Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

Dear Faun
Compassion overcomes anger.
Forgiveness overcomes ill will.
Generosity overcomes greed.
Wisdom and understanding
overcomes ignorance and distrust.

If we answer anger with anger, hatred with hatred,
yes we go in circles.

If we respond with compassion and understanding,
that's what breaks the cycles of oppression and abuse.

Sure love your optimism and you're right. Many people avoid difficult conversations about Trump with family members and friends. Here in USMB, I'm about as guilty as the next guy of tossing Trump Trash all over the place, but do what you suggest in real life.

It's true that not all Trump voters are racists and xenophobes. I've been making it a point to smile and ask people what it is they like about the guy. Some of the reasons are legit .. Hillary was not a great candidate and they had Clinton fatigue/ people wanted a DC outsider because they were sick of politics as usual/ etc etc.

But many of THOSE folks are changing their tune. The guy's ignorance and stupidity have worn the smarter ones down.

Dear DrLove if anyone's support of a candidate is based on if they LIKE the person or not,
that's not what runs the country and decides public policy.

The President and Federal Govt are supposed to make decisions based on
CONSTITUTIONAL duties, protection and compliance.

Clearly Trump is in no way a Constitutionalist, especially compared with Cruz.
But certainly more respectful and inclusive of OTHER Constitutionalists
than Clinton and Democrats have been!

If you base assessment of govt leaders and competence on
adherence to Constitutional principles, then that remains steadfast.

I have long argued that Trump would be held to checks from both left and right,
and was less able to commit or cover up abuses than Clinton whose connections
with lawyer lobbies and interests was part of a political monopoly that Trump cannot invoke.
If anything, that madness can turn on him like a lynch mob. He himself is not safe from it
because he is not a Constitutionalist as Cruz is who knows how to invoke and enforce laws directly.

Trump relies on advisors who invoke Christian and Constitutionalist authority.
As long as he listens to advisors and critics on both sides, and sticks with
solutions that satisfy all angles, then he can promote the right policies coming out of that mix.

Clinton didn't stand a chance because of the left-leaning monopoly
on the party and media that has weighed everything to the left and shut out the right channels.

Trump at least keeps both channels open and voicing their issues, objections and concerns.
He cannot use one sided tactics to shut down the opposition as Clinton did.

You don't have to like Trump at all, to see that the democratic process
is more open to input from all sides, because he doesn't have the strings
to pull with legal or party politics to monopolize the process. In fact, to bypass
the liberal media monopoly, he's had to use independent and social media.

So the methods Trump uses, anyone can use. This gets everyone in the game.
He speaks as a populist and individual, where everyone can speak for ourselves.

As for govt, we all need to enforce Constitutional principles and ethics,
regardless if we like or don't like Trump, or can rely on him or not. It takes all of us.
Obama needed all the people taking responsibility for change, instead of expecting this to come from him and govt to do it all.
We can either make the same mistake with Trump, and falsely expect govt and leaders to magically fix all problems for us.
Or we can finally figure out, it isn't about waiting on the govt,
but depends on we the people to solve our own problems and invest our labor, resources and taxes directly into building solutions ourselves.

Trump and Sanders had this in common with their messages, that it is really about the working people.
So it's a matter of people following through, instead of playing follow the leader!
"Alternative Reality" media would be a more honest and accurate name for the 24-hour-a-day right wing propoganda and pure Hate that psychopaths like Rush and Hannity produce for their sickophants.

Whine all you want. America now has a voice that had been suppressed by the left wing media.
Post #64 explains fully why trump supporters feel they "need" a voice.
AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

Dear DrLove CC: Correll

emilynghiem, you can't talk to a dude like this, but in an attempt to use your format .....

Dear Correll: I AGREE with you literally about NOTHING
You have no valid points .. just venom, anger, spittle and dude, I left my sneeze guard at the shop.
Your delivery is despicable, and while I am certainly open to intelligent and civil debate, you are not providing anything resembling such.
This discredits your message..
Do you mind toning down the negative rhetoric?
If you actually are making any valid points, I can't hear them. Did your Mama fail to wash your mouth out with soap?
Yours truly,

I've not used any of the foul language such as Correll's in any of my responses to him.

