Trump tax cuts brought 1 trillion dollars back into economy instead of being wasted by government.

What strong economy? Health care costs are destroying American families

1.A record 25% of Americans say they or a family member put off treatment for a serious medical condition in the past year because of the cost, up from 19% a year ago and the highest in Gallup's trend,” the polling outfit said in a press release. “Another 8% said they or a family member put off treatment for a less serious condition, bringing the total percentage of households delaying care due to costs to 33%, tying the high from 2014.

The Kaiser survey provides a uniquely detailed analysis and is based on more than 2,000 interviews with public and private firms. It reported that annual premiums for employer-sponsored health care plans reached $20,576 this year, an increase of 5%, "with workers on average paying $6,015 toward the cost of their coverage."

The ever upward march of premiums is not the only way consumers are being devoured by an industry whose entire model is to take as much money from consumers as possible and pay out as little as they possibly can

3.Another study in the American Journal of Public Health in 2018 underlined the fact that our current health care system is actually a major driver of the nation’s wealth gap and income disparity, one that helps push millions of families into poverty.

4.This year the New York Times reported that Americans borrowed $88 billion in 2018 to cover health care costs. What ACA apologists won’t tell you is that even after passage of that landmark legislation, health care costs have continued to drive an estimated 530,000 people every year into bankruptcy. In fact, medical expenses are the leading cause of U.S. bankruptcies.

5.Altogether, the researchers estimate that MS drugs cost the Medicare program $4.4 billion in 2016 — up from $397 million a decade earlier. Patients' annual share of the cost soared from $19 million to almost $150 million,” US News and World Report reported.

6.In August, US News and World Report reported that drugs prescribed to treat multiple sclerosis, which cost $8,000 to $11,000 per year in the 1990s, now cost $80,000 a year.

7.In a study published in May of this year in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that 137 million Americans struggled with medical debt. Adults under 65 (and hence not eligible for Medicare) without health insurance fared the worst. “With trends towards higher patient cost-sharing and increasing health care costs, risks of hardship may increase in the future,” the study concluded.
So you are saying Obama care was a failure from the start?
We ran trillion dollar deficits in good times before Trump got into office? Nope, don't think so.

Do you know what happpens to trillion dollar deficits when economy starts heading south eventually? Did you ever even give it two thoughts?

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
$1,413 $1,294 $1,300 $1,077 $680 $485 $442 $585 $665 $779 $984

Yes, we did run over trillion dollar deficits before. But so far, not DURING Trump. Obama was the deficit master whom after every deficit seems puny.

Of course back then you championed them and were calling others crazy austerians.

Lets read togather, SLOWLY:

We ran trillion dollar deficits in good times before Trump got into office? Nope, don't think so.

We had 1.4T dollar deficit in 2009 because in a recession REVENUES COLLAPSE, while government spending increases.

If we will hit a recession in the next few years that will be even half as deep as the last we will be looking at around 1.7 trillion dollar deficit with a debt load quickly shooting up to 150+% of GDP.
Obama borrowed 1.15 trillion dollars a year for a grand total of 9.5 trillion during his 8 years of office. But he also had the FED print up 4.5 trillion dollars so actually Oblummer had 14 trillion dollars of debt. But you are too stupid to do the math, because you are a goose stepping, mind numbed, useful idiot of the Demoncrat party..

Aside from gross conflation of monetary and fiscal policy, Trump is borrowing at a higher rates WITHOUT A RECESSION.

If a recession hits we are looking at close to catastrophic level deficits and nothing you said actualy refutes that.
Who is in charge of Congress again? If she doesnt pass the overbloated entitlement package liberals always push forward, would the government shutdown be because of her?

What you ignorantly call "entitlement package" is actually THE LAW. United States government not meeting it's obligations does not reduce the debt it INCREASES IT by all the chaos and productivity contraction such defaulting would cause.

Budgets are products of POLICIES. Policies like the latest round of tax-cuts (that Trump is absolutely directly responsible for) increase deficits.
That is 1 trillion dollars pumped straight back into the economy, as opposed to wasteful government programs. That is 1 trillion dollars trickling down to the rest of us.



