Trump takes over Voice of America...........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know, I was thinking that Breitbart was going to become the propaganda arm of the Trump presidency, but I was wrong. He already has one, and it's provide at government expense.

It's called Voice of America and has been a pretty much neutral source of information and it's board used to be bipartisan, but that has changed, and the board has been replaced by two Trump supporters and made CEO's of that particular thing.

Interestingly enough, it was only recently under Obama that their broadcasts were opened up so that they could broadcast here in the USA. Prior to that, it only broadcast overseas.

Yep, Trump has one of the most powerful political propaganda machines ever created, and he doesn't even have to pay for it.

Voice of America has concerns about Team Trump's takeover
Breitbart "alternative facts"/reality and Mercer money are all up in this.
Shortwave has one they say. No libtards allowed.
The thing that makes me really nervous about this is that there are countries all over the world that take those broadcasts as gospel and they trust the news they hear from there.

If Trump starts spewing "alternative facts", it could get really ugly, really fast.

Even Voice of America itself is concerned.

But, if he wanted to give Conway a job where she can dupe the entire world, this would be it.
Cool. Got a frequency guide?

I'll be more than happy to discuss the phasing out of all government assisted broadcasting within the US if you wish.
If you think the "voice of America" has been politically neutral you need to reexamine your political ideology. The sole purpose of the Voice of America is to broadcast propaganda favorable to U.S. interests. Whichever administration controls the government gets to decide the content of the propaganda. You almost gotta laugh that the left would complain that the "Voice of America" would broadcast propaganda favorable to the current administration's policies but not complain when the Obama administration tried to force domestic (right wing) talk radio to broadcast left wing propaganda with the ironically named "fairness doctrine in broadcasting".
If you think the "voice of America" has been politically neutral you need to reexamine your political ideology. The sole purpose of the Voice of America is to broadcast propaganda favorable to U.S. interests. Whichever administration controls the government gets to decide the content of the propaganda. You almost gotta laugh that the left would complain that the "Voice of America" would broadcast propaganda favorable to the current administration's policies but not complain when the Obama administration tried to force domestic (right wing) talk radio to broadcast left wing propaganda with the ironically named "fairness doctrine in broadcasting".

Absolute fucking bullshit.
Number one the Fairness Doctrine ---- which was originally championed by Republicans jealous of the attention FDR was getting with "fireside chats" --- was abolished back in the 1980s. And number two even when it was in effect it would never in a million years have worked that way. So as usual you're entirely pulling it out of your ass.
The thing that makes me really nervous about this is that there are countries all over the world that take those broadcasts as gospel and they trust the news they hear from there.

If Trump starts spewing "alternative facts", it could get really ugly, really fast.

Even Voice of America itself is concerned.

But, if he wanted to give Conway a job where she can dupe the entire world, this would be it.
You are nervous about this? What about all the left wing media that liberals have swooned over for years and just now are going crazy over Trump's actions? That media didn't seem to make libs speak out about CNN,MSNBC,NY Times,WAPO, etc.
The thing that makes me really nervous about this is that there are countries all over the world that take those broadcasts as gospel and they trust the news they hear from there.

If Trump starts spewing "alternative facts", it could get really ugly, really fast.

Even Voice of America itself is concerned.

But, if he wanted to give Conway a job where she can dupe the entire world, this would be it.
You are nervous about this? What about all the left wing media that liberals have swooned over for years and just now are going crazy over Trump's actions? That media didn't seem to make libs speak out about CNN,MSNBC,NY Times,WAPO, etc.
what do those stations have to do with the tea in China? A PAID illegal PROPAGANDA ARM of the Admin's government with our taxes, used in the USA?
Yep Care, that is a problem. And, what is even more worrying is that it originally had a bipartisan board for programming, and now, it's just 2 Trump supporters.

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