Trump Supporters, the vile grotesque underbelly of America

o good i am a lazy moocher.....why shouldnt we have what all other non 3rd world countries have? i would rather have free education and health care than new bombers

But think about all the children of the workers who build the bombers who would be thrown onto the moocher bread-line......think of the children!
Yeah, let's elect a second consecutive loser who never had a real job in his life and has no real world experinece
FACT: your "facts" are a huge load of :bsflag:

Prove it.

You can't.

You fail.

You may suck when ready, freddie.

So you post up a bunch of opinions as fact and then demand proof from others...
You progressives are laughable.

All of mine are facts on record.

you can't deny them.

You fail.

You will continue to fail.

Trump = Failure.

What record would that be?
And no the shoe box under the daybed in your moms basement doesnt count.

Turn off Fox News and buy a newspaper or read a book.

Get educated and then get back to me.

Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?

What a load or horsehit. Numbnuts must sell it by the pound. What a moron. LOL

It's a amazing to watch the typical trump supporter reacting to reality...
to facts...
to the notion that they've been lied to...

It must suck to find out you've been duped.

But it's not too late. November is months away.

Get a real candidate worthy of the office and we'll give him or her a look.

I'm not hot for Hillary or the Bern.

Give me McCain with out that dumb VP bitch from Alaska and I'd be up for that.

What about the Gov from Ohio. Shit, the guy's a winner and you Tea Bagger can't see it.

I know you're disappointed that your first choice of Chairman Mao is unavailable,but you're just going to have to pick from one of the two fascist geriatric freaks that are running.
Fact...If you were or are a contractor, Illegals have and are ruining you financially.


That is false.

Many small contractors use illegals for cheap labor, especially for demo jobs.

But illegals are not hurting contractors overall. There is not real evidence to back that up.

And please spare us the anecdotal evidence about your "friend" who says he got out bid for a job or whatever. Every time I hear that I wonder if the guy just had a bad reputation for taking jobs and then not finishing on time as many contractors do.

So contractors can get cheap labor. Lots of other costs involved since the cheap labor comes with other costs. The cheap labor illegals use the E.R's for health care for one. And most of the time they can't possibly pay the bills, either.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?

He certain has you Left Wingers on the defense though, hasn't he? LOL!! Desperate any?
FACT: your "facts" are a huge load of :bsflag:

Prove it.

You can't.

You fail.

You may suck when ready, freddie.

So you post up a bunch of opinions as fact and then demand proof from others...
You progressives are laughable.

All of mine are facts on record.

you can't deny them.

You fail.

You will continue to fail.

Trump = Failure.

What record would that be?
And no the shoe box under the daybed in your moms basement doesnt count.

Turn off Fox News and buy a newspaper or read a book.

Get educated and then get back to me.


So you're saying you dont have the records...
Oh...and when are you guys going to come up with something besides besides fox and bush?
You need to get with the times,bush is no longer president and fox news is going the way of the RINO.
Do try and keep up.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?
Fact: Hazlnut does not know what a fact is.

Fact: If nothing strange or threatening is happening on the block where Hazlnut lives, then nothing strange or threatening is happening anywhere else.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?
Fact: Hazlnut does not know what a fact is.

Fact: If nothing strange or threatening is happening on the block where Hazlnut lives, then nothing strange or threatening is happening anywhere else.

halznuts only knows what facts he is told to be facts regardless of what the facts are
Fact...If you were or are a contractor, Illegals have and are ruining you financially.


That is false.

Many small contractors use illegals for cheap labor, especially for demo jobs.

But illegals are not hurting contractors overall. There is not real evidence to back that up.

And please spare us the anecdotal evidence about your "friend" who says he got out bid for a job or whatever. Every time I hear that I wonder if the guy just had a bad reputation for taking jobs and then not finishing on time as many contractors do.
Reminds me of two reports I heard on NPR. The first pointed out how there were 10 to 15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot in Texas looking for day work. The second mentioned how construction job pay had plummeted in Texas. The reason wages were going down? Well there were more mexicans working so of course it's racism.

I'm in Ohio and you can't find an american doing drywall. None. All Mexicans $10 under the table. I know men that raised families on those jobs. Not any more.
Fact...If you were or are a contractor, Illegals have and are ruining you financially.


That is false.

Many small contractors use illegals for cheap labor, especially for demo jobs.

But illegals are not hurting contractors overall. There is not real evidence to back that up.