About all you can do with this dude is laugh at and feel sorry for him.

There are actually a few reasonable conservatives on this board, but sadly very few of them are Trumplings.
Last edited:
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

Dear DrLove CC: Correll

emilynghiem, you can't talk to a dude like this, but in an attempt to use your format .....

Dear Correll: I AGREE with you literally about NOTHING
You have no valid points .. just venom, anger, spittle and dude, I left my sneeze guard at the shop.
Your delivery is despicable, and while I am certainly open to intelligent and civil debate, you are not providing anything resembling such.
This discredits your message..
Do you mind toning down the negative rhetoric?
If you actually are making any valid points, I can't here them. Did your Mama fail to wash your mouth out with soap?
Yours truly,

I've not used any of the foul language such as Correll's in any of my responses to him.

About all you can do with this dude is laugh at and feel sorry for him.

There are actually a few reasonable conservatives on this board, but sadly very few of them are Trumplings.

You have chosen to ignore my oft repeated points re: the op, and to join in with the chorus of mindless idiocy and assholeness led by bodecea.

In that, you deserve being treated for the type of person your actions show you to be.

Fuck you.
"Alternative Reality" media would be a more honest and accurate name for the 24-hour-a-day right wing propoganda and pure Hate that psychopaths like Rush and Hannity produce for their sickophants.

Whine all you want. America now has a voice that had been suppressed by the left wing media.
Post #64 explains fully why trump supporters feel they "need" a voice.

I'm not going to bother looking.
I already know why.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

Dear DrLove CC: Correll

emilynghiem, you can't talk to a dude like this, but in an attempt to use your format .....

Dear Correll: I AGREE with you literally about NOTHING
You have no valid points .. just venom, anger, spittle and dude, I left my sneeze guard at the shop.
Your delivery is despicable, and while I am certainly open to intelligent and civil debate, you are not providing anything resembling such.
This discredits your message..
Do you mind toning down the negative rhetoric?
If you actually are making any valid points, I can't here them. Did your Mama fail to wash your mouth out with soap?
Yours truly,

I've not used any of the foul language such as Correll's in any of my responses to him.

About all you can do with this dude is laugh at and feel sorry for him.

There are actually a few reasonable conservatives on this board, but sadly very few of them are Trumplings.

You have chosen to ignore my oft repeated points re: the op, and to join in with the chorus of mindless idiocy and assholeness led by bodecea.

In that, you deserve being treated for the type of person your actions show you to be.

Fuck you.
So you basically are angry because you want people to tell you things at your beck and call. On an anonymous message board.


Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Sad. this kind of anger over anonymous message boards........such is the importance of life it would appear.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.

Dear Correll, now I see you are applying "process of elimination"
to justify rejecting both bodecea and DrLove

Isn't the message you are sending
to reject people upon detection of conflict,
rather than taking time to resolve the problems constructively?
DESPITE problems with communication.

Is this the pattern of response to conflict that you want to promote?
To answer conflict with rejection?

On the other hand, if you prefer that liberals stop this rejection game,
and start listening to where opponents are coming from
DESPITE problems with communication,
wouldn't you want conservatives also to stop mutual rejection,
and seek to address and solve the real problems.

I SAW that you tried to address bodecea
I agree with that approach
But then the post went the other direction with
namecalling and FU asshole.

does this mean bodecea is borderline?
which way do you want it to go, mutual rejection
or mutual acceptance of differences and agreement
to focus on what you can talk about changing.

Whatever you set your goals on, I'm sure you will achieve.
Which way do you want it?
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Sad. this kind of anger over anonymous message boards........such is the importance of life it would appear.

Dear bodecea it is a projection and mirror of what goes on IRL relationships as well.
This very same thing. If we can solve it here, the same conflicts can be managed elsewhere.
same mechanisms, same effort to change the response, and same process to overcoming
conflicts in any other relations where this same thing happens to everyone.
Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

Dear DrLove CC: Correll

emilynghiem, you can't talk to a dude like this, but in an attempt to use your format .....

