Trump Supporters: Please read this

So how many real conversations have you had with liberals in the last-------forever? If that is what right wing talking heads are telling you, then they are lying to you again.

Believe me, I've tried. For years. But the left doesn't listen, you refuse to listen.
Just because we don't go around bitching about him all the time doesn't mean we're blind to his faults.

Really, because when I see you guys rip into John McCain for what wasn't even a mild criticism, I have to wonder.

I think a lot of you have drank the Koolaid.
If Johnny McShame had criticized your Messiah, you would have had a shit.

Do you ever tire of being a hypocrite?
I liked Obama. At first. I was eager to believe his bullshit. Then, I woke up by his second term.
Y'all could at least give the same consideration for Trump.

Yes. I could tell that Obama as going to get a fair judgement by the right when they had that meeting on the night of his inauguration and decided they would oppose his every step, no matter if it helped or hurt the country. I certainly believe Trump deserves at least equal consideration.

McConnell made his remarks in an interview that appeared in the National Journal on Oct. 23, 2010 — nearly two years after Obama was elected president. The interview took place on the eve the of the midterm elections.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
I liked Obama. At first. I was eager to believe his bullshit. Then, I woke up by his second term.
Y'all could at least give the same consideration for Trump.

Yes. I could tell that Obama as going to get a fair judgement by the right when they had that meeting on the night of his inauguration and decided they would oppose his every step, no matter if it helped or hurt the country. I certainly believe Trump deserves at least equal consideration.

McConnell made his remarks in an interview that appeared in the National Journal on Oct. 23, 2010 — nearly two years after Obama was elected president. The interview took place on the eve the of the midterm elections.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Yes McConnell was just renewing the pledge he made on Obama's inauguration night when Republicans met and agreed to oppose Obama at every step, 2 years earlier.
Just because we don't go around bitching about him all the time doesn't mean we're blind to his faults.
The more the masses bitch, the more I want Trump to prove them wrong.
Its getting ridiculous. He is our POTUS, like it or not. Instead of fighting him, support him. He may be a lot of things, but one thing I know for sure he is...American. He loves this country. So knock it off with the bullshit.
I said almost the exact same thing. In 2008. But I hated some of his policies.
Trump Supporters: You folks seem to be honest, hard working people who want to make America a better place for all of our citizens, and I sincerely thank you for this, but there are a few things you need to come to grips with:

* President Trump may indeed be working with good intentions to fulfill his campaign promises, but he's not taken the time to understand the nuts and bolts of how our legislative process works, and how to move his agenda through Congress. This has cost him time, and political capital. 2 things he cannot afford to lose. Worse, he's been unwilling to change once he discovered his methods are not bearing fruit, choosing instead to lash out in anger at others.

* The framers of our constitution did not design the executive branch of our Federal Government to function like a Manhattan Real Estate company, and try as he might, all the gerrymandering on earth by Mr. President won't change this. President Trump needs to adapt to our 240 year old system of's not going to adapt to him.

* 7 months into his administration President Trump, to his credit, has now surrounded himself with some pretty smart generals who have brought some badly needed order to a chaotic White House, but he needs to learn to work in the structured way they've now created, knock off the tweeting, and realize he still has a lot to learn if he is going to be successful in his job.

* Frankly, I think President Trump is an honorable guy, who sincerely means well in what he is doing, but unless he accepts the fact Congress and the Judiciary are co equal branches of our government and not his subordinates, he'll continue to get nowhere with his agenda.

Trump Supporters: I am not writing this to degrade you folks or President Trump, and I hope you are open minded enough to see some grains of truth in what I've written here. It's true that the Liberals and the RINO republicans have tried to derail President Trump's agenda, but it is also true that at least some of President Trump's problems are self inflicted....

So that's it? Race war and Russia ain't working so now you beg?
Give him his due. Blocking Garland was a strategic masterstroke! America wins!

McConnell will always have the legacy of being the scum bag of the senate....His decision will come back to bite the GOP in the ass...

BTW, how do you interpret a "win", when all you right wingers have done is to replace the Scalia fascist with a lesser conservative in Gorsuch???
I have never claimed Trump doesn't create some of his problems he does but that doesn't change the fact he has a political establishment both Democrtas and Republicans and an increasingly dishonest media working against him at very turn.
President Trump goes to work each day, the do nothing congress not so much. Your issue is with the GOP establishment not president Trump. Look when those lying assholes in the GOP campaigned on getting rid of Obamacare for 6 damn years then when they have complete control of congress and Trump ready to sign the repeal they FAIL to get it done, that's on them not Trump.
I have never claimed Trump doesn't create some of his problems he does but that doesn't change the fact he has a political establishment both Democrtas and Republicans and an increasingly dishonest media working against him at very turn.

You are 100% WRONG.........Trump is a charlatan and his demise is by his own failings.....

He stated "repeal and replace the ACA on the first day in office.....AND you morons thought he had a plan all written out to be passed in congress and for him to sign....HE DID NOT !!!

He stated that he had a plan to defeat ISIS because he knew more than the generals.....HE IS FULL OF SHIT.

He stated that a wall would be built and Mexico would pay for it....Again, HE WAS FULL OF SHIT..

There are many more examples but the FAILURES of Trump are not due to a "dishonest media" but Trump's own demagoguery.....promises that he NEVER knew how to fulfill..
Give him his due. Blocking Garland was a strategic masterstroke! America wins!

McConnell will always have the legacy of being the scum bag of the senate....His decision will come back to bite the GOP in the ass...

BTW, how do you interpret a "win", when all you right wingers have done is to replace the Scalia fascist with a lesser conservative in Gorsuch???
I defer to you on ass pain. If and when I feel it, I'll consult. Meanwhile, Trump's president, Gorsuch is going to be around for a long time, Ginsberg is a corpse and Kennedy is retiring. Your ass pain, from being bitten (and such :)) is going to haunt you the rest of your dark days.

Learn to live with it
I defer to you on ass pain. If and when I feel it, I'll consult. Meanwhile, Trump's president, Gorsuch is going to be around for a long time, Ginsberg is a corpse and Kennedy is retiring. Your ass pain, from being bitten (and such :)) is going to haunt you the rest of your dark days.

Learn to live with it

Do you DEFLECT much from what I wrote, moron??? (what an :asshole: LOL)

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