Why are so many of you so pissed off and combative over politics?

Why are so many of you so pissed off and combative over politics?​

Idiot, Hitler invaded Europe over politics.
Biden has infiltrated us with 5 million additional aliens over politics.
Our city's crime rates have risen 30% over politics.
The government spies on your every move conspiring against you over politics.
Your portfolio is likely worth 50% less over politics.
It's funny that it's not the Dems with thousands on trial for attempting to overthrow the USA. And many are being convicted and sent to prison.

Outside of the vagueness of the 2nd amendment, I would say that the entire Constitution was well written and should be followed. You MAGAts want to throw it out so that only your Orange Deity can be crowned King.
whats so vague about the 2nd A??
its pretty clear and simple to me,,
You don't live in ANY of those places, nor are your politics ANYTHING like they are in those countries. You seem to think you live under tyranny because the government wants you to get a vaccine. You're that dumb.
when did I say I lived in any of those places,, I can of course read history,,

the government wanted to FORCE me to get an experimental drug that wasnt a vaccine and are only now going through trials to see the long term effects,,,

why did you run away the other day when you tried and failed to come at me??
Arnold says, "Screw your freedom!"

Methinks someone needs to return home to fascist Austria.
His father WAS a Nazi, no less!
But because he made all those movies, California liberals thought he should be elected to public office.

Personally, I think for the first few months of the pandemic it really wasn't a bad idea to impose masks. Anyone who was out and about was a potential transmitter and a potential contractor of the disease. Plenty of Old folks and even younger folks died of it, because it was brand new and alien to us. Nobody had much immunity to it yet. However after a while the mask became a symbol of fear mongering done by DEMOCRATS who politicized the entire thing to influence the upcoming election. Zillions of people still go around like with their stupid masks on. I understand that there are small sprinklings of people here and there with immune deficiencies etc, but the major threat of covid is completely gone. I had covid and so have just about all the people that I know personally. Nobody died of it, or even got any sicker than a typical case of the flu. Also, I didn't get sick for the first 2 years of the pandemic. I was a holdout who didn't really want to get the vaccine since from what I was seeing right before me it just wasn't necessary. Eventually I caved so I could travel. And then three months after I had my second vaccination shot...WHAMMO! And I work serving the public and never stopped working the entire time. Two years doing that and no disease, it was actually a long time before any one of us on my team got it. He wasn't vaccinated at the time, and his case was pretty much equal to mine even though I was vaccinated. So I say fuck the vaccine. I think it is mostly a moneymaking sham. An agreement between the government and pharmaceutical corporations to steal your money.
You don't live in ANY of those places, nor are your politics ANYTHING like they are in those countries. You seem to think you live under tyranny because the government wants you to get a vaccine. You're that dumb.
Says the person that thinks One Party Rule is a good idea.
when did I say I lived in any of those places,, I can of course read history,,

the government wanted to FORCE me to get an experimental drug that wasnt a vaccine and are only now going through trials to see the long term effects,,,

why did you run away the other day when you tried and failed to come at me??
How about all the children that were forced to have these "not a vaccine" shots now having weird respiratory illnesses?
It's funny that it's not the Dems with thousands on trial for attempting to overthrow the USA. And many are being convicted and sent to prison.

Outside of the vagueness of the 2nd amendment, I would say that the entire Constitution was well written and should be followed. You MAGAts want to throw it out so that only your Orange Deity can be crowned King.
It is the Left who wants to do away with the 2nd Amendment, and do so regulation by regulation as your veracious appetite to limit guns goes unabated. No matter the regulation passed that was sold to us as being the answer, it never is, is it? You ALWAYS want more.

It is you who did away with the First Amendment during Covid, restricting people freely assembling together, closing down churches and the right to worship, and wanting to force vaccines on the populace, etc. Then you censor anyone on social media that says anything bad about the vaccine,. thus ending free speech as well.

So what part of the Constitution was I wanting to do away with again?
I think you're wrong if you think our country has gone to shit and that your kids don't have good prospects for the future.
We have become a lost and divided nation with no identity, $30T in debt, a larger homeless population than the total population in some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal wetbacks fucking over the citizenry destroying our public school system and healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another for lack of commonalities, off the charts levels of criminality, social media and media steering the direction of the nation and our elections, food and fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Can you see the trajectory we’re on?