Dear Correll: I AGREE with you literally about NOTHING
You have no valid points .. just venom, anger, spittle and dude, I left my sneeze guard at the shop.
Your delivery is despicable, and while I am certainly open to intelligent and civil debate, you are not providing anything resembling such.
This discredits your message..
Do you mind toning down the negative rhetoric?
If you actually are making any valid points, I can't here them. Did your Mama fail to wash your mouth out with soap?
Yours truly,

I've not used any of the foul language such as Correll's in any of my responses to him.

About all you can do with this dude is laugh at and feel sorry for him.

There are actually a few reasonable conservatives on this board, but sadly very few of them are Trumplings.

You have chosen to ignore my oft repeated points re: the op, and to join in with the chorus of mindless idiocy and assholeness led by bodecea.

In that, you deserve being treated for the type of person your actions show you to be.

Fuck you.
So you basically are angry because you want people to tell you things at your beck and call. On an anonymous message board.



This is a discussion forum. If you are not here to discuss shit, then you are in the wrong place.

That you have to be an asshole about it, is your choice.

That I call you on your behavior, is not a character flaw on my part.

Make no mistake about it. YOu, and your little friends are the assholes here.
Gotta disagree with you bigly on the following emilynghiem:

Trump relies on advisors who invoke Christian and Constitutionalist authority.
As long as he listens to advisors and critics on both sides, and sticks with
solutions that satisfy all angles, then he can promote the right policies coming out of that mix.

Emily Emily Emily. The people Trump listens to are NATIONALISTS like Bannon and Miller. Advisors on both sides? Please .. Trump listens to Trump and the wackos who he believes will maintain his "base". He only puts up with his generals, Ivanka, Jared, and Tillerson.

Trump at least keeps both channels open and voicing their issues, objections and concerns.
He cannot use one sided tactics to shut down the opposition as Clinton did.

Again, Trump keeps ONE channel open .. the one that feeds his ego and his base. As for Clinton, he and Gingrich got along famously by comparison and actually balanced the budget for a change. He had to after the carnage a couple of years after he took office. We can only hope for such carnage in 2020.

You don't have to like Trump at all, to see that the democratic process
is more open to input from all sides, because he doesn't have the strings
to pull with legal or party politics to monopolize the process. In fact, to bypass
the liberal media monopoly, he's had to use independent and social media.

Trump pulls strings for Trump. He's not concerned about anything other than himself, his family and protecting their riches.

Trump and Sanders had this in common with their messages, that it is really about the working people.

Bernie's populism was quite different than Trumps misguided and dangerous populist nationalism. I was a Berner and know better. Do you SERIOUSLY believe that Trump is all about working people - REALLY? :wink:
That's beyond priceless! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It is the holiday’s and that rightwing tool was just caught up in the spirit to toss the forum such an easy softball to whack.

Ho, ho, ho.

Oh sorry, i got my violent mobs mixed up. Here you go. :laugh:

You poor thing, you're so rightarded, I feel bad for you.
That is a terrible response to the typical left wing violence shown in that picture. The fact is, you have no excuse for this behavior. You just want to sweep it under the rug and act like it doesnt happen.
Moron (and I don't say that lightly) ... you posted a photo of rightwingers protesting violently in Venezuela and mind-numbingly claimed it was leftists being violent in the U.S. There is nothing I need to say at this point other than to laugh my ass off at you for being such an abject rightard.

I bet you think the violence is funny. I bet it doesnt bother you one bit. Thats why youre a lefty.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Sad. this kind of anger over anonymous message boards........such is the importance of life it would appear.

Says the man who spends his time not discussing shit on a discussion forum.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.

Dear Correll, now I see you are applying "process of elimination"
to justify rejecting both bodecea and DrLove

Isn't the message you are sending
to reject people upon detection of conflict,
rather than taking time to resolve the problems constructively?
DESPITE problems with communication.

Is this the pattern of response to conflict that you want to promote?
To answer conflict with rejection?

On the other hand, if you prefer that liberals stop this rejection game,
and start listening to where opponents are coming from
DESPITE problems with communication,
wouldn't you want conservatives also to stop mutual rejection,
and seek to address and solve the real problems.

