Trump Surrenders Again

This thread is about Trump’s surrenders, and the wingnuts can’t respond so they deflect.

How can a thread be about something which doesn't exist? Trump wins on 990 things and all you see are the ten things he was blocked or altered strategy on as surrender? Do please not make me laugh too hard! Trump is simply getting what he wanted in a different way that will work out better for him, before that, he won the emoluments clause. Meantime he is winning with Iran, he is winning on trade, he won on the 4th of July, he is winning or terror, he is winning with North Korea, he won on Mueller, he is winning on immigration, he is winning with the economy, he is winning with campaign contributions, he is winning on supreme court appointments, and here are just a few other things:

View attachment 269042
All of that economic news is due to Obama.

View attachment 269043

Funny it doesn’t plot the point where Republicans won Congress and made the Hussein a lame duck when it came to the economy.

In case you’re wondering, it’s when that big climb started.
theHawk is such a moron, he won’t even attempt to dispute the OP, and is relegated to labeling posts as ‘funny’. Sad!

What’s funny is you think anyone really gives a damn about Alex Acosta, a Bush/ Hussein era guy. Guys like him can easily be replaced.
Demoscum have done everything they could to be obstructionist.
What did you expect, after the previous 8 years? Thats what you cackling cheaters don't seem to get... You make new norms and rules, and then everyone gets to play by them. Then you throw your little tantrums when they do. Classic sissy bully behavior. One smack in the mouth and you run to your mommies and cry.
theHawk is such a moron, he won’t even attempt to dispute the OP, and is relegated to labeling posts as ‘funny’. Sad!

What’s funny is you think anyone really gives a damn about Alex Acosta, a Bush/ Hussein era guy. Guys like him can easily be replaced.
Alex Acosta is now the 445th person to leave the Trump administration.

Only the best people.
theHawk is such a moron, he won’t even attempt to dispute the OP, and is relegated to labeling posts as ‘funny’. Sad!

What’s funny is you think anyone really gives a damn about Alex Acosta, a Bush/ Hussein era guy. Guys like him can easily be replaced.

Yup gorsuch and kavanaugh are young and will fuck liberals up the ass.
Kavanaugh will be impeached. Democrats will expand the SCOTUS to 11 seats.
theHawk is such a moron, he won’t even attempt to dispute the OP, and is relegated to labeling posts as ‘funny’. Sad!

What’s funny is you think anyone really gives a damn about Alex Acosta, a Bush/ Hussein era guy. Guys like him can easily be replaced.

Yup gorsuch and kavanaugh are young and will fuck liberals up the ass.
Kavanaugh will be impeached. Democrats will expand the SCOTUS to 11 seats.

And the Republicans will expand it 9 million seats..

Or 300 million old white guys..
theHawk is such a moron, he won’t even attempt to dispute the OP, and is relegated to labeling posts as ‘funny’. Sad!

What’s funny is you think anyone really gives a damn about Alex Acosta, a Bush/ Hussein era guy. Guys like him can easily be replaced.

Yup gorsuch and kavanaugh are young and will fuck liberals up the ass.
Kavanaugh will be impeached. Democrats will expand the SCOTUS to 11 seats.
This thread is about Trump’s surrenders, and the wingnuts can’t respond so they deflect.

Well you know when you say Trump his Humpers will run to his rescue.
Actually Trump has people that disagree with him in his own administration as well as the media. It's Hussein Obama that non of you ass kissers dared speak negative about.

Trump Humpers :abgg2q.jpg:
Said the guy who has Hussein Obama's picture above his screen name?!

How does that change the fact you are a Trump Humper.
What does that even mean, I'm one of over 60 million Americans who got sick and tired of the radical, anti American con artist thug called Obama that you still jerk off to. Meanwhile Trump has done more for Blacks, women, and minorities in general that any other president in the last 40 years.
Tell us what the Messiah did to help?

Except keep getting bitch slapped by Putin?


Now call Joe Walsh a Liberal. Let’s see how far you will degrade your already shitty reputation.
Yeah, Obama confronted Putin by sending him a secret message that he'll blow him once the election is over. Never in the history of this country did we have such a weak, inept, traitor in office as we did with Obama. Remeber all this so called bullshit "Russian interference" happened ENTIRELY under Obama and Biden's watch.

This is what collusion by a weak president looks like:

theHawk is such a moron, he won’t even attempt to dispute the OP, and is relegated to labeling posts as ‘funny’. Sad!

What’s funny is you think anyone really gives a damn about Alex Acosta, a Bush/ Hussein era guy. Guys like him can easily be replaced.

