Trump Tax Cuts Lead To Largest Ever Monthly Budget Surplus

More dividends from the healthy economy President "Nero" was handed. Talk to me at the end of the fiscal year.
Really, trump can mooch off of President's Obama's achievements because trump followers are too stupid to realize this economy is a continuation of Pres. Obama's policies...
It's the same as trump followers hating Obama Care but loving their Affordable Health Care
Trump did not add 235,000 jobs to the economy. Obama did.
That’s how many jobs were added in February, while the unemployment rate fell from 4.8 percent to 4.7 percent, the Labor Department reported on Friday. That exceeded analysts’ expectations, and President Donald Trump has already retweeted the Drudge Report attributing these jobs to his young presidency.

If the president were honest, he’d be saying what all Americans should be saying about this good economic news: Thanks, Obama.

It’s Obama’s Economic Recovery, Stupid
Long before he was a presidential candidate, Trump was more than willing to trash the GOP economic policies that he now falsely claims are boosting the economy.

In a 2014 paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson examined every presidential administration since World War II. They concluded: “The U.S. economy has grown faster—and scored higher on many other macroeconomic metrics—when the president of the United States is a Democrat.” Our current president would do well to heed the words of his younger self. He should embrace the Democratic policies that have helped our economy prosper and eschew the Republican policies that dragged our country into those “pretty bad disasters.”

trump can't help himself, Obama just intimidates the hell out of him.
Debt seems to still be growing quite speedily.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Since when did Liberals give a rat's @$$ about the national debt?

Hey snoflake, who is the only President to ever triple the national debt on his watch. Guess what party he is associated with. Who I hint he even said debt spending was good!
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined

In another link, according to CNN, Obama increased the debt / spending by 86%.

Obama added roughly $7 trillion in his 1st 4 years.

His 1st spending bill bas the 'Jobs Creation Bill' that cost $1 trillion and contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork. The GAO / CBO reported that Obama's 'Job Creation' Bill ended up costing Americans approx. $774,000 PER JOB created / saved due to the pork spending and waste in his bill....and that is based on the FUDGED job creation / jobs save report the Obama administration created.

Barry followed this up with an amazing accomplishment - 1st US Credit Rating down-grade...because he refused to listen to the warnings from the bank that downgraded the US. He was told that if he did not make MORE CUTS to the budget to show he was serious about reducing the deficit the Down-grade was coming. He rejected the warning, and the Credit Rating was cut.
-- What did Obama do afterwards? Send his stormtroopers to audit, intimidate, and punish the bank.

Barry and his loyal brainwashed followers blamed everything negative Barry did / effected on 'inheriting it from Bush' and now claim every success Trump is having to be 'Obama's doing'.

I love how Bush added 2.5 trillion to the debt in 6 years with a GOP Congress...and that included during 2 wars and 9/11. The DEMOCRATS took over Congress, the purse strings, and spending the last 2 years Bush was in office. During those 2 years under Democrats, the Democrats added $1.5 trillion in new debt, just $1 trillion less than Bush and the GOP had added in SIX years!

The DEMOCRATS controlled spending for the 1st 2 years before Obama was elected - since CONGRESS controls the purse strings and the DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, that means the economy Obama inherited was NOT Bush's/the GOP's economy - he inherited the DEMOCRATS' ECONOMY! Democrats went on to control Congress / spending / the purse strings for the 1st 2 Years Barry was President....which explains the $1 trillion / 7,000+ pieces of pork Obama 1st spending bill.....


The Mental Deficiency Trifecta is their to claim, as well:

'All the negative was inherited from Bush'
Refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.
'Everything going on in the economy now it Barry's doing'
Obama is such a great guy..if only he was white the Republican would put down the racists ways and love him too. :113:
Debt seems to still be growing quite speedily.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Since when did Liberals give a rat's @$$ about the national debt?

Hey snoflake, who is the only President to ever triple the national debt on his watch. Guess what party he is associated with. Who I hint he even said debt spending was good!
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined

In another link, according to CNN, Obama increased the debt / spending by 86%.

Obama added roughly $7 trillion in his 1st 4 years.

His 1st spending bill bas the 'Jobs Creation Bill' that cost $1 trillion and contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork. The GAO / CBO reported that Obama's 'Job Creation' Bill ended up costing Americans approx. $774,000 PER JOB created / saved due to the pork spending and waste in his bill....and that is based on the FUDGED job creation / jobs save report the Obama administration created.

