Why are so many of you so pissed off and combative over politics?

Do you actually think we're close to that? You can stand right outside the White House and protest your heart out if you want to.
Tyranny evolves.
The Stasi evolved from the Gestapo with some influence from the KGB. And our intelligence agencies also employed hundreds of ex-Nazis after the war. Today's tyranny lies with the corporate control of governments and intelligence communities. It is clearly NOT getting better. It's evolving slowly. Elections are being influenced by powerful groups, regardless how many people vote or who they vote for. They don't need to make it a landslide victory as long as they can just barely tip the scales in favor of one party over or candidate over another. Look how ridiculously close the tally was between Trump and Biden! It was just barely enough but that was all they needed. Little by little our freedoms are eroding. It's not disappearing overnight via some blitzkrieg. It's more like a fungus or a virus taking over...and gradually evolving. It's so slow each generation accepts what they are born into doesn't know anything different.

And yes, you can protest all you want.
Alot of good that will do in a system of phony bureaucracy where nothing gets done unless they decide to get it done. It's how corporations give you the runaround when you're trying to get a refund. They just keep dragging you around in circles and there's nothing much you can do about it except expose them and prove it. They have everything they need to keep that process going indefinitely.
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Dude - you ever been to China?

Do you know what goes on in China?

My wife is Chinese. My kids are just enough Chinese to get hassled by the BIPOC's and degraded by the universities.

I don't want that shit here. Not at all.

Don't tell me to go easy either, I won't.

I've lived in dozens of countries all over the world, I know what I'm looking at. No part of it is good
The anger and toxicity won't help.
Tyranny evolves.
The Stasi evolved from the Gestapo with some influence from the KGB. And our intelligence agencies also employed hundreds of ex-Nazis after the war. Today's tyranny lies with the corporate control of governments and intelligence communities. It is clearly NOT getting better. It's evolving slowly. Elections are being influenced by powerful groups, regardless how many people vote or who they vote for. They don't need to make it a landslide victory as long as they can just barely tip the scales in favor of one party over or candidate over another. Look how ridiculously close the tally was between Trump and Biden! It was just barely enough but that was all they needed. Little by little our freedoms are eroding. It's not disappearing overnight via some blitzkrieg. It's more like a fungus or a virus taking over...and gradually evolving. It's so slow each generation accepts what they are born into doesn't know anything different.

And yes, you can protest all you want.
Alot of good that will do in a system of phony bureaucracy where nothing gets done unless they decide to get it done. It's how corporations give you the runaround when you're trying to get a refund. They just keep dragging you around in circles and there's nothing much you can do about it except expose them and prove it. They have everything they need to keep that process going indefinitely.
The point is you CAN protest. If we're reaching tyranny that will be one of the first things to go.
I understand that things happen that you think are wrong. That pisses you off; I get it, but it seems out of proportion for a lot of you. A lot of you are extremely angry and toxic. I live a good life. I'm happy. I work hard and I'm rewarded for it because I live in a good country. I would guess that the vast majority of you are pretty comfortable too. You're hanging out on an internet forum while you sit on your butt in an air-conditioned room. How hard and unfair can your life really be? How much do you actually have to be thankful for and happy about? Probably a lot. Why allow politics to consume you so much? Sure, be involved, go vote, do your part, but many of you seem to let this stuff turn you into very bitter and unhappy people. I just don't get it.
When you force policy that drive up inflation, drives up the price of fossil fuels, opens your community up to crime, opens up the border to lawlessness, your kids are given candy on the streets that is really deadly fentanyl that is coming across the border, your kids in schools around the country are gender confused because of the curriculum they are giving them and racially feel either the victim or victimizer cuz of the color of their skin, and you can't afford to live anymore, people tend to get a little upset.

