Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

You mentioned "compliance" before, and I explained how that was not the issue.
What you just did there was brazen lie about what I have been saying for quite some time.
It is quite rude of you to pretend to engage in conversation and completely misrepresent what I have said.
You are a fucking asshole.
Your pretense that being an asshole online and not face to face, is some how not important, raises the question of why you do it, if it is of no import.
Actually, it shows that your position on that is self serving nonsense.
Fuck you.

Has anyone seen Correll's spittle bucket? :cool-45:...

YOur pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.

In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
Has anyone seen Correll's spittle bucket? :cool-45:...

YOur pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.

In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Sad. this kind of anger over anonymous message boards........such is the importance of life it would appear.

Says the man who spends his time not discussing shit on a discussion forum.
I find "not discussing shit" to be a good thing. You don't agree?

I've made my position very clear.

But by asking a stupid question, you get to make another post, continue to be an ass, and still not address ANYTHING relevant.

Which seems to be your primary goal.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.

Dear Correll, now I see you are applying "process of elimination"
to justify rejecting both bodecea and DrLove

Isn't the message you are sending
to reject people upon detection of conflict,
rather than taking time to resolve the problems constructively?
DESPITE problems with communication.

Is this the pattern of response to conflict that you want to promote?
To answer conflict with rejection?

On the other hand, if you prefer that liberals stop this rejection game,
and start listening to where opponents are coming from
DESPITE problems with communication,
wouldn't you want conservatives also to stop mutual rejection,
and seek to address and solve the real problems.

I SAW that you tried to address bodecea
I agree with that approach
But then the post went the other direction with
namecalling and FU asshole.

does this mean bodecea is borderline?
which way do you want it to go, mutual rejection
or mutual acceptance of differences and agreement
to focus on what you can talk about changing.

Whatever you set your goals on, I'm sure you will achieve.
Which way do you want it?

There is not a problem with communication here.

They are refusing to communicate and are doing nothing but attempting propaganda though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Allowing their lies to pass unchallenged is letting them define reality for the masses.

My hope is that constantly and repeatedly rubbing the Truth in their faces is causing some Cognitive Dissonance in their little minds and will, over time, cause some feeling of shame or learning.
We all communicate all the time...that's what this message board does...communication. What you seem to be angry about is posters NOT communicating in a way you desire. Sad.

YOur misrepresentation of my point is noted and dismissed.

THe op and the thread title asked why Trump supporters are so angry.

I have answered that question.

You have repeatedly replied to me, but never addressed my answer.

IN that, you are an asshole.

My answer stands as the Final Word, barring one of you fucktards, growing a pair and actually daring to honestly disagree.

(partially mudwhistle's)

"You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic."

"AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger."
YOur pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.

In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Because like Trump his supporters aren’t civilized people – they’re hateful, frightened, bigots and racists capable of nothing more than lashing out blindly at anything or anyone they incorrectly perceive to be a ‘threat.’
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Because like Trump his supporters aren’t civilized people – they’re hateful, frightened, bigots and racists capable of nothing more than lashing out blindly at anything or anyone they incorrectly perceive to be a ‘threat.’

Jeez, nothing self serving about that answer...
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:
Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.

Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.

Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.

And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.

Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And it's still true.
And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.

Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And it's still true.

Your bile is unmistakable. YOur claim to feel anything for your enemy but hate is not credible.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.


Wow, you misrepresented what he said, and you think that that somehow scored a point?

You are the pathetic one here.

Also, you insulted him with an homophobic attack. That's homophobia on your part.

Are you one of those rare self admitted homophobic lefties, or are you the standard issue completely hypocritical lefty?
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.

Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And it's still true.

Your bile is unmistakable. YOur claim to feel anything for your enemy but hate is not credible.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
You have some serious issues; and yes, I feel sorry for you.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.


Wow, you misrepresented what he said, and you think that that somehow scored a point?

You are the pathetic one here.

Also, you insulted him with an homophobic attack. That's homophobia on your part.

Are you one of those rare self admitted homophobic lefties, or are you the standard issue completely hypocritical lefty?

He's fantasizing about gay sex and you think you can pin that on me?

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.

Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And it's still true.

Your bile is unmistakable. YOur claim to feel anything for your enemy but hate is not credible.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
You have some serious issues; and yes, I feel sorry for you.

You are the one that is spending so much time, speaking, while never speaking a truth, nor even addressing the topic.

YOu are driven to fill the thread with meaningless lies, with your words, that you are judged by, not only lies, but pathetically poor lies that fool no one, not even yourself.

No one of you lefties have been able to address my answer to the op as to why we trump supporters are angry.

That is the truth and that is what you are here to bury in the shit you fling like monkeys.
And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.


Wow, you misrepresented what he said, and you think that that somehow scored a point?

You are the pathetic one here.

Also, you insulted him with an homophobic attack. That's homophobia on your part.

Are you one of those rare self admitted homophobic lefties, or are you the standard issue completely hypocritical lefty?

He's fantasizing about gay sex and you think you can pin that on me?


Your pretense that you do not understand the figurative use of "ass fucking" and that you truly believe that it was a reference to literal male on male sex is

another one of those pathetic lies of yours I have been referring to.

You are fooling no one, not even yourself at this point.

But you are too much of a dishonest, moral coward to admit to anything.

Because you know that your entire world view is build on lies, and that admitting one Truth would cause it all to come tumbling down.

Hence you hew to any and all lies, because it is all you have.

I will not lie and claim to pity you.

I laugh at you and gleeful anticipate the day your lies blow up in your asshole face.
And that's not only a lie, but also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.

I bet you think youre getting somewhere by repeating your lame ass comebacks. Your fucking corny. :laugh:

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