat is a smart idea, and that good manners never go out of style. :bye1:


....and then at 3AM on Election Eve, the Vote Fairy came and dropped millions of Biden votes into the Swing States! So, that's how, with the help of the CCP and Venezuelan voting machines, we were able to finally end the American Experiment
The only, ONLY facts accepted by the RWNJs are the alternative facts they hear from FOX Noise and the like.

Truth is an unknown among the RWNJs, their brains have been polluted by so many lies from their cheeto-in-chief. And, the RWNJs much prefer the impeached president trump's comforting lies to the reality of their own flawed lives. His lies permit them to blame others for... everything.

Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
You can say it's over. It's not over. It wasn't over in 2016. This is the same fight. The war isn't over because a single battle was lost.
Yes, the supporters of Trump should not get mad.

They should peacefully & lawfully plan how to counter any dangerous moves of the new administration.

Because of many factors (including a dizzying demographic change), the United States of America is truly becoming two nations in spirit. Simplistically, there are the cities & there is the rest of the country.

By the end of the century, people will not recognize this nation. Perhaps it will no longer exist as one entity.

For the time being, the so-called "liberals" will be in charge, and then all bets are off.

As this COVID-19 tragedy shows us, FATE often surprises it with its decisions.

It could even be that the Dems will regret that they (supposedly) won in 2020.
Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
You can say it's over. It's not over. It wasn't over in 2016. This is the same fight. The war isn't over because a single battle was lost.
Then tell us o'wise one. How can Trump remain in power. ?What legal recourse remains for him?
Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
You can say it's over. It's not over. It wasn't over in 2016. This is the same fight. The war isn't over because a single battle was lost.
Then tell us o'wise one. How can Trump remain in power. ?What legal recourse remains for him?

It's not over.
Trump supporters: Remember 2017? You had so much fun rubbing Trump's win in the faces of the Liberals. All those little Yoda photos, with your snarky little messages about "butthurt" and "crying like bitches" seem like long ago, do they not? Though I'm a Liberal, I don't believe in doing that sort of thing, but it's time for you folks on the Trump side to face some hard facts:

* Accept the fact that Conservative judges, even those nominated by Donald Trump have rejected all of Trump's claims and evidence of a "rigged election" Multiple recounts and audits prove this election count was accurate as any other.

* Accept the fact that "The Donald" wasn't 100% correct about widespread voter fraud.

* Accept the fact that Donald Trump's financial and tax records prove your golden boy in the White House is not the successful multi billionaire businessman he claims to be

* Accept the fact that Liberals and Conservatives make up about equal numbers in America, and working together will accomplish far more than working against each other.

* Accept the fact that harping on the misdeeds of Hunter Biden is not going to change the mountain of legal and financial woes Donald Trump faces when he leaves the White House.

* Accept the fact that the Trump administration has had more staff members convicted and jailed than any other.

* Accept the fact that if someone named Obama or Clinton had walked on to a convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, and had jumped into bed with multiple Playboy playmates', the "fair and balanced" evangelical folks at FOX news wouldn't be discussing sensitivity to human frailties or God's forgiveness.

* Accept the fact that being polite in the face of victory as well as defeat is a smart idea, and that good manners never go out of style. :bye1:

If you voted for the dementia ridden pedo you probably need to re-evaluate yourself
Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
You can say it's over. It's not over. It wasn't over in 2016. This is the same fight. The war isn't over because a single battle was lost.
Then tell us o'wise one. How can Trump remain in power. ?What legal recourse remains for him?

It's not over.

This is a lot of hot air from Newsmax. Those states have all been certified and we are past the safe harbor day which is thge deadkine for challenges

Trump looks past Supreme Court loss to new election lawsuit - ABC News (

In court filings, lawyers for Pennsylvania and Wolf, said the suit’s claims were “fundamentally frivolous” and its request “one of the most dramatic, disruptive invocations of judicial power in the history of the Republic.”

“No court has ever issued an order nullifying a governor’s certification of presidential election results,” they wrote.
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Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
You can say it's over. It's not over. It wasn'tTrump over in 2016. This is the same fight. The war isn't over because a single battle was lost.
Then tell us o'wise one. How can Trump remain in power. ?What legal recourse remains for him?
Trump remaining in power isn't the war. Not any more than his election won anything. Getting the election stolen is a skirmish.
Republicans needs to back off, the courts have made their decisions, it is time to go on...... peacefully.

In two days the states will complete the certification process, Congress on January 6 will do their part to declare a winner, which is currently Joseph Biden, President elect.

The Supreme Court, right or wrong made their decision, a 9-0 decision that there was no merit to the lawsuit, it is OVER!
You can say it's over. It's not over. It wasn't over in 2016. This is the same fight. The war isn't over because a single battle was lost.
Then tell us o'wise one. How can Trump remain in power. ?What legal recourse remains for him?

It's not over.

This is a lot of hot air from Newsmax. Those states have all been certified and we are past the safe harbor day which is thge deadkine for challenges

Trump looks past Supreme Court loss to new election lawsuit - ABC News (

In court filings, lawyers for Pennsylvania and Wolf, said the suit’s claims were “fundamentally frivolous” and its request “one of the most dramatic, disruptive invocations of judicial power in the history of the Republic.”

“No court has ever issued an order nullifying a governor’s certification of presidential election results,” they wrote.

Why? Because you say so?

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