Maybe just a skosh.
The point is you CAN protest. If we're reaching tyranny that will be one of the first things to go.
No, my point (which you missed) is that freedom is becoming more and more of an illusion. Like being a bug in a terrarium which is unaware that it's existence is under outside control. It "feels" free because it has everything it needs...but that can be altered at any time...still without any knowledge that it was not an accident.

Eventually our greatest freedom will be to spend money. The rest of our freedoms will take a back seat to this or disappear completely.
Waaaaaay to many people live vicariously through politicians

What does that mean?

They want to be Trump? Or Biden?

I wouldn't want that job. Give me computers instead. Computers are very logical and they always do what you tell them to do.

People... not so much. If you try to please everyone then eventually everyone ends up hating you and you can't do anything right even when it's right.
No, my point (which you missed) is that freedom is becoming more and more of an illusion. Like being a bug in a terrarium which is unaware that it's existence is under outside control. It "feels" free because it has everything it needs...but that can be altered at any time...still without any knowledge that it was not an accident.

Eventually our greatest freedom will be to spend money. The rest of our freedoms will take a back seat to this or disappear completely.
Arnold says, "Screw your freedom!"

Methinks someone needs to return home to fascist Austria.
Do you actually think we're close to that? You can stand right outside the White House and protest your heart out if you want to.
Yes we are getting close to that. Cancel Culture, Censorship, Rigged Elections, Dehumanizing people that disagree with you and calling them a threat to Democracy.
A lot like Nazi Germany. With a little more Fascism, and more indoctrination of Wokeness for our children, and more Mandates and Lockdowns and we are near the point of being sent to re-education camps by The Dems.
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What does that mean?

They want to be Trump? Or Biden?

I wouldn't want that job. Give me computers instead. Computers are very logical and they always do what you tell them to do.

People... not so much. If you try to please everyone then eventually everyone ends up hating you and you can't do anything right even when it's right.
I think what I’m trying to say is their emotions are dependent on what these politicians do, or how they’re perceived
Yes we are getting close to that. Cancel Culture, Censorship, Rigged Elections, Dehumanizing people that disagree with you and calling them a threat to Democracy.
A lot like Nazi Germany. I little more Fascism with Mandates and Lockdowns and we are near the point of being sent to re-education camps by The Dems.
And if you vote for anything other than the DNC, you are a fascist Nazi that is a threat to democracy.

Yes friends, a democracy with only one choice which is the DNC.
I understand that things happen that you think are wrong. That pisses you off; I get it, but it seems out of proportion for a lot of you. A lot of you are extremely angry and toxic. I live a good life. I'm happy. I work hard and I'm rewarded for it because I live in a good country. I would guess that the vast majority of you are pretty comfortable too. You're hanging out on an internet forum while you sit on your butt in an air-conditioned room. How hard and unfair can your life really be? How much do you actually have to be thankful for and happy about? Probably a lot. Why allow politics to consume you so much? Sure, be involved, go vote, do your part, but many of you seem to let this stuff turn you into very bitter and unhappy people. I just don't get it.
For some people, that is all they know. That is what is familiar to them.
well there are a lot pf people saying the 1st 2nd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th and 10th amendments need to be eliminated,,

in fact most of the democrat party says the constitution need thrown out and rewritten,,,

It's funny that it's not the Dems with thousands on trial for attempting to overthrow the USA. And many are being convicted and sent to prison.

Outside of the vagueness of the 2nd amendment, I would say that the entire Constitution was well written and should be followed. You MAGAts want to throw it out so that only your Orange Deity can be crowned King.
And if you vote for anything other than the DNC, you are a fascist Nazi that is a threat to democracy.

Yes friends, a democracy with only one choice which is the DNC.

Spoken like a true MAGAt Domestic of Foreign Terrorist and Traitor.
you ever heard of a place called nazi germany or communist china and the soviet union??

You don't live in ANY of those places, nor are your politics ANYTHING like they are in those countries. You seem to think you live under tyranny because the government wants you to get a vaccine. You're that dumb.

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