Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

You are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Gee, if they were so brave, why did they wait until their alleged grouper was President of the United States to make their accusations?

WHy not try to bring him to justice back when he was just a TV star?
Roy Moore praises the era of slavery and says America may be the focus of evil in a series of viral, resurfaced comments
Business Insider

So, you're dropping that shit about wanting to bring back slavery, and just moving on to the next bullshit smear job.

You are such a dishonest asshole.

And the op can't imagine why we are angry.
So, you're dropping that shit about wanting to bring back slavery, and just moving on to the next bullshit smear job.

I am not dropping it..I proved it with audio and video and links merely rant like a little girl being chased by Roy Moore.. I am your personal Roy Moore LOL:
Roy Moore then went on to claim the state of the union was better before 1965–the landmark year that prohibited racial discrimination at the voting polls. “By 1962, the United States Supreme Court took prayer out of school,” he said. “Then they started to create new rights in 1965, and now, today, we’ve got a problem.”

So, you've given up on that last piece of shit smear job and are just moving on to the next one?
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

They want the 1950s back, when women 'knew their place' and minorities just took the abuse. And gay people were ok to beat up and murder. They thought that is when America was great.

Wow. THe Race Card? What a massive surprise.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Aww, poor baby. You can’t run and hide from the racists on your side. Racist like Roy Moore who thinks the last time America was great was, ” the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another.... Our families were strong, our country had a direction."

It is interesting that your strongest "evidence" to support your smear of your enemies, is a vague and unclear quote from one old guy.

Was there cause and effect suggested in the rest of the quote? Did he say anything about slavery being why family was strong?

Really, if the GOP was half, hell a TENTH as racist as assholes like you claim, you wouldn't be citing vague quotes to make your point, you would be citing laws that mandate discrimination, or government programs that openly target minorities.

You are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

There was nothing vague about his quote. He thinks the last time America was great when we first became a nation, despite the fact that slavery was legal at that time. What’s vague about that?
So, you've given up on that last piece of shit smear job and are just moving on to the next one?
No I proved by audio and video what I said and that has driven you stark mad LOL

now I am moving to the next thing I will prove and that is that you support racial bigotry ...Roy Moore
Gee, if they were so brave, why did they wait until their alleged grouper was President of the United States to make their accusations?

WHy not try to bring him to justice back when he was just a TV star?
Roy Moore praises the era of slavery and says America may be the focus of evil in a series of viral, resurfaced comments
Business Insider

So, you're dropping that shit about wanting to bring back slavery, and just moving on to the next bullshit smear job.

You are such a dishonest asshole.

And the op can't imagine why we are angry.
Which Amendment ended slavery?
There was nothing vague about his quote. He thinks the last time America was great when we first became a nation, despite the fact that slavery was legal at that time. What’s vague about that?
Roy Moore could kill a Nigra on video with audio and witnesses and dude there will go nuts denying it ...
Here this should make you Trump supporters totally Crazed....SAD

CBS News‏Verified account @CBSNews

NEW: Women who have publicly accused President Trump of sexual harassment and assault will speak at a news conference, hosted by @bravenewfilms, Monday at 10:30 a.m. ET. The women are calling for an investigation by Congress of sexual misconduct by the president.


Gee, if they were so brave, why did they wait until their alleged grouper was President of the United States to make their accusations?

WHy not try to bring him to justice back when he was just a TV star?
Ya mean like women did with Clinton, right? Oh, wait, you couldn’t have meant that because those women also didn’t come forward until Clinton was was president. But I’m sure you discounted their allegations just as conveniently for waiting until Clinton was president to go public with their claims.

I thought most of them had to be dragged out into the limelight by the investigation.

Bill and Hillary were/are actually scary. They are the type of people to use their power to destroy people.
So, you're dropping that shit about wanting to bring back slavery, and just moving on to the next bullshit smear job.

I am not dropping it..I proved it with audio and video and links merely rant like a little girl being chased by Roy Moore.. I am your personal Roy Moore LOL:

But you can't post the quote, because it is not there.

THe article transcribed the portion they thought made their point. But after I demanded it, you read it and realized that it did not.

Now you are trying to move on to new shit.
Roy Moore then went on to claim the state of the union was better before 1965–the landmark year that prohibited racial discrimination at the voting polls. “By 1962, the United States Supreme Court took prayer out of school,” he said. “Then they started to create new rights in 1965, and now, today, we’ve got a problem.”

Funny how you bold and enlarge your analysis, and not what the guy actually said.

You sure you know what he was referring to in 65?
Gee, if they were so brave, why did they wait until their alleged grouper was President of the United States to make their accusations?

WHy not try to bring him to justice back when he was just a TV star?
Roy Moore praises the era of slavery and says America may be the focus of evil in a series of viral, resurfaced comments
Business Insider

So, you're dropping that shit about wanting to bring back slavery, and just moving on to the next bullshit smear job.

You are such a dishonest asshole.

And the op can't imagine why we are angry.
Which Amendment ended slavery?

The 13th,, why?

Now you are trying to move on to new shit.
Bro if audio and video proof do not convince you that is it for me ... I do not have time to Gish Gallop with Rube mental defectives

I proved it to all who read the post and go to the link...anyone who wishes to do so can simply go to MY provided LINK and listen to ole Roy Rant Racist
Roy Moore: Reinstating slavery and taking the vote back from women would ‘eliminate many problems’

All I asked for was the quote of his saying what you claim he said.

Seems pretty reasonable.

I read the transcribed portion in your link. I understand that to a lib asshole, they could be used to make your vile and dishonest claims.

BUT they don't stand up to actual scrutiny.

Which is why you are not posting the transcripts. Because they reveal you to be a lying asshole.

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