And please spare us the anecdotal evidence about your "friend" who says he got out bid for a job or whatever. Every time I hear that I wonder if the guy just had a bad reputation for taking jobs and then not finishing on time as many contractors do.
Reminds me of two reports I heard on NPR. The first pointed out how there were 10 to 15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot in Texas looking for day work. The second mentioned how construction job pay had plummeted in Texas. The reason wages were going down? Well there were more mexicans working so of course it's racism.

I'm in Ohio and you can't find an american doing drywall. None. All Mexicans $10 under the table. I know men that raised families on those jobs. Not any more.

People better get it through their heads that we're being sold down the river by the establishment politicians from both sides.

Time for new blood.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?
Fact: Hazlnut does not know what a fact is.

Fact: If nothing strange or threatening is happening on the block where Hazlnut lives, then nothing strange or threatening is happening anywhere else.

halznuts only knows what facts he is told to be facts regardless of what the facts are

Everything I said you've been told before and seen before in other posts.

Mexican immigrants are not a threat to American jobs. FACT.

You've been told this and shown this many, many times.

You choose to ignore it and hold onto your fears.

Sharia Law is not going to take over the U.S. I don't know how to prove this just as I don't know how to prove to you Hogwarts Rules are not taking over your school.

The 2nd Amendment is not threatened. I offer up Heller. The system of checks and balances works. Any gun reg that over reaches eventually gets overturned.

Keep in mind what Scalia wrote in the Heller opinion:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

That's Scalia. The conservative. Ultra-Conservative. He said that. Not me.

Special Interests and Lobbyist and Money controls Washington DC. It's a power thug-o-war that cares little for the middle class. Donald Trump is not the solution. I'm not sure Hilary is either. But I believe you're better off punting on fourth down.

If Kasich makes it to my state's primary, I'll throw him a vote as long as he promises not to pick someone like Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?
Fact: Hazlnut does not know what a fact is.

Fact: If nothing strange or threatening is happening on the block where Hazlnut lives, then nothing strange or threatening is happening anywhere else.

halznuts only knows what facts he is told to be facts regardless of what the facts are

Everything I said you've been told before and seen before in other posts.

Mexican immigrants are not a threat to American jobs. FACT.

You've been told this and shown this many, many times.

You choose to ignore it and hold onto your fears.

Sharia Law is not going to take over the U.S. I don't know how to prove this just as I don't know how to prove to you Hogwarts Rules are not taking over your school.

The 2nd Amendment is not threatened. I offer up Heller. The system of checks and balances works. Any gun reg that over reaches eventually gets overturned.

Keep in mind what Scalia wrote in the Heller opinion:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

That's Scalia. The conservative. Ultra-Conservative. He said that. Not me.

Special Interests and Lobbyist and Money controls Washington DC. It's a power thug-o-war that cares little for the middle class. Donald Trump is not the solution. I'm not sure Hilary is either. But I believe you're better off punting on fourth down.

If Kasich makes it to my state's primary, I'll throw him a vote as long as he promises not to pick someone like Sarah Palin as his running mate.

you are simply full of shit racist
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?
Fact: Hazlnut does not know what a fact is.

Fact: If nothing strange or threatening is happening on the block where Hazlnut lives, then nothing strange or threatening is happening anywhere else.

halznuts only knows what facts he is told to be facts regardless of what the facts are

Everything I said you've been told before and seen before in other posts.

Mexican immigrants are not a threat to American jobs. FACT.

You've been told this and shown this many, many times.

You choose to ignore it and hold onto your fears.

Sharia Law is not going to take over the U.S. I don't know how to prove this just as I don't know how to prove to you Hogwarts Rules are not taking over your school.

The 2nd Amendment is not threatened. I offer up Heller. The system of checks and balances works. Any gun reg that over reaches eventually gets overturned.

Keep in mind what Scalia wrote in the Heller opinion:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

That's Scalia. The conservative. Ultra-Conservative. He said that. Not me.

Special Interests and Lobbyist and Money controls Washington DC. It's a power thug-o-war that cares little for the middle class. Donald Trump is not the solution. I'm not sure Hilary is either. But I believe you're better off punting on fourth down.

If Kasich makes it to my state's primary, I'll throw him a vote as long as he promises not to pick someone like Sarah Palin as his running mate.

you are simply full of shit racist

Can you be more specific, which of my views represent a hatred based on skin color?

I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?
Fact: Hazlnut does not know what a fact is.

Fact: If nothing strange or threatening is happening on the block where Hazlnut lives, then nothing strange or threatening is happening anywhere else.

halznuts only knows what facts he is told to be facts regardless of what the facts are

Everything I said you've been told before and seen before in other posts.