Commerce Dept.: Companies Brought $1 Trillion Back to U.S. Under Trump Tax Cuts | Breitbart

"American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts in 2017, according to new U.S. Department of Commerce data."
Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump is stealing from your kids and grandkids, idiot.

I've been saying for years you people are uber-Keynesians. Look at you now, cheering big government economic stimulus at the cost of future generations.
That is 1 trillion dollars pumped straight back into the economy, as opposed to wasteful government programs. That is 1 trillion dollars trickling down to the rest of us.



Commerce Dept.: Companies Brought $1 Trillion Back to U.S. Under Trump Tax Cuts | Breitbart

"American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts in 2017, according to new U.S. Department of Commerce data."
Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump is stealing from your kids and grandkids, idiot.

I've been saying for years you people are uber-Keynesians. Look at you now, cheering big government economic stimulus at the cost of future generations.

TRUMP is stealing from our kids and grandkids?

I am pretty sure he is the one who was voted in to FIX this mess, definitely not the one who caused it.

Let me guess, this guy votes for Warren while claiming to care about debts incurred by grand children. Wait, what children anyway? Family and children are a fascist construct.
That is 1 trillion dollars pumped straight back into the economy, as opposed to wasteful government programs.
Wait a second.

Do you think Trump is spending LESS?!!??


Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

It's a shell game, retard. Trump is a carnival hustler. He's spent record amounts of money to artificially juice the GDP while doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars.

You people are positively schizo! When Obama was running the "economic stimulus" con game, you howled and howled and howled.

Now you are jumping up and down with glee.

This is right out of Orwell.
That is 1 trillion dollars pumped straight back into the economy, as opposed to wasteful government programs. That is 1 trillion dollars trickling down to the rest of us.



Commerce Dept.: Companies Brought $1 Trillion Back to U.S. Under Trump Tax Cuts | Breitbart

"American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts in 2017, according to new U.S. Department of Commerce data."
Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump is stealing from your kids and grandkids, idiot.

I've been saying for years you people are uber-Keynesians. Look at you now, cheering big government economic stimulus at the cost of future generations.

TRUMP is stealing from our kids and grandkids?

I am pretty sure he is the one who was voted in to FIX this mess, definitely not the one who caused it.

Let me guess, this guy votes for Warren while claiming to care about debts incurred by grand children. Wait, what children anyway? Family and children are a fascist construct.
Tell me something, retard. How is DOUBLING the federal deficit FIXING things?

I cannot believe the level of credulity and willful blindness on the part of you rubes.

Also, you are committing a false dichotomy. I am actual fiscal conservative, dipshit. I am not surprised you ignorant fucks don't recognize one.
That is 1 trillion dollars pumped straight back into the economy, as opposed to wasteful government programs. That is 1 trillion dollars trickling down to the rest of us.



Commerce Dept.: Companies Brought $1 Trillion Back to U.S. Under Trump Tax Cuts | Breitbart

"American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts in 2017, according to new U.S. Department of Commerce data."
Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump is stealing from your kids and grandkids, idiot.

I've been saying for years you people are uber-Keynesians. Look at you now, cheering big government economic stimulus at the cost of future generations.

TRUMP is stealing from our kids and grandkids?

I am pretty sure he is the one who was voted in to FIX this mess, definitely not the one who caused it.

Let me guess, this guy votes for Warren while claiming to care about debts incurred by grand children. Wait, what children anyway? Family and children are a fascist construct.
Tell me something, retard. How is DOUBLING the federal deficit FIXING things?

I cannot believe the level of credulity and willful blindness on the part of you rubes.

How is not building the wall fixing things?

Well it isn't. That's because you morons keep voting wrong. That's not on Trump.

But hey I am sure Biden will fix the mess and not.... enrich his family members instead.
Who do you idiots think pays for deficits?

Our kids and grandkids, that's who.

Trump is stealing from the unborn.
There's more than one way to skin a cat and cheat the economy.

As I've explained many times, Trump artificially juiced the GDP growth by spending record amounts. Far more than Obama ever did.

