Trump Supporters ONLY I Need Your Help

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D
Not a Trumpster, but I don't hate him either.

The Mike Lindell claim that he's going to get USSC to void the election and install Trump, is the longest longshot in the history of longshots.....There's neither precedent, nor constitutional mechanism for such a thing.

Also, I'll lay odds that the USSC refuses to hear the case, for one or more of the well-worn lame reasons used by other courts to refuse to look at the evidence....They'll basically say "game over, case closed", even if enough states decertify their results to the point that Joe Stealin' no longer has 270 legit electors.
Rumors only I think...we never know where rumors come from...whether they come from legit pro Trump sources or from the office of Pelosi....Trump won in a landslide and nothing will change that fact...more and more Americans now admit something very rotten happened on election night....
Rumors only I think...we never know where rumors come from...whether they come from legit pro Trump sources or from the office of Pelosi....Trump won in a landslide and nothing will change that fact...more and more Americans now admit something very rotten happened on election night....
Rumors only I think...we never know where rumors come from...

Mike Lindell is pumping that narrative....He claims to have packet captures which prove the Chinese injected votes into the system, over the internet that the moonbat liars swear up and down that the voting machines weren't connected to.
Rumors only I think...we never know where rumors come from...whether they come from legit pro Trump sources or from the office of Pelosi....Trump won in a landslide and nothing will change that fact...more and more Americans now admit something very rotten happened on election night....
Rumors only I think...we never know where rumors come from...

Mike Lindell is pumping that narrative....He claims to have packet captures which prove the Chinese injected votes into the system, over the internet that the moonbat liars swear up and down that the voting machines weren't connected to.
Lefties will cause mass rioting if Trump gets re-instated. Judges who side with Trump will get canceled by the Democrat controlled media, their families and homes will be threatened, etc. We are facing no less than an attempt to take over America by force. Soros money is a big driver through his many radical, but nicely named, foundations that funnel money to Marxist candidates, causes and political appointments. We are losing our country to leftist-Marxists who have infiltrated the Democrat party and the main stream media.
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Not a Trumpster, but I don't hate him either.

The Mike Lindell claim that he's going to get USSC to void the election and install Trump, is the longest longshot in the history of longshots.....There's neither precedent, nor constitutional mechanism for such a thing.

Also, I'll lay odds that the USSC refuses to hear the case, for one or more of the well-worn lame reasons used by other courts to refuse to look at the evidence....They'll basically say "game over, case closed", even if enough states decertify their results to the point that Joe Stealin' no longer has 270 legit electors.
I agree.

The USSC has already let the American people down by not hearing it the first time.

No Court or Politician will be able to stop these Leftist.

They will have to be stopped the same way they have always been stopped throughout history.
Not a Trumpster, but I don't hate him either.

The Mike Lindell claim that he's going to get USSC to void the election and install Trump, is the longest longshot in the history of longshots.....There's neither precedent, nor constitutional mechanism for such a thing.

Also, I'll lay odds that the USSC refuses to hear the case, for one or more of the well-worn lame reasons used by other courts to refuse to look at the evidence....They'll basically say "game over, case closed", even if enough states decertify their results to the point that Joe Stealin' no longer has 270 legit electors.
I agree.

The USSC has already let the American people down by not hearing it the first time.

No Court or Politician will be able to stop these Leftist.

They will have to be stopped the same way they have always been stopped throughout history.
They will have to be stopped the same way they have always been stopped throughout history.

If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D

There are no constitutional provisions for do overs once the EC has voted. You're energy would be better spent on unseating the commies in congress next year.

I agree.

The USSC has already let the American people down by not hearing it the first time.

No Court or Politician will be able to stop these Leftist.

They will have to be stopped the same way they have always been stopped throughout history.
Yes, and we can only hope to stop them before they start doing what they always do, slaughter innocent people.
There are no constitutional provisions for do overs once the EC has voted. You're energy would be better spent on unseating the commies in congress next year.
I agree however, keeping up the pressure on these Democrat demagogues might be a good idea. Keep taking them down whenever and wherever possible and keep pointing out their fake garbage will help in 2022.

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