I SAW that you tried to address bodecea
I agree with that approach
But then the post went the other direction with
namecalling and FU asshole.

does this mean bodecea is borderline?
which way do you want it to go, mutual rejection
or mutual acceptance of differences and agreement
to focus on what you can talk about changing.

Whatever you set your goals on, I'm sure you will achieve.
Which way do you want it?

There is not a problem with communication here.

They are refusing to communicate and are doing nothing but attempting propaganda though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Allowing their lies to pass unchallenged is letting them define reality for the masses.

My hope is that constantly and repeatedly rubbing the Truth in their faces is causing some Cognitive Dissonance in their little minds and will, over time, cause some feeling of shame or learning.
You mentioned "compliance" before, and I explained how that was not the issue.
What you just did there was brazen lie about what I have been saying for quite some time.
It is quite rude of you to pretend to engage in conversation and completely misrepresent what I have said.
You are a fucking asshole.
Your pretense that being an asshole online and not face to face, is some how not important, raises the question of why you do it, if it is of no import.
Actually, it shows that your position on that is self serving nonsense.
Fuck you.

Has anyone seen Correll's spittle bucket? :cool-45:...

YOur pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.

In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mmm, no, just pointing out the painfully obvious flaw in his thinking.

ONe you did not address either, and which thus applies to you too, asshole.
Aww, poor, baby. I feel sorry for you.
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.
Sad. this kind of anger over anonymous message boards........such is the importance of life it would appear.

Says the man who spends his time not discussing shit on a discussion forum.
I find "not discussing shit" to be a good thing. You don't agree?
Our pretense that it is unreasonable of me to give any thought to you guys being assholes, is refuted by how much thought, (and time and energy) you put into being assholes.
In other words, fuck off you piece of shit.


My response to your assholeness was on point and quite reasonable.

YOu respond with more of being an asshole.

Fuck you.

Dear Correll, now I see you are applying "process of elimination"
to justify rejecting both bodecea and DrLove

Isn't the message you are sending
to reject people upon detection of conflict,
rather than taking time to resolve the problems constructively?
DESPITE problems with communication.

Is this the pattern of response to conflict that you want to promote?
To answer conflict with rejection?

On the other hand, if you prefer that liberals stop this rejection game,
and start listening to where opponents are coming from
DESPITE problems with communication,
wouldn't you want conservatives also to stop mutual rejection,
and seek to address and solve the real problems.

I SAW that you tried to address bodecea
I agree with that approach
But then the post went the other direction with
namecalling and FU asshole.

does this mean bodecea is borderline?
which way do you want it to go, mutual rejection
or mutual acceptance of differences and agreement
to focus on what you can talk about changing.

Whatever you set your goals on, I'm sure you will achieve.
Which way do you want it?

There is not a problem with communication here.

They are refusing to communicate and are doing nothing but attempting propaganda though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Allowing their lies to pass unchallenged is letting them define reality for the masses.

My hope is that constantly and repeatedly rubbing the Truth in their faces is causing some Cognitive Dissonance in their little minds and will, over time, cause some feeling of shame or learning.
We all communicate all the time...that's what this message board does...communication. What you seem to be angry about is posters NOT communicating in a way you desire. Sad.
It is the holiday’s and that rightwing tool was just caught up in the spirit to toss the forum such an easy softball to whack.

Ho, ho, ho.

Oh sorry, i got my violent mobs mixed up. Here you go. :laugh:

You poor thing, you're so rightarded, I feel bad for you.
That is a terrible response to the typical left wing violence shown in that picture. The fact is, you have no excuse for this behavior. You just want to sweep it under the rug and act like it doesnt happen.
Moron (and I don't say that lightly) ... you posted a photo of rightwingers protesting violently in Venezuela and mind-numbingly claimed it was leftists being violent in the U.S. There is nothing I need to say at this point other than to laugh my ass off at you for being such an abject rightard.

I bet you think the violence is funny. I bet it doesnt bother you one bit. Thats why youre a lefty.
You poor thang. Sadly, you still look like a flaming imbecile by posting a photo of violent rightwingers in Venezuela and claiming they were violent leftwingers in the U.S.

You proved yourself to be dumber than dog shit.

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