Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

The cultists keep trying to avoid the FACT that Trump's people were PLEADING with him, because they KNEW what was happening and why, and he CHOSE to do NOTHING.

Sadly, I think it is less to do with Trump and more top do with a general, literal, dumbing down of America and the world.

Yes. I've said it a million times -- this isn't about him. It never has been.

This is a cultural/sociological issue, and it ain't good.

View attachment 677199
"I’m going to surround myself with only the best and
most serious people!
We want top of the line professionals!"...
“Bill Barr is a man of unbelievable credibility and courage
and he’s going to go down on the history books!”


Almost two full years have gone by and Trump still lives in your head rent free...... :happy-1:
The first time I saw him say, "the only way I lose is if the election is rigged", I had a weird sense of foreboding.

But no way did I think it could turn into this. An absolute travesty. The deconstruction of our electoral system. Steve Bannon is getting his way, with big help from the rubes he and others have been manipulating.
so he was right. good foresight.
Yes. I've said it a million times -- this isn't about him. It never has been.

This is a cultural/sociological issue, and it ain't good.
yet you can't stop typing TRUMP!!!!!!!! you're confused as usual.
The first time I saw him say, "the only way I lose is if the election is rigged", I had a weird sense of foreboding.

But no way did I think it could turn into this. An absolute travesty. The deconstruction of our electoral system. Steve Bannon is getting his way, with big help from the rubes he and others have been manipulating.
The first time I saw his words, "One must be able to lose with dignity. So true!", I realized that he doesn't even listen to himself. So, why should anyone else?
The first time I saw his words, "One must be able to lose with dignity. So true!", I realized that he doesn't even listen to himself. So, why should anyone else?
Almost half the country, and you! How else would you know what he says? Truly amazing you say fk you to so many people you don’t know
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

Fully justified. It was the only thing he could do. The Mayor of D.C. told him in no uncertain terms that he did not have the authority to call out the National Guard without a specific request from her.

General Milly, in an act that ended 233 years of constitutional presidential authority, as Commander in Chief, over the United States military, said he would refuse and the military would not be used in Washington D.C.

Trump had, more than once, offered the use of the National Guard to the Capitol Police and they, more than once, explicitly refused that help.

So now tell me what Trump was supposed to do. He'd been very plainly told that he had no authority to do anything.

Are you really going to suggest that a public call on Television for the rioters to go home was going to get people engaged in a riot, not sitting at home watching TV, to go home? How was that going to work when the rioters have no TV to see the message?
Fully justified. It was the only thing he could do. The Mayor of D.C. told him in no uncertain terms that he did not have the authority to call out the National Guard without a specific request from her.

General Milly, in an act that ended 233 years of constitutional presidential authority, as Commander in Chief, over the United States military, said he would refuse and the military would not be used in Washington D.C.

Trump had, more than once, offered the use of the National Guard to the Capitol Police and they, more than once, explicitly refused that help.

So now tell me what Trump was supposed to do. He'd been very plainly told that he had no authority to do anything.

Are you really going to suggest that a public call on Television for the rioters to go home was going to get people engaged in a riot, not sitting at home watching TV, to go home? How was that going to work when the rioters have no TV to see the message?
Okay, got it.

Regarding "what Trump was supposed to do", I guess you'd have to ask his staff, his attorneys, his political allies, his media allies and his family members, ALL of whom were PLEADING with him to stop the attack.

Obviously they knew something you don't.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

This ended as a serious topic when you denied Trump a defense. Go fuck yourself, racist
Fully justified. It was the only thing he could do. The Mayor of D.C. told him in no uncertain terms that he did not have the authority to call out the National Guard without a specific request from her.

General Milly, in an act that ended 233 years of constitutional presidential authority, as Commander in Chief, over the United States military, said he would refuse and the military would not be used in Washington D.C.

Trump had, more than once, offered the use of the National Guard to the Capitol Police and they, more than once, explicitly refused that help.

So now tell me what Trump was supposed to do. He'd been very plainly told that he had no authority to do anything.

Are you really going to suggest that a public call on Television for the rioters to go home was going to get people engaged in a riot, not sitting at home watching TV, to go home? How was that going to work when the rioters have no TV to see the message?
He hasn’t answered my question either
Okay, got it.

Regarding "what Trump was supposed to do", I guess you'd have to ask his staff, his attorneys, his political allies, his media allies and his family members, ALL of whom were PLEADING with him to stop the attack.

Obviously they knew something you don't.
What was it, you are implying you know
Ok. Well I would need supporting evidence to believe that one.

I suspect that he was promoting the behavior of peaceful protestors, not violent rioters.
Wrong. The riots were occurring at the time of the conference and they had turned violent by this time. The violence happening there was the reason the reporter asked the question in the first place. But Obama chose to answer the question as if the reporter merely asked about protests and demonstrations.

His response angered me precisely because there was violence. If there hadn't been violence, there would have been no reason for me to get angry about it. It also angered me because no one in the Democrat leadership at the time offered any solution to stop the violence, just as they did later in 2020.
I'm not asking why he didn't go. I know they wouldn't LET HIM. I'm asking why HE CHOSE NOT TO STOP IT.

So YOU could ask those who were PLEADING WITH HIM:

Trump's lawyers, Trump's staff, Trump's political allies, Trump's media allies, and Trump's family, ALL of whom know him and the situation FAR better than YOU, Trumpster. And THEY were PLEADING with him, because THEY KNEW.

Mac1958: Doing the Biden cult's bidding for two years running.
Yes. I've said it a million times -- this isn't about him. It never has been.

This is a cultural/sociological issue, and it ain't good.

You may as well just call Trump "Daddy". It's obvious to everyone.
Wrong. The riots were occurring at the time of the conference and they had turned violent by this time. The violence happening there was the reason the reporter asked the question in the first place. But Obama chose to answer the question as if the reporter merely asked about protests and demonstrations.

His response angered me precisely because there was violence. If there hadn't been violence, there would have been no reason for me to get angry about it. It also angered me because no one in the Democrat leadership at the time offered any solution to stop the violence, just as they did later in 2020.
You said that already. You also admitted that you don’t have a link to support this claim.

As I already explained, I’m not going to believe this claim of yours without evidence.
Okay, got it.

Regarding "what Trump was supposed to do", I guess you'd have to ask his staff, his attorneys, his political allies, his media allies and his family members, ALL of whom were PLEADING with him to stop the attack.

Obviously they knew something you don't.

Trump was not in charge of the attack. It was retarded to ask him to call it off.
Do you have memory issues?
I believe you said you highly doubt that he’s with the FBI. Then you made a distinction about what I meant by with. I said with as in working for. Then you refused to answer whether you think he’s working for the FBI.

Something like that.

You know you have a weak argument when you can’t even answer a simple question regarding what your position is.
not exactly----she was having fantasies about uhm BEING RAPED

well-----lets face it-----a USA presidential election is a matter of choosing...... the lesser flawed of the two flawed

Wrong. Even in 2016 people might have thought that because Trump was untested, unproven, and did have a liberal tilt to his history. But by 2020 there was no choice of lesser evils. There was Trump, who had done an amazingly great job under circumstances no other man could have withstood. 2020 was the first election in 40 years that was about Good (Trump) versus true evil (The puppeteers behind the facade that is Biden).

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