Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

NO, I see him through the eyes of someone who takes his talk of "transformative change" seriously.
Trump is scum

a fraud artist
serial adulterer
serial sex pervert
4000 law suits
6 bankruptcies
a psychotic liar
a chickenshit bone spurs Patriot

So, and just like that, you drop your previous claims.

You don't admit that they were bullshit. Just when called on them, you just move on to the next post of shit.

THat is the behavior of a dishonest coward.

And an asshole.

And proves my answer to the op, for anyone that doubted it, which is no one.

Because all you lefties know what you are. And so do we.
Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And it's still true.

Your bile is unmistakable. YOur claim to feel anything for your enemy but hate is not credible.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
You have some serious issues; and yes, I feel sorry for you.

You are the one that is spending so much time, speaking, while never speaking a truth, nor even addressing the topic.

YOu are driven to fill the thread with meaningless lies, with your words, that you are judged by, not only lies, but pathetically poor lies that fool no one, not even yourself.

No one of you lefties have been able to address my answer to the op as to why we trump supporters are angry.

That is the truth and that is what you are here to bury in the shit you fling like monkeys.
Aww, you poor thing. It’s adorable how much importance you place on your drivel.

What's cute is when lefties like you disagree, but can't defend or explain what they disagree with.

SO instead of trying to refute my points, or admitting what they are really about,

you just make a personal attack, and pretend that that was somehow clever of you.

My points stands.

You are the one that is spending so much time, speaking, while never speaking a truth, nor even addressing the topic.

YOu are driven to fill the thread with meaningless lies, with your words, that you are judged by, not only lies, but pathetically poor lies that fool no one, not even yourself.

No one of you lefties have been able to address my answer to the op as to why we trump supporters are angry.

That is the truth and that is what you are here to bury in the shit you fling like monkeys.

More lies from the liar. If you spoke the Truth, do you think your mouth would catch fire?
Dominique Hamilton @Underrated_Dom
To be clear...

13th Amendment: Ended Slavery
14th Amendment: Guaranteed Equal Protection Under Law
15th Amendment: Granted African Americans Right To Vote
18th Amendment: Alcohol
19th Amendment: Granted Women Right To Vote

This is the man y’all want?

8:36 PM - Dec 10, 2017

Roy Moore in 2011: Getting rid of amendments after 10th would 'eliminate many problems'
Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore appeared on a conspiracy-driven radio show twice in 2011, where he told the hosts in an interview that getting rid of constitutional amendments after the...

I ask for the quote from the interview were you said he said that.

And you ignore your own linked artilce to post a link to some one else talking about his opinion.

YOu are a liar and an asshole and a moron.
NO, I see him through the eyes of someone who takes his talk of "transformative change" seriously.
Trump is scum

a fraud artist
serial adulterer
serial sex pervert
4000 law suits
6 bankruptcies
a psychotic liar
a chickenshit bone spurs Patriot

So, and just like that, you drop your previous claims.

You don't admit that they were bullshit. Just when called on them, you just move on to the next post of shit.

THat is the behavior of a dishonest coward.

And an asshole.

And proves my answer to the op, for anyone that doubted it, which is no one.

Because all you lefties know what you are. And so do we.
Your entire Post in fact all your posts are Fake News
I ask for the quote from the interview were you said he said that.

And you ignore your own linked artilce to post a link to some one else talking about his opinion.


You are ABSOLUTELY a MORON..the link I sent you has an AUDIO recording of Roy Moore[you could not have read the link] in his own words saying what he said OK you Sad Dummy LOL...go to the link..scroll down
Roy Moore: Reinstating slavery and taking the vote back from women would ‘eliminate many problems’

you will see an Audio cloud link LOL

NO, I see him through the eyes of someone who takes his talk of "transformative change" seriously.
Trump is scum

a fraud artist
serial adulterer
serial sex pervert
4000 law suits
6 bankruptcies
a psychotic liar
a chickenshit bone spurs Patriot

So, and just like that, you drop your previous claims.

You don't admit that they were bullshit. Just when called on them, you just move on to the next post of shit.

THat is the behavior of a dishonest coward.

And an asshole.

And proves my answer to the op, for anyone that doubted it, which is no one.

Because all you lefties know what you are. And so do we.
Your entire Post in fact all your posts are Fake News

My statement was not any type of news, it was my analysis of your behavior, you pathetic moron.

It stands.

So, and just like that, you drop your previous claims.

You don't admit that they were bullshit. Just when called on them, you just move on to the next post of shit.

THat is the behavior of a dishonest coward.

And an asshole.

And proves my answer to the op, for anyone that doubted it, which is no one.

Because all you lefties know what you are. And so do we.
I ask for the quote from the interview were you said he said that.

And you ignore your own linked artilce to post a link to some one else talking about his opinion.


You are ABSOLUTELY a MORON..the link I sent you has an AUDIO recording of Roy Moore[you could not have read the link] in his own words saying what he said OK you Sad Dummy LOL...go to the link..scroll down
Roy Moore: Reinstating slavery and taking the vote back from women would ‘eliminate many problems’

you will see an Audio cloud link LOL

I read it. ANd at no point did he say that he wanted to reinstate slavery.

Post the quote or admit that you made that shit up, you lying piece of shit.
YOu are a liar and an asshole and a moron.
Seth Rich

Get back to me when you have something. Till then, you remain a liar, an asshole and a moron.
get back to me when you go to my link and listen to Roy Moore OK peaches

If your lie was true, some lib would have transcribed the clip and we would have seen it already.

I read the portion that was transcribed. He talked about the constitution, but did not say what you claimed he said.

If your lie was true, some lib would have transcribed the clip and we would have seen it already.

I read the portion that was transcribed. He talked about the constitution, but did not say what you claimed he said.
LOL its transcribed as saying what I said he said or more exactly what the article said that Moore said
So, and just like that, you drop your previous claims.

Roy Moore go listen to his own words you dummy lol

THe article transcribed the portion they thought made their point. It didn't.

They are stupid and dishonest, just like you.
you are a submissive idiot for Trump ...this is what you look like Rube

If your lie was true, some lib would have transcribed the clip and we would have seen it already.

I read the portion that was transcribed. He talked about the constitution, but did not say what you claimed he said.
LOL its transcribed as saying what I said he said or more exactly what the article said that Moore said

And he does not state what they claim he states.

This is another form of assholeness we see from libs.

You hear something, you assume some conclusion and then you act as though your opinion on the matter is fact, and hold your enemies responsible as though your opinion is their actions.

Moore said some shit about the Constitution.

If you libs were able to explain shit, which you can't, you might be able to make the argument that his position could means what you claim it means.

Instead, you just assume that his position means what you want it to mean,

and from then on you insist not only is that what he said, and expect other people to treat your assumptions as fact.

It is unclear whether this particular behavior is you libs being really fucking stupid, or really fucking dishonest assholes.

BUT, since you guys are such stupid and dishonest assholes in many other ways, the exact answer on that one does not matter.

YOu are certainly stupid and dishonest assholes.

While proves my answer to the op.
So, and just like that, you drop your previous claims.

Roy Moore go listen to his own words you dummy lol

THe article transcribed the portion they thought made their point. It didn't.

They are stupid and dishonest, just like you.
you are a submissive idiot for Trump ...this is what you look like Rube

Says the man that has still not posted the quote he is claiming Moore made and that the article transcribed.

How long until you drop this one, and just post another piece of shit?

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