Trump Surrenders Again

Yes, there is some truth to this. Yet, I'm not sure that the Former President actually had very much to do with it, other than to keep the government out of a meltdown.
By listening to the advice of qualified experts that were chosen for their knowledge and experience, not their ability to abandon all integrity and shame and lick his boots.

Copied off Bush Jr
That is ridiculous on every level. First, the two stimulus packages were very different. Second, the first thing Obama had to do was completely change the rules of bush's poor plan. Third, bush Jr. couldn't explain his stimulus if his life depended on it. Fourth, economic stimulus is an idea that was around before bush dodged his first draft.

Copied off Bush Jr
That is ridiculous on every level. First, the two stimulus packages were very different. Second, the first thing Obama had to do was completely change the rules of bush's poor plan. Third, bush Jr. couldn't explain his stimulus if his life depended on it. Fourth, economic stimulus is an idea that was around before bush dodged his first draft.

We was about planting trees

Copied off Bush Jr
That is ridiculous on every level. First, the two stimulus packages were very different. Second, the first thing Obama had to do was completely change the rules of bush's poor plan. Third, bush Jr. couldn't explain his stimulus if his life depended on it. Fourth, economic stimulus is an idea that was around before bush dodged his first draft.

We was about planting trees
It appears that your understanding of the stimulus packages is just about that of bush jr.
Demoscum have done everything they could to be obstructionist. Even with what the scum has done Trump has been remarkably effective.

Copied off Bush Jr
That is ridiculous on every level. First, the two stimulus packages were very different. Second, the first thing Obama had to do was completely change the rules of bush's poor plan. Third, bush Jr. couldn't explain his stimulus if his life depended on it. Fourth, economic stimulus is an idea that was around before bush dodged his first draft.

We was about planting trees
It appears that your understanding of the stimulus packages is just about that of bush jr.

images (36).jpeg

Copied off Bush Jr
That is ridiculous on every level. First, the two stimulus packages were very different. Second, the first thing Obama had to do was completely change the rules of bush's poor plan. Third, bush Jr. couldn't explain his stimulus if his life depended on it. Fourth, economic stimulus is an idea that was around before bush dodged his first draft.

We was about planting trees
It appears that your understanding of the stimulus packages is just about that of bush jr.

Barney Frank
The world is a far safer, better place than it was during the Hussein Obama presidency. Admit it. Notice how we don't have ISIS beheading clips of Americans on TV every week?

It's actually brilliant what he's doing with the citizenship question. He's getting it through reverse engineering. The vital records dept. in all the cities, counties, states, has a far more accurate count of how many births, deaths, etc. and then you add to that how many people have been legally naturalized from the INS as far back as you need.

Its called the art of the deal and Trump is a master at it. He'll get what he wants and I'm glad. We need to know exactly how many LEGAL people are in this country.

He'll be booting the illegals out. Bout damned time.
This thread is about Trump’s surrenders, and the wingnuts can’t respond so they deflect.

What's to respond to?? Your bullshit post??

We all know its another bull shit thread put up by a bull shitter.

Carry on shit for brains.
This failure of a president* is incapable of a win. In less than 24 hours he has surrendered on the Census citizenship question and surrendered on Alex Acosta. This in addition to surrendering on North Korea’s missile launches, surrendering on China’s military buildup in the South China Sea, surrendering on renegotiating NAFTA, surrendering on holding Saudi Arabia accountable for murdering a US journalist, surrendering on the US relationship with Turkey - they just bought a Russian defense system instead of the US system, surrendering to China over Huawei electronics, surrendering to China on the Trans-Pacific Partnership...

It’s just one surrender after another.

The economy is roaring. The DOW is setting records. Unemployment is at records lows. North Korea is in check. Gas prices still have not gone over $3 under Trump. Sucks to be an anti-American Liberal these days.

Imagine being a liberal and moaning every time something good happens for America.

This failure of a president* is incapable of a win. In less than 24 hours he has surrendered on the Census citizenship question and surrendered on Alex Acosta. This in addition to surrendering on North Korea’s missile launches, surrendering on China’s military buildup in the South China Sea, surrendering on renegotiating NAFTA, surrendering on holding Saudi Arabia accountable for murdering a US journalist, surrendering on the US relationship with Turkey - they just bought a Russian defense system instead of the US system, surrendering to China over Huawei electronics, surrendering to China on the Trans-Pacific Partnership...

It’s just one surrender after another.

The economy is roaring. The DOW is setting records. Unemployment is at records lows. North Korea is in check. Gas prices still have not gone over $3 under Trump. Sucks to be an anti-American Liberal these days.

Imagine being a liberal and moaning every time something good happens for America.

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Copied off Bush Jr
That is ridiculous on every level. First, the two stimulus packages were very different. Second, the first thing Obama had to do was completely change the rules of bush's poor plan. Third, bush Jr. couldn't explain his stimulus if his life depended on it. Fourth, economic stimulus is an idea that was around before bush dodged his first draft.

We was about planting trees
It appears that your understanding of the stimulus packages is just about that of bush jr.

We know, we know. Deplorables are just so danged stupid that it is a wonder you even stick around here to put up with us in our threads. And what little we think we know came to us in tin foil hats direct through Trump's White House on a Dixie Cup and string direct from the Kremlin, right? Lemmee guess, I got that wrong, too.

It was a Solo Cup.
This failure of a president* is incapable of a win. In less than 24 hours he has surrendered on the Census citizenship question and surrendered on Alex Acosta. This in addition to surrendering on North Korea’s missile launches, surrendering on China’s military buildup in the South China Sea, surrendering on renegotiating NAFTA, surrendering on holding Saudi Arabia accountable for murdering a US journalist, surrendering on the US relationship with Turkey - they just bought a Russian defense system instead of the US system, surrendering to China over Huawei electronics, surrendering to China on the Trans-Pacific Partnership...

It’s just one surrender after another.
So you're saying the Democrat party surrendered, since they promised to get rid of Trump. A bunch of failures.
Notice how we don't have ISIS beheading clips of Americans on TV every week?
Now they’re just quietly tortured to death in North Korea by Trump’s boyfriend.

Look up Otto Warmbier. Then look up Christians killed in North Korea. That’ll keep you busy for a while.

Then look up Trump talking about love letters from Kim.

So every one of those deaths was under Trump? Boy do you look stupid again. Trump has gotten prisoners released and remains returned for proper burials as well as missiles not being fired on a daily basis. You try looking up how Clinton got North Korea's nuclear program started to begin with. Cue the deflections to Trump....
The world is a far safer, better place than it was during the Hussein Obama presidency.
Says you. I don't hear the people who would actually know about it saying that. I hear them saying the opposite. I only hear trump cultists saying that.

In Boston I deal with 100s of business owners, attorneys, CPAs, Investment Bankers, etc. 100% believe Trump is doing a great job with the economy and that consumer and corporate confidence are at a high that BHO never achieved. Take it for what it’s worth.

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