Yup gorsuch and kavanaugh are young and will fuck liberals up the ass.
Kavanaugh will be impeached. Democrats will expand the SCOTUS to 11 seats.
'Cause the Left's motto is...when all else fails, CHEAT.
This failure of a president* is incapable of a win. In less than 24 hours he has surrendered on the Census citizenship question and surrendered on Alex Acosta. This in addition to surrendering on North Korea’s missile launches, surrendering on China’s military buildup in the South China Sea, surrendering on renegotiating NAFTA, surrendering on holding Saudi Arabia accountable for murdering a US journalist, surrendering on the US relationship with Turkey - they just bought a Russian defense system instead of the US system, surrendering to China over Huawei electronics, surrendering to China on the Trans-Pacific Partnership...

It’s just one surrender after another.
Speaking of surrender monkeys, look at what this moron is doing, even the Europeans are laughing at him.

Well you know when you say Trump his Humpers will run to his rescue.
Actually Trump has people that disagree with him in his own administration as well as the media. It's Hussein Obama that non of you ass kissers dared speak negative about.

Trump Humpers :abgg2q.jpg:
Said the guy who has Hussein Obama's picture above his screen name?!

How does that change the fact you are a Trump Humper.
What does that even mean, I'm one of over 60 million Americans who got sick and tired of the radical, anti American con artist thug called Obama that you still jerk off to. Meanwhile Trump has done more for Blacks, women, and minorities in general that any other president in the last 40 years.

This coming from a guy who probably sits on a butt plug thinking about his King. Trump hasn't done shit for blacks, women and minorities, it's a joke that you right wing fools are still trying to spew that bullshit.
This thread is about Trump’s surrenders, and the wingnuts can’t respond so they deflect.

How can a thread be about something which doesn't exist? Trump wins on 990 things and all you see are the ten things he was blocked or altered strategy on as surrender? Do please not make me laugh too hard! Trump is simply getting what he wanted in a different way that will work out better for him, before that, he won the emoluments clause. Meantime he is winning with Iran, he is winning on trade, he won on the 4th of July, he is winning or terror, he is winning with North Korea, he won on Mueller, he is winning on immigration, he is winning with the economy, he is winning with campaign contributions, he is winning on supreme court appointments, and here are just a few other things:

View attachment 269042
All of that economic news is due to Obama.

View attachment 269043

Funny it doesn’t plot the point where Republicans won Congress and made the Hussein a lame duck when it came to the economy.

In case you’re wondering, it’s when that big climb started.

Nor does it explain why throughout Obama's terms why his economy was called the worst recession since the Great Depression with endless people asking when was Obama going to start to turn it around. Or why those jobs that WERE created under Obama were all shit jobs.
This failure of a president* is incapable of a win. In less than 24 hours he has surrendered on the Census citizenship question and surrendered on Alex Acosta. This in addition to surrendering on North Korea’s missile launches, surrendering on China’s military buildup in the South China Sea, surrendering on renegotiating NAFTA, surrendering on holding Saudi Arabia accountable for murdering a US journalist, surrendering on the US relationship with Turkey - they just bought a Russian defense system instead of the US system, surrendering to China over Huawei electronics, surrendering to China on the Trans-Pacific Partnership...

It’s just one surrender after another.
There is huge difference between what Trump says and what Trump does. Most politicians when they can't deliver on campaign promises and suffer defeats in office, they deflect and ignore the issue but not Trump. Trump claims a victory.

Trump has painted himself as saving America from the hordes of southern invaders but in fact he is deporting less people than Obama, spending more on border security which is allowing more people to enter the US, and he has created a disgraceful human rights tragedy at our border.

He takes pride in the tax bill which was planned by republicans when Obama was in office. He insisted on the low corporate tax rate which is now creating a big problem for the treasury. As early as the end of Sept, the US may have to default on financial obligations because the treasury is running out of money.

Hardly a day goes by that Trump doesn't give himself a pat on the back for the great economy he has created. However, the facts are economic growth began years before Trump took office.

Trump claims that if China doesn't meet our demands, it will suffer dire consequences. This is a bold face lie. China's growth rate in 2018 was 6.6% twice that of the US rate 3.2%. The effects of the US tariffs will bring China's growth down to about 6% this year. The reason for this is Chinese exports to the US accounts for only 2% of China's GDP.

Trump has with confidence declared he will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons, confident that economic sanctions will cripple Iran and will certainly drive them to the bargaining table. This is a logical business decision. However, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran is not business man. He would be the one to make such a decision to negotiate. However, he does not make business decisions where they conflict with ideology. Iran has withstood sanctions for 36 years and it is very unlikely they will throw in the towel now. With Iran centrifuges producing plenty of nuclear material, nuclear weapons now maybe less than a year off which would give Iran a huge advantage at the bargaining table. Another war in the Middle East may well be the only way Trump will keep his promise. However, the one bright spot is Trump does not keep his promises.
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