Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

And yet it’s still true.

Your claim is not credible considering your ridicule.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And it's still true.

Your bile is unmistakable. YOur claim to feel anything for your enemy but hate is not credible.

You are lying, in such a way, that your lies are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that reads them.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
You have some serious issues; and yes, I feel sorry for you.

You are the one that is spending so much time, speaking, while never speaking a truth, nor even addressing the topic.

YOu are driven to fill the thread with meaningless lies, with your words, that you are judged by, not only lies, but pathetically poor lies that fool no one, not even yourself.

No one of you lefties have been able to address my answer to the op as to why we trump supporters are angry.

That is the truth and that is what you are here to bury in the shit you fling like monkeys.
Aww, you poor thing. It’s adorable how much importance you place on your drivel.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.


Wow, you misrepresented what he said, and you think that that somehow scored a point?

You are the pathetic one here.

Also, you insulted him with an homophobic attack. That's homophobia on your part.

Are you one of those rare self admitted homophobic lefties, or are you the standard issue completely hypocritical lefty?

He's fantasizing about gay sex and you think you can pin that on me?


Your pretense that you do not understand the figurative use of "ass fucking" and that you truly believe that it was a reference to literal male on male sex is

another one of those pathetic lies of yours I have been referring to.

You are fooling no one, not even yourself at this point.

But you are too much of a dishonest, moral coward to admit to anything.

Because you know that your entire world view is build on lies, and that admitting one Truth would cause it all to come tumbling down.

Hence you hew to any and all lies, because it is all you have.

I will not lie and claim to pity you.

I laugh at you and gleeful anticipate the day your lies blow up in your asshole face.
You lead a sad existence, so yes, I really do pity you.

As far as that other schmuck, all you had to say was, “and that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule,” and that imbecile felt inspired to equate that to a gay sex act. You cannot project his homoerotic fantasies onto me.
No, it's very true.

And that is still a lie, and still also the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point regarding the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking, still stands, and you are still an asshole.
And yet it’s still true.
You arent very good with comebacks, are you. Correll is ass fucking you right now and thats the best you can come up with? :laugh:

Look who's into gay ass fucking ^^^

The same imbecile who think violent rightwingers in Venezuela are violent leftwingers in the U.S.

I bet you think youre getting somewhere by repeating your lame ass comebacks. Your fucking corny. :laugh:
Why would I want to get anywhere with you, Gayboy? Maybe you should invest more time learning the difference between Venezuela ...

... and the U.S. ...


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Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

They want the 1950s back, when women 'knew their place' and minorities just took the abuse. And gay people were ok to beat up and murder. They thought that is when America was great.
Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds that 51% of Republicans continue to believe the claim that former President Obama was born in Kenya.

Hot off the press:


It is hard to believe that someone like that, is a real American.

Same goes for you, lefty.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

They want the 1950s back, when women 'knew their place' and minorities just took the abuse. And gay people were ok to beat up and murder. They thought that is when America was great.

Wow. THe Race Card? What a massive surprise.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.

It is hard to believe that someone like that, is a real American.

Same goes for you, lefty.

Its hard to believe that the Orange Trump scum sucks off Putin but its true

Actually, your lies about PUtin are easy to see though.

My point about Obama not seeming like an American is obviously true. That is why deflection was your response instead of pointing out why my point was false.
My point about Obama not seeming like an American is obviously true. That is why deflection was your response instead of pointing out why my point was false.
You look at Obama through the eyes of Red neck bigot ...Obama stands tall next to the little orange man who likes to have women urinate in front of him
My point about Obama not seeming like an American is obviously true. That is why deflection was your response instead of pointing out why my point was false.
You look at Obama through the eyes of Red neck bigot ...Obama stands tall next to the little orange man who likes to have women urinate in front of him

NO, I see him through the eyes of someone who takes his talk of "transformative change" seriously.

The guy seems more like a Third World Anti-American piece of shit, than a real American.

Of course, so does HIllary. And you.

YOur ideology is a rejection of everything this nation stands for.

More lies from the liar. If you spoke the Truth, do you think your mouth would catch fire?
Dominique Hamilton @Underrated_Dom
To be clear...

13th Amendment: Ended Slavery
14th Amendment: Guaranteed Equal Protection Under Law
15th Amendment: Granted African Americans Right To Vote
18th Amendment: Alcohol
19th Amendment: Granted Women Right To Vote

This is the man y’all want?

8:36 PM - Dec 10, 2017

Roy Moore in 2011: Getting rid of amendments after 10th would 'eliminate many problems'
Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore appeared on a conspiracy-driven radio show twice in 2011, where he told the hosts in an interview that getting rid of constitutional amendments after the...
Wow. THe Race Card? What a massive surprise.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.

Fuck you, you piece of shit. you hysterical racist ninny

Roy Moore: Reinstating slavery and taking the vote back from women would ‘eliminate many problems’
In a 2011 radio interview, ousted Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore revealed that he fervently wants to move the U.S. back to the 40s — the 1840s.

Now post the part from the link that supports your claim, that he wants to reinstate slavery.

HInt: you can't because it is not there.

You are a fucktard.

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