Barry followed this up with an amazing accomplishment - 1st US Credit Rating down-grade...because he refused to listen to the warnings from the bank that downgraded the US. He was told that if he did not make MORE CUTS to the budget to show he was serious about reducing the deficit the Down-grade was coming. He rejected the warning, and the Credit Rating was cut.
-- What did Obama do afterwards? Send his stormtroopers to audit, intimidate, and punish the bank.

Barry and his loyal brainwashed followers blamed everything negative Barry did / effected on 'inheriting it from Bush' and now claim every success Trump is having to be 'Obama's doing'.

I love how Bush added 2.5 trillion to the debt in 6 years with a GOP Congress...and that included during 2 wars and 9/11. The DEMOCRATS took over Congress, the purse strings, and spending the last 2 years Bush was in office. During those 2 years under Democrats, the Democrats added $1.5 trillion in new debt, just $1 trillion less than Bush and the GOP had added in SIX years!

The DEMOCRATS controlled spending for the 1st 2 years before Obama was elected - since CONGRESS controls the purse strings and the DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, that means the economy Obama inherited was NOT Bush's/the GOP's economy - he inherited the DEMOCRATS' ECONOMY! Democrats went on to control Congress / spending / the purse strings for the 1st 2 Years Barry was President....which explains the $1 trillion / 7,000+ pieces of pork Obama 1st spending bill.....


The Mental Deficiency Trifecta is their to claim, as well:

'All the negative was inherited from Bush'
Refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.
'Everything going on in the economy now it Barry's doing'

Trump took decreasing deficits and made them increasing...

Revenues are cyclical and in April a lot of money comes in from tax liabilities getting settled for LAST YEAR, which is why a temporary surplus is posted.

Last year we did not have Trump tax-cuts last I checked.

BS, this also reflects the 1st quarter 2018 for quarterly business estimated payments, not just 2017 settlements. BTW businesses started booming and hiring more, last year.

BS, there is only one big annual revenue spike and it's always in April.


It's tough to parse out "businesses" for Q1 because a lot are filed as pass through, but corporate revenues specifically are down.
Trump did not add 235,000 jobs to the economy. Obama did.
That’s how many jobs were added in February, while the unemployment rate fell from 4.8 percent to 4.7 percent, the Labor Department reported on Friday. That exceeded analysts’ expectations, and President Donald Trump has already retweeted the Drudge Report attributing these jobs to his young presidency.

If the president were honest, he’d be saying what all Americans should be saying about this good economic news: Thanks, Obama.

It’s Obama’s Economic Recovery, Stupid
Long before he was a presidential candidate, Trump was more than willing to trash the GOP economic policies that he now falsely claims are boosting the economy.

In a 2014 paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson examined every presidential administration since World War II. They concluded: “The U.S. economy has grown faster—and scored higher on many other macroeconomic metrics—when the president of the United States is a Democrat.” Our current president would do well to heed the words of his younger self. He should embrace the Democratic policies that have helped our economy prosper and eschew the Republican policies that dragged our country into those “pretty bad disasters.”

trump can't help himself, Obama just intimidates the hell out of him.
I would love to know HOW Barry, who didn't know a damn thing about creating jobs, added all those jobs.

As I pointed out, he and the power-drunk Democrats who controlled the purse strings and Congress with a near super-majority control of Congress, spent $1 trillion on a 'Jobs Creation' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC pork. As stated, the GAO / CBO reported that based on the number of jobs created / saved reported by Obama (with fudged numbers) and the money spent to 'create jobs', the cost to tax payers for EACH JOB was approx. $774,000 PER JOB.

Despite this HUGE job creation success, Obama and his economy are still credited as the President who put / had more Americans on welfare, food stamps, etc in decades if not ever. I am sure his inability to get 2% annual growth contributed to his job-creating success, though. :p
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

While the large increase in borrowing occurred "under Obama," it's an overstatement to blame Obama's actions as the sole cause of the ballooning debt, according to the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

The debt would have risen by $3 trillion because of tax and spending policies that were already in place. Plus, the Great Recession drove up spending on safety net programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps, without the president or Congress doing a thing.

Also, keep in mind that Obama can't take any financial steps without Congress' approval. And Republicans controlled the House for six years of his term and the Senate for two years.

So we rate Moore's claim as true, but misleading.