Mexican immigrants are not a threat to American jobs. FACT.

You've been told this and shown this many, many times.

You choose to ignore it and hold onto your fears.

Sharia Law is not going to take over the U.S. I don't know how to prove this just as I don't know how to prove to you Hogwarts Rules are not taking over your school.

The 2nd Amendment is not threatened. I offer up Heller. The system of checks and balances works. Any gun reg that over reaches eventually gets overturned.

Keep in mind what Scalia wrote in the Heller opinion:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

That's Scalia. The conservative. Ultra-Conservative. He said that. Not me.

Special Interests and Lobbyist and Money controls Washington DC. It's a power thug-o-war that cares little for the middle class. Donald Trump is not the solution. I'm not sure Hilary is either. But I believe you're better off punting on fourth down.

If Kasich makes it to my state's primary, I'll throw him a vote as long as he promises not to pick someone like Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Funny...I watched the percentage of mexicans in machine shops go from maybe 5% to around 80% in a twenty five year span.
And wages have been stagnant ever since.
You truly are a useful idiot.
Fact...If you were or are a contractor, Illegals have and are ruining you financially.


That is false.

Many small contractors use illegals for cheap labor, especially for demo jobs.

But illegals are not hurting contractors overall. There is not real evidence to back that up.

And please spare us the anecdotal evidence about your "friend" who says he got out bid for a job or whatever. Every time I hear that I wonder if the guy just had a bad reputation for taking jobs and then not finishing on time as many contractors do.
Reminds me of two reports I heard on NPR. The first pointed out how there were 10 to 15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot in Texas looking for day work. The second mentioned how construction job pay had plummeted in Texas. The reason wages were going down? Well there were more mexicans working so of course it's racism.

I'm in Ohio and you can't find an american doing drywall. None. All Mexicans $10 under the table. I know men that raised families on those jobs. Not any more.

People better get it through their heads that we're being sold down the river by the establishment politicians from both sides.

Time for new blood.

I agree with new blood.

But the problem in DC is systemic, and the full scale enema of the system has to start with the largest body, congress.

The Tea Party movement funded by the Koch bros and others threw out a lot of smart pragmatic people (GOP and DEM) and replaced them with inexperienced and easily manipulated ideologues. Dentists and Chiropractors are now policy makers. People who never practiced law or even understand basic civics.
Trump's lead in South Carolina says more about that state than Trump himself.

He is a modern day George Wallace appealing to the fearful bigots and xenophobes.

Fact. Illegal immigration is not "threatening" America. Yet trump supporters and tea folks are convinced we are under some sort of threat from Mexico...

Fact: The 2nd Amendment it not under attack or threat. -- It is very safe. In fact, you know who else is safe, Badger Firearms and other retailers around the U.S. who have knowingly sold guns to straw purchasers and smugglers who travel guns across state lines to the inner cities for sale on the black market -- they are protected by backwards state laws. The ATF can not go after these stores or shut them down or expose them because it's illegal to release gun crime tracking stats.

Fact: Sharia laws is not coming to town. That talking point is just downright retarded.

Fact: Washington DC is screwed up and the monied interests do control out country. But electing a blowhard billionaire who only wants to end the death tax so his own children will benefit is not going to solve the problem not pay down the debt.

Fact: Donald Trump is not bright or smart or a great businessman. He is a great promoter and he has smart people working for him. However, when he speaks about the markets and the economy it's obvious he's talking out of his ass. 45% Tariffs...? WTF?

What a load or horsehit. Numbnuts must sell it by the pound. What a moron. LOL

It's a amazing to watch the typical trump supporter reacting to reality...
to facts...
to the notion that they've been lied to...

It must suck to find out you've been duped.

But it's not too late. November is months away.

Get a real candidate worthy of the office and we'll give him or her a look.

I'm not hot for Hillary or the Bern.

Give me McCain with out that dumb VP bitch from Alaska and I'd be up for that.

What about the Gov from Ohio. Shit, the guy's a winner and you Tea Bagger can't see it.

Who says I' a Trump supporter? You??

I could go for Kasich no problem. and that dumb bitch from Alaska would be a better POTUS than the current douchebag in office.

Nothing dumb about her and the fact that you think there is shows what a moron you are.
I'm proud to be xenophobic, racist, fascist, white (that is now an insult thanks to white shaming), or capitalist because it pisses the left off. I can say the word ****** and not one black person will ever get upset as much as a 'liberal' would. I can call OBama a ****** and the left will be more upset than Obama would be. I'm going to say two words that we are no longer allowed to say in this country.
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Forum List
