Trump 'supportive' of tougher gun law, but his record suggests otherwise


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
As usual, don't expect any leadership from this president. He'll sign whatever token POS (and it WILL be token) congress sends up and then brag about how Yuuuge it is and how it is he who deserves credit. Sad


Trump said on Tuesday that he had directed Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions to "very soon" propose regulations to get rid of the so-called bump stocks that "turn legal weapons into machine guns." There has been no indication that the shooter in Parkland, Fla., used such a device in killing 17 high school students and staff members

His appointees have quietly chipped away at the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the federal system that stores consult to make sure buyers are eligible to purchase guns.

The administration officials narrowed a few legal definitions to make it harder to classify would-be gun buyers as ineligible. The FBI used to consider people "fugitives from justice" if there were outstanding warrants for their arrest, but now they must also have fled across state lines to intentionally avoid prosecution to be disqualified. Trump officials also purged tens of thousands of law enforcement records from the background system.

They narrowed the definition of mentally ill. And Congress and Trump rolled back an Obama-era regulation that required the Social Security Administration to send records of people receiving benefits for mental illness for inclusion in the background check system. In his recently released budget for the coming fiscal year, Trump proposed slashing millions of dollars from the budget for the background check system.​


Trump 'supportive' of tougher gun law, but his record suggests that may not mean much
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.
If he did something effective he would have to pay back that $30m. That would suck if you were Dirty Donny.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.

You have a solution that will stop evil people from doing evil things that doesn't infringe on the rights of people that haven't hurt anyone?

I'm all ears.
Trump 'supportive' of tougher gun law, but his record suggests otherwise
Trump's record on gun rights/control suggests nothing other than the man has no position other than the immediately expedient one. As with other matters, Trump has been "all over the place" on guns.
  • 2000 -- Before he was a presidential contender, he called out Republicans who “walk the NRA line” and “refuse even limited restrictions” on firearms laws, in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve.
    I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun....With today's Internet technology we should be able to tell within seventy-two hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
  • 2015
    I love the NRA. I love the Second Amendment. I promise you one thing, if I run for president and if I win, the Second Amendment will be totally protected, that I can tell you.

  • 2015 -- Crippled America
    • Background checks "accomplished very little" as they effectively just brought "more government regulation into the situation."
    • Cited Project Exile, a 1997 program started in Richmond, Virginia which automatically moved trials involving guns to federal court. It also added a mandatory minimum 5-year federal prison sentence if convicted.

Now, Trump's talking about background checks, which just three years ago he saw as roughly comparable to tits on a bull.

At the end of the day, the only thing Trump's record shows is that one cannot rely on what that man says about what be his position. Hell, one can't even tell from his remarks that he's particularly well versed on things he discusses.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.

You have a solution that will stop evil people from doing evil things that doesn't infringe on the rights of people that haven't hurt anyone?

I'm all ears.

I've posted my solutions many times.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.

You have a solution that will stop evil people from doing evil things that doesn't infringe on the rights of people that haven't hurt anyone?

I'm all ears.
The definintion of infringe is .... well, it was an 18th century definition. Scalia was right.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.
To you substantive means violating peoples civil rights and letting more children get mowed down by medicated liberals.
It's Congress' responsibility to take action, and of course it won't.

Just as Trump is incapable of the leadership needed to get Congress to act.
Nothing will happen at the federal level, imo. The NRA will threaten lawmakers who are so venal in loving their pretend power they will not do what their constuents want, because they think they are more likely reelected by sucking up to the NRA

And dems have their special interests.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.

You have a solution that will stop evil people from doing evil things that doesn't infringe on the rights of people that haven't hurt anyone?

I'm all ears.

I've posted my solutions many times.

And? Let's hear it.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.

You have a solution that will stop evil people from doing evil things that doesn't infringe on the rights of people that haven't hurt anyone?

I'm all ears.

I've posted my solutions many times.

And? Let's hear it.

Nah - go look at my posts over the last week.
He needs to be seen to do something to try and deflate the public anger. But it will fall short of actually doing anything substantive.

Oh they'll do SOMETHING .. You know, whatever is allowed by their overlords with the blood money.

You have a solution that will stop evil people from doing evil things that doesn't infringe on the rights of people that haven't hurt anyone?

I'm all ears.

I've posted my solutions many times.

And? Let's hear it.

Nah - go look at my posts over the last week.


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