Trump tax cuts brought 1 trillion dollars back into economy instead of being wasted by government.

There's more than one way to skin a cat and cheat the economy.

As I've explained many times, Trump artificially juiced the GDP growth by spending record amounts. Far more than Obama ever did.

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)


GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah. Trump spends other people's money in order to artificially juice the GDP figure.

Not just other people's money, he spends the money of the unborn, too.

He inherited a declining deficit, and immediately set to work doubling it with the GOP congress.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Every president almost ever spent more than the last president.

Go away with your anti-American anti-Trump bullshit. It sounds too much like a whining baby for adults to have to listen to.

There is that willfull blindness we have come to recognize in Trumptards as they try to maintain their delusion that only Democrats are big spenders.

Also go away with your equations you don't even understand. GDP measures production, not spending. Math is not for pre-school kids.

Talk to an economist, dumbass. Ask them to use small words for you. Government spending is a huge part of annual GDP.

That's why Trump spends so much. He is trying to artificially boost the number.

Go ahead. Ask an economist.

Where did the trillion dollars go?
Into the pockets of billionaires

Where did the trillion dollars come from?
Future debt burden

Tax revenues to the feds is at record level thanks to the tax rate cuts.

Your rage and envy are noted
US lost more tax revenue than any other developed country in 2018 due to Trump tax cuts, new report says

U.S. tax revenue as a proportion of GDP drops the most of any country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2018, according to a new report.

The 2017 tax cuts dramatically alter the U.S. tax landscape for the first time in decades, though the promised surge in economic growth and investment does not result.

GOP leader concedes tax cuts may not pay for themselves as 2019 deficit grows
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Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.

There's more than one way to skin a cat and cheat the economy.

As I've explained many times, Trump artificially juiced the GDP growth by spending record amounts. Far more than Obama ever did.

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)


GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah. Trump spends other people's money in order to artificially juice the GDP figure.

Not just other people's money, he spends the money of the unborn, too.

He inherited a declining deficit, and immediately set to work doubling it with the GOP congress.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Every president almost ever spent more than the last president.

Go away with your anti-American anti-Trump bullshit. It sounds too much like a whining baby for adults to have to listen to.

There is that willfull blindness we have come to recognize in Trumptards as they try to maintain their delusion that only Democrats are big spenders.

Also go away with your equations you don't even understand. GDP measures production, not spending. Math is not for pre-school kids.

Talk to an economist, dumbass. Ask them to use small words for you. Government spending is a huge part of annual GDP.

That's why Trump spends so much. He is trying to artificially boost the number.

Go ahead. Ask an economist.

Who is in charge of Congress again, and would she be blamed for the government shutdown if SHE didnt send a bill to be signed by the President?
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.

The best Real GDP annual growth in the last 10 years is still 2015 at 2.88%, and Trump's best year was 2017 at 2.80%, before any of his policies really had any effects.

So wtf are you talking about?
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.

The best Real GDP annual growth in the last 10 years is still 2015 at 2.88%, and Trump's best year was 2017 at 2.80%, before any of his policies really had any effects.

So wtf are you talking about?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.

The best Real GDP annual growth in the last 10 years is still 2015 at 2.88%, and Trump's best year was 2017 at 2.80%, before any of his policies really had any effects.

So wtf are you talking about?

What the fuck are you talking about?

avg GDP growth? Bush would give his right nut (pun intended) to have Obama's economic record. So you can take avg GDP growth and put it you know where.

If you blame Great Recession on Obama obviously his average is not going to look good, but if you look at the trend it's one of recovery and growth. Trump economic growth does not look significantly different from extension of that.
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What strong economy? Health care costs are destroying American families

1.A record 25% of Americans say they or a family member put off treatment for a serious medical condition in the past year because of the cost, up from 19% a year ago and the highest in Gallup's trend,” the polling outfit said in a press release. “Another 8% said they or a family member put off treatment for a less serious condition, bringing the total percentage of households delaying care due to costs to 33%, tying the high from 2014.

The Kaiser survey provides a uniquely detailed analysis and is based on more than 2,000 interviews with public and private firms. It reported that annual premiums for employer-sponsored health care plans reached $20,576 this year, an increase of 5%, "with workers on average paying $6,015 toward the cost of their coverage."

The ever upward march of premiums is not the only way consumers are being devoured by an industry whose entire model is to take as much money from consumers as possible and pay out as little as they possibly can

3.Another study in the American Journal of Public Health in 2018 underlined the fact that our current health care system is actually a major driver of the nation’s wealth gap and income disparity, one that helps push millions of families into poverty.