Oh well, another conservative spin myth bites the
It is important to point out, also, that the TYPE of job growth is important to understand when Democrats crow about job growth under Obama. Oh, I don't deny Obama did create jobs, but the TYPE of jobs he created...and lost...were equally celebratory and troubling.

'The composition of jobs under Obama has changed.'

More Americans lost 'Full-Time' jobs that had good salaries. What was previously considered 'part-time' jobs or jobs kids would work after school or on break when home from college, or worming their way through college became the new 'Full-Time' jobs. Instead of demanding more 'full-time employment / better jobs' be created, many Americans demanded part-time job creators like McDonalds suddenly pay their employees 'Full-time' pay one could raise a family on.

Manufacturing jobs especially were lost as companies took more and more of their jobs overseas. Obama did not stop the 'bleeding' there...but Trump did.

The labor participation rate under Obama was atrocious, and, as mentioned, Americans o welfare, food stamps, etc soared...
It is important to point out, also, that the TYPE of job growth is important to understand when Democrats crow about job growth under Obama. Oh, I don't deny Obama did create jobs, but the TYPE of jobs he created...and lost...were equally celebratory and troubling.

'The composition of jobs under Obama has changed.'

More Americans lost 'Full-Time' jobs that had good salaries. What was previously considered 'part-time' jobs or jobs kids would work after school or on break when home from college, or worming their way through college became the new 'Full-Time' jobs. Instead of demanding more 'full-time employment / better jobs' be created, many Americans demanded part-time job creators like McDonalds suddenly pay their employees 'Full-time' pay one could raise a family on.

Manufacturing jobs especially were lost as companies took more and more of their jobs overseas. Obama did not stop the 'bleeding' there...but Trump did.

The labor participation rate under Obama was atrocious, and, as mentioned, Americans o welfare, food stamps, etc soared...
Labor force participation rate is about the same as it was under obama...
It is important to point out, also, that the TYPE of job growth is important to understand when Democrats crow about job growth under Obama. Oh, I don't deny Obama did create jobs, but the TYPE of jobs he created...and lost...were equally celebratory and troubling.

'The composition of jobs under Obama has changed.'

More Americans lost 'Full-Time' jobs that had good salaries. What was previously considered 'part-time' jobs or jobs kids would work after school or on break when home from college, or worming their way through college became the new 'Full-Time' jobs. Instead of demanding more 'full-time employment / better jobs' be created, many Americans demanded part-time job creators like McDonalds suddenly pay their employees 'Full-time' pay one could raise a family on.

Manufacturing jobs especially were lost as companies took more and more of their jobs overseas. Obama did not stop the 'bleeding' there...but Trump did.

The labor participation rate under Obama was atrocious, and, as mentioned, Americans o welfare, food stamps, etc soared...

"Someone please save me, my bullshit rebuttal isn't keeping me afloat. Facts are drowning me!!!!"
More dividends from the healthy economy President "Nero" was handed. Talk to me at the end of the fiscal year.
/——/ Dateline 2024. As President Trump wraps up his second term, the economy has hit yet another new high at three times the rate as 2018, 0% unemployment and 8% GDP. Democrats are quick to give President Obama credit as his policies finally kicked in. Film at 11.
Last edited:
It is important to point out, also, that the TYPE of job growth is important to understand when Democrats crow about job growth under Obama. Oh, I don't deny Obama did create jobs, but the TYPE of jobs he created...and lost...were equally celebratory and troubling.

'The composition of jobs under Obama has changed.'

More Americans lost 'Full-Time' jobs that had good salaries. What was previously considered 'part-time' jobs or jobs kids would work after school or on break when home from college, or worming their way through college became the new 'Full-Time' jobs. Instead of demanding more 'full-time employment / better jobs' be created, many Americans demanded part-time job creators like McDonalds suddenly pay their employees 'Full-time' pay one could raise a family on.

Manufacturing jobs especially were lost as companies took more and more of their jobs overseas. Obama did not stop the 'bleeding' there...but Trump did.

The labor participation rate under Obama was atrocious, and, as mentioned, Americans o welfare, food stamps, etc soared...

"Someone please save me, my bullshit rebuttal isn't keeping me afloat. Facts are drowning me!!!!"
Snowflakes have proven they wouldn't know a fact if it walked up and bit them on the ass. Liberals are all about 'emotion' and demand to be judged by their intent, not the results of their actions.
More dividends from the healthy economy President "Nero" was handed. Talk to me at the end of the fiscal year.
/——/ Dateline 2022. As President Trump wraps up his second term, the economy has hit yet another new high at three times the rate as 2018, 0% unemployment and 8% GDP. Democrats are quick to give President Obama credit as his policies finally kicked in. Film at 11.