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)


GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah. Trump spends other people's money in order to artificially juice the GDP figure.

Not just other people's money, he spends the money of the unborn, too.

He inherited a declining deficit, and immediately set to work doubling it with the GOP congress.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget
The tard herd is dancing in the rain of Trump's piss.
There's more than one way to skin a cat and cheat the economy.

As I've explained many times, Trump artificially juiced the GDP growth by spending record amounts. Far more than Obama ever did.

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)


GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah. Trump spends other people's money in order to artificially juice the GDP figure.

Not just other people's money, he spends the money of the unborn, too.

He inherited a declining deficit, and immediately set to work doubling it with the GOP congress.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Every president almost ever spent more than the last president.

Go away with your anti-American anti-Trump bullshit. It sounds too much like a whining baby for adults to have to listen to.

Also go away with your equations you don't even understand. GDP measures production, not spending. Math is not for pre-school kids.
TRUMP is stealing from our kids and grandkids?

3.132 Trillion dollars since the day he took office.

Merry Christmas Gator, nice avatar.

That was the democrats you voted for. The ones who want to let in all the freedom hating people in the world so that we can maximize our freedoms.

I am not a Dem and I did not vote for it.

This is what you voted for and what you worship.

I did not vote for Trump.

But now that it is shown how American he is, I will vote for him next time.

At least Trump knows there is an issue. Democrats always demand more and more...
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
$1,413 $1,294 $1,300 $1,077 $680 $485 $442 $585 $665 $779 $984

Yes, we did run over trillion dollar deficits before. But so far, not DURING Trump. Obama was the deficit master whom after every deficit seems puny.

Of course back then you championed them and were calling others crazy austerians.

Lets read togather, SLOWLY:

We ran trillion dollar deficits in good times before Trump got into office? Nope, don't think so.

We had 1.4T dollar deficit in 2009 because in a recession REVENUES COLLAPSE, while government spending increases.

If we will hit a recession in the next few years that will be even half as deep as the last we will be looking at around 1.7 trillion dollar deficit with a debt load quickly shooting up to 150+% of GDP.
Obama borrowed 1.15 trillion dollars a year for a grand total of 9.5 trillion during his 8 years of office. But he also had the FED print up 4.5 trillion dollars so actually Oblummer had 14 trillion dollars of debt. But you are too stupid to do the math, because you are a goose stepping, mind numbed, useful idiot of the Demoncrat party..

Aside from gross conflation of monetary and fiscal policy, Trump is borrowing at a higher rates WITHOUT A RECESSION.

If a recession hits we are looking at close to catastrophic level deficits and nothing you said actualy refutes that.

I half suspect part of you would actually enjoy that as long as it made Trump look bad.

Trump is a total ass-clown who was promissing to pay off all debt in 8 years (yea, really).

But it's not about Trump. It's about BAD POLICY that sets us back even further at a time when we are already facing oceans of red ink as far as the eye can see.

This is not going to end well.
Also, I remember when Oblummer tried the cash for clunkers, what a failure. Oblummer bailing out GM and Chrysler unions, not the share holders, thus causing every Republican GM car dealership to close. Oblummer taking over the College Tuition and then wham, all those college kids got shafted because college fees went through the roof, and the graduates got to work as a barista at starbucks. Yeah, the only thing Oblummer, the brown turd was great at?????

"In 2012, we nicknamed President Obama "The Greatest Gun Salesman in America" because of the effect his 2008 election had on the sale of firearms and ammunition. Now with America in the midst of the Trump presidency, we take a comprehensive look at just how profound the "Obama Effect" has been on the firearm industry, especially as more Americans own more guns than ever before.
Infographic: Obama (Still) Greatest Gun Salesman in America "
TRUMP is stealing from our kids and grandkids?

3.132 Trillion dollars since the day he took office.

Merry Christmas Gator, nice avatar.

That was the democrats you voted for. The ones who want to let in all the freedom hating people in the world so that we can maximize our freedoms.

I am not a Dem and I did not vote for it.

This is what you voted for and what you worship.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa.....Gator is such a liar....

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