4.This year the New York Times reported that Americans borrowed $88 billion in 2018 to cover health care costs. What ACA apologists won’t tell you is that even after passage of that landmark legislation, health care costs have continued to drive an estimated 530,000 people every year into bankruptcy. In fact, medical expenses are the leading cause of U.S. bankruptcies.

5.Altogether, the researchers estimate that MS drugs cost the Medicare program $4.4 billion in 2016 — up from $397 million a decade earlier. Patients' annual share of the cost soared from $19 million to almost $150 million,” US News and World Report reported.

6.In August, US News and World Report reported that drugs prescribed to treat multiple sclerosis, which cost $8,000 to $11,000 per year in the 1990s, now cost $80,000 a year.

7.In a study published in May of this year in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that 137 million Americans struggled with medical debt. Adults under 65 (and hence not eligible for Medicare) without health insurance fared the worst. “With trends towards higher patient cost-sharing and increasing health care costs, risks of hardship may increase in the future,” the study concluded.

What's NOT strong about our economy? You posted some dribble about the cost of health care. How exactly is that an economic indicator? So the economy sucks as long as health care is expensive? Well then we'll never have a strong economy again because health care is NOT going down any time soon.
Maybe this has been covered already ... but the government spent that trillion dollars ... they borrowed instead of collected taxes is all ... well done, Republicans, well done indeed ...
That is 1 trillion dollars pumped straight back into the economy

If thats such a hot idea then why don't we simply abolish taxes then?

If that diet that helped you lose 30 pounds was such a hot idea, then why don't we simply abolish food then?

In your false analogy, we are getting healthier.

But a true analogy to our situation would be a really obese person making a mostly conscious choice to indulge in high-fuctose, high lard, tax-cutting and spending addiction.

In my accurate analogy, we are healthier than we were before Trump got into office. The country is in a state of peace and prosperity. Our president has worked tirelessly to help all Americans and heal divisions among us.
Sobieski did more.
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.
We had a Recession and the right wing had nothing but Repeal for all of those shovel ready jobs that would have put money into the hands of those who tend to circulate it the most and positively multiply the effect.
Maybe this has been covered already ... but the government spent that trillion dollars ... they borrowed instead of collected taxes is all ... well done, Republicans, well done indeed ...
Sounds like the government has a spending problem and not a revenue problem, doesn't it?
Maybe this has been covered already ... but the government spent that trillion dollars ... they borrowed instead of collected taxes is all ... well done, Republicans, well done indeed ...
Sounds like the government has a spending problem and not a revenue problem, doesn't it?

I had a CPA type go off on me one day ... I'll paraphrase: "You have no idea how bad it is ... no one knows how bad it is ... gubbermint accounting is non-existent ... " and so on ... he made some great points ...

Republicans have had plenty of chances to cut spending ... and chose to cut taxes instead ... George XLIII's slashing of capital gains taxes at a time of economic prosperity made no sense then, makes no sense now and will never make sense ... then the administration ramped up spending by starting two wars, VA costs are out the roof already with no end in sight ...

Democrats spend spend spend spend ... at least they have the balls to raise taxes ... and spend spend spend spend spend spend ... I owned a wife like that once, credit cards were like magic to her, same with Democrats ... stupid stupid stupid ...

Only Congress can fix this ... but Congress has the most to gain by not fixing it ... so it won't get fixed ... not until We the People elected better congresspeople ...
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.

The best Real GDP annual growth in the last 10 years is still 2015 at 2.88%, and Trump's best year was 2017 at 2.80%, before any of his policies really had any effects.

So wtf are you talking about?

What the fuck are you talking about?

avg GDP growth? Bush would give his right nut (pun intended) to have Obama's economic record. So you can take avg GDP growth and put it you know where.

If you blame Great Recession on Obama obviously his average is not going to look good, but if you look at the trend it's one of recovery and growth. Trump economic growth does not look significantly different from extension of that.
I dont blame Obama for his "Hope and Change" mantra, it was his failed economic policies that gave US stagnated wages, high unemployment and QE forever, which after 7 years, yes moved the rich to do more with it. But I though you dickheads hated the rich, why do you live them so much now?
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.
We had a Recession and the right wing had nothing but Repeal for all of those shovel ready jobs that would have put money into the hands of those who tend to circulate it the most and positively multiply the effect.
Wrong again, dipshit, that money that Joe Biden got his hands on, went to all those buddies of the left who got Oblummer elected.

