Trump surveillance breakthroughs leads to bombings, odd


Mar 9, 2017
This could be just a horrific coincidence, but it's still odd.

When Devin Nunes broke the news about documents that showed name unmasking, there was an attack in London.

Yesterday when the Susan Rice information was revealed, there was a bombing in Russia.

Let's see what happens when the next Trump surveillance breakthrough happens.
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This could be just a horrific coincidence, but it's still odd.

When Devin Nunes broke the news about documents that showed name unmasking, there was an attack in London.

Yesterday when the Susan Rice information was revealed, there was a bombing in Russia.

Let's see what happens when the next Trump surveillance breakthrough happens.
So what you are saying is that Trump is responsible for the latest Muslim's attacks?
If so then Obama is responsible for the Fort Hood Massacre. Boston Marathon Bombing. Tennessee Recruitment Center Massacre. San Bernardino Massacre. Orlando Gay Bar Massacre and any other Muslim attack that happened on his watch. Right?
What? This belongs far down in conspiracy nonsense, if you can believe or even think along these lines you need help. You have to wonder sometimes what happened to logical thinking in America? I have fun with satire and the comics exaggerate for effect, but when did Americans become so dumb they believe the likes of Alex Jones, Limbaugh, National Inquirer, and even Fox? Or even the empty promises of our President today? You know the best healthcare and cheaper baloney? Where is Mom when the child needs help? Calling all moms buy your children books they need help.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average conspiracy thinker] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

A few other thoughts:

With the use of heuristics, anybody can think like a philosopher | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts

And for fun: This week in Trump World
What? This belongs far down in conspiracy nonsense, if you can believe or even think along these lines you need help. You have to wonder sometimes what happened to logical thinking in America? I have fun with satire and the comics exaggerate for effect, but when did Americans become so dumb they believe the likes of Alex Jones, Limbaugh, National Inquirer, and even Fox? Or even the empty promises of our President today? You know the best healthcare and cheaper baloney? Where is Mom when the child needs help? Calling all moms buy your children books they need help.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average conspiracy thinker] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

A few other thoughts:

With the use of heuristics, anybody can think like a philosopher | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts

And for fun: This week in Trump World
About 20 years later when everyone believed the likes of ABC(American Broadcasting Communism), NBC(Nation Broadcasting Communism), CBS(Clinton Broadcasting System), CNN(Clinton News Network), MSNBC(LameStream News Broadcasting Clintons). About 1/3 of the US people are stupid enough to believe what these FAUX news agencies put out, those were the ones that voted for Obummer twice and the crooked vagina candidate.
Lol! You two just went way over board. Just a odd thing that I mentioned. I understand that some here enjoy making a spectacle of things. Don't worry it will be okay.

Just odd that the last two big breaks in our Presidents surveillance investigation got over shadowed by terror attacks. Just odd not conspiracy.
Lol! You two just went way over board. Just a odd thing that I mentioned. I understand that some here enjoy making a spectacle of things. Don't worry it will be okay.

Just odd that the last two big breaks in our Presidents surveillance investigation got over shadowed by terror attacks. Just odd not conspiracy.
It is not odd that these events are happening all over the world, when the last president turned a blind eye to the Jr. Varsity team, which grew exponentially stronger under his watch. Now We are dealing with the EVIL left for US to clean up.
Why did President Barack Obama call ISIS the 'JV team'? - Quora


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