The world gets better all the time, largely with the help of technology. Your great-grandchildren will live in a world we can't even comprehend. All of that stuff about how everything is bad and horrible, to me, just seems like over-emotional nonsense.
WTF? You think social media has manifested a higher quality youth?

People get too emotional about politics and just throw their suckers in the dirt. The world really isn't that bad, especially compared to times passed.
“Times passed” in America were far better….offering a much higher quality of like for the middle class…..By and large the citizenry was likeminded and on the same page, they agreed on the direction of the nation….very small things separated the political parties.

No offense…but are you sure you’re paying close enough attention to what’s really going on? We shouldn’t self-manipulate and or convince ourselves to pretend all is well and on the up-and-up….nothing is.
Spoken like a true MAGAt Domestic of Foreign Terrorist and Traitor.
You are an idiot who votes for people who don't have the cognitive capability to communicate due to their cognitive inability to do so, like Biden and Fetterman.

So it is no wonder you just toss around baseless accusations like the town fool.

I would expect nothing less.
We have become a lost and divided nation with no identity, $30T in debt, a larger homeless population than the total population in some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal wetbacks fucking over the citizenry destroying our public school system and healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another for lack of commonalities, off the charts levels of criminality, social media and media steering the direction of the nation and our elections, food and fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Can you see the trajectory we’re on?

WTF? You think social media has manifested a higher quality youth?

“Times passed” in America were far better….offering a much higher quality of like for the middle class…..By and large the citizenry was likeminded and on the same page, they agreed on the direction of the nation….very small things separated the political parties.

No offense…but are you sure you’re paying close enough attention to what’s really going on? We shouldn’t self-manipulate and or convince ourselves to pretend all is well and on the up-and-up….nothing is.
When you drink the DNC cool aid, you lose all control and ability to reason

It happens to every cult member.

When joining a cult, the first order of business is to get their members to disown their family who may disagree with their ideology within their organization. That is what we saw during Covid as families were disowned who disagreed or questioned things like the vaccine.

But even today, as we see Biden say that the Pandemic is over, there is no longer a need for masks, no longer shut downs, etc.? Why? What changed? Nothing other than Biden is in power, so all is right with the world once again.

Yet the cult crowd does not see it.
When you drink the DNC cool aid, you lose all control and ability to reason

It happens to every cult member.

When joining a cult, the first order of business is to get their members to disown their family who may disagree with their ideology within their organization. That is what we saw during Covid as families were disowned who disagreed or questioned things like the vaccine.

But even today, as we see Biden say that the Pandemic is over, there is no longer a need for masks, no longer shut downs, etc.? Why? What changed? Nothing other than Biden is in power, so all is right with the world once again.

Yet the cult crowd does not see it.

Repeating the Rumps behavior and just changing it to Dems doesn't get too many converts. Mussolini invented that method at a National Level only to be copied by Hitler and Stalin. Do you demand that we go the same route if you can't have a total win?
Repeating the Rumps behavior and just changing it to Dems doesn't get too many converts. Mussolini invented that method at a National Level only to be copied by Hitler and Stalin. Do you demand that we go the same route if you can't have a total win?
hey did you ever say what was so vague about the 2nd amendment??
Do you actually think we're close to that? You can stand right outside the White House and protest your heart out if you want to.

Can we loot D.C. and burn it down and expect our Media to call it a peaceful protest??
I don't think so. So :anj_stfu: you post-Constitutional fascist dweeb!!!
Repeating the Rumps behavior and just changing it to Dems doesn't get too many converts. Mussolini invented that method at a National Level only to be copied by Hitler and Stalin. Do you demand that we go the same route if you can't have a total win?
What are you babbling about?

Is Trump Hitler?

I have to admit, the Jewish extermination camps and world wars he started at first was a put off for voting for him again.

But I think I can maybe look past it.
hey did you ever say what was so vague about the 2nd amendment??
You have to understand that the Constitution is a living breathing entity that continuously changes in meaning, that is, whatever the DNC wants it to mean.

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