Missing in Action: Stimulus Sheriff Joe Biden
The Democrats' trillion-dollar "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act," however, keeps piling up waste, failure, fraud and debt. Who benefited most? Big government cronies.

According to Investor's Business Daily this week, a new analysis by Ohio State University economics professor Bill Dupor reported that "(m)ore than three-quarters of the jobs created or saved by President Obama's economic stimulus in the first year were in government."
Thanks Oblummer.....the brown turd...
Government purchases are expenditures on goods and services by federal, state, and local governments. The combined total of this spending, excluding transfer payments and interest on the debt, is a key factor in determining a nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

What Are Government Purchases?

That's why Trump spends so much. And he is STILL failing to reach his promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.
This fucker was bitching about no seeing 3 percent growth, now the dumbass raised the bar even higher, yet Oblummer couldn't get 3 percent growth for any of his 8 years.

The best Real GDP annual growth in the last 10 years is still 2015 at 2.88%, and Trump's best year was 2017 at 2.80%, before any of his policies really had any effects.

So wtf are you talking about?

What the fuck are you talking about?

avg GDP growth? Bush would give his right nut (pun intended) to have Obama's economic record. So you can take avg GDP growth and put it you know where.

If you blame Great Recession on Obama obviously his average is not going to look good, but if you look at the trend it's one of recovery and growth. Trump economic growth does not look significantly different from extension of that.
I dont blame Obama for his "Hope and Change" mantra, it was his failed economic policies that gave US stagnated wages, high unemployment and QE forever, which after 7 years, yes moved the rich to do more with it. But I though you dickheads hated the rich, why do you live them so much now?

Yea thats a bunch of bullshit.

High Unemployment was caused by Great Recession (DUH), and it would have even been a few % higher without Obama's (and Bush's btw) expansionary policies (Stimulus, QE, Bailouts). Since 2010 job growth was fairly strong with 15 million jobs created and unemployment falling form 10% to 4.7% before Obama left office.


QE benefited the entire economy by reducing interest rates while keeping dangerous deflation in check.

I, like many Americans, happened to finance a house and a car or two while Obama was in office, lower interest rates certainly helped, so "just for rich" is just not true.
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What strong economy? Health care costs are destroying American families

1.A record 25% of Americans say they or a family member put off treatment for a serious medical condition in the past year because of the cost, up from 19% a year ago and the highest in Gallup's trend,” the polling outfit said in a press release. “Another 8% said they or a family member put off treatment for a less serious condition, bringing the total percentage of households delaying care due to costs to 33%, tying the high from 2014.

The Kaiser survey provides a uniquely detailed analysis and is based on more than 2,000 interviews with public and private firms. It reported that annual premiums for employer-sponsored health care plans reached $20,576 this year, an increase of 5%, "with workers on average paying $6,015 toward the cost of their coverage."

The ever upward march of premiums is not the only way consumers are being devoured by an industry whose entire model is to take as much money from consumers as possible and pay out as little as they possibly can

3.Another study in the American Journal of Public Health in 2018 underlined the fact that our current health care system is actually a major driver of the nation’s wealth gap and income disparity, one that helps push millions of families into poverty.

4.This year the New York Times reported that Americans borrowed $88 billion in 2018 to cover health care costs. What ACA apologists won’t tell you is that even after passage of that landmark legislation, health care costs have continued to drive an estimated 530,000 people every year into bankruptcy. In fact, medical expenses are the leading cause of U.S. bankruptcies.

5.Altogether, the researchers estimate that MS drugs cost the Medicare program $4.4 billion in 2016 — up from $397 million a decade earlier. Patients' annual share of the cost soared from $19 million to almost $150 million,” US News and World Report reported.

6.In August, US News and World Report reported that drugs prescribed to treat multiple sclerosis, which cost $8,000 to $11,000 per year in the 1990s, now cost $80,000 a year.

7.In a study published in May of this year in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that 137 million Americans struggled with medical debt. Adults under 65 (and hence not eligible for Medicare) without health insurance fared the worst. “With trends towards higher patient cost-sharing and increasing health care costs, risks of hardship may increase in the future,” the study concluded.

What's NOT strong about our economy? You posted some dribble about the cost of health care. How exactly is that an economic indicator? So the economy sucks as long as health care is expensive? Well then we'll never have a strong economy again because health care is NOT going down any time soon.

What we have here is a failure to communicate,The economy isn't strong yet trump got you wrapped around his finger that your brainwashed lol.

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