Revenues are cyclical and in April a lot of money comes in from tax liabilities getting settled for LAST YEAR, which is why a temporary surplus is posted.

Last year we did not have Trump tax-cuts last I checked.

BS, this also reflects the 1st quarter 2018 for quarterly business estimated payments, not just 2017 settlements. BTW businesses started booming and hiring more, last year.

BS, there is only one big annual revenue spike and it's always in April.


It's tough to parse out "businesses" for Q1 because a lot are filed as pass through, but corporate revenues specifically are down.

Further proof that the TrumpianGOP propagandists think the base is stupid.
Debt seems to still be growing quite speedily.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Since when did Liberals give a rat's @$$ about the national debt?

Hey snoflake, who is the only President to ever triple the national debt on his watch. Guess what party he is associated with. Who I hint he even said debt spending was good!
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined

In another link, according to CNN, Obama increased the debt / spending by 86%.

Obama added roughly $7 trillion in his 1st 4 years.

His 1st spending bill bas the 'Jobs Creation Bill' that cost $1 trillion and contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork. The GAO / CBO reported that Obama's 'Job Creation' Bill ended up costing Americans approx. $774,000 PER JOB created / saved due to the pork spending and waste in his bill....and that is based on the FUDGED job creation / jobs save report the Obama administration created.

Barry followed this up with an amazing accomplishment - 1st US Credit Rating down-grade...because he refused to listen to the warnings from the bank that downgraded the US. He was told that if he did not make MORE CUTS to the budget to show he was serious about reducing the deficit the Down-grade was coming. He rejected the warning, and the Credit Rating was cut.
-- What did Obama do afterwards? Send his stormtroopers to audit, intimidate, and punish the bank.

Barry and his loyal brainwashed followers blamed everything negative Barry did / effected on 'inheriting it from Bush' and now claim every success Trump is having to be 'Obama's doing'.

I love how Bush added 2.5 trillion to the debt in 6 years with a GOP Congress...and that included during 2 wars and 9/11. The DEMOCRATS took over Congress, the purse strings, and spending the last 2 years Bush was in office. During those 2 years under Democrats, the Democrats added $1.5 trillion in new debt, just $1 trillion less than Bush and the GOP had added in SIX years!

The DEMOCRATS controlled spending for the 1st 2 years before Obama was elected - since CONGRESS controls the purse strings and the DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, that means the economy Obama inherited was NOT Bush's/the GOP's economy - he inherited the DEMOCRATS' ECONOMY! Democrats went on to control Congress / spending / the purse strings for the 1st 2 Years Barry was President....which explains the $1 trillion / 7,000+ pieces of pork Obama 1st spending bill.....


The Mental Deficiency Trifecta is their to claim, as well:

'All the negative was inherited from Bush'
Refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.
'Everything going on in the economy now it Barry's doing'

Why do you not answer the question? Do you not know, or are you to partisan to do it?
Trump did not add 235,000 jobs to the economy. Obama did.
That’s how many jobs were added in February, while the unemployment rate fell from 4.8 percent to 4.7 percent, the Labor Department reported on Friday. That exceeded analysts’ expectations, and President Donald Trump has already retweeted the Drudge Report attributing these jobs to his young presidency.

If the president were honest, he’d be saying what all Americans should be saying about this good economic news: Thanks, Obama.

It’s Obama’s Economic Recovery, Stupid
Long before he was a presidential candidate, Trump was more than willing to trash the GOP economic policies that he now falsely claims are boosting the economy.

In a 2014 paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson examined every presidential administration since World War II. They concluded: “The U.S. economy has grown faster—and scored higher on many other macroeconomic metrics—when the president of the United States is a Democrat.” Our current president would do well to heed the words of his younger self. He should embrace the Democratic policies that have helped our economy prosper and eschew the Republican policies that dragged our country into those “pretty bad disasters.”

trump can't help himself, Obama just intimidates the hell out of him.
/——-/ You're delusional Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Revenues are cyclical and in April a lot of money comes in from tax liabilities getting settled for LAST YEAR, which is why a temporary surplus is posted.

Last year we did not have Trump tax-cuts last I checked.

BS, this also reflects the 1st quarter 2018 for quarterly business estimated payments, not just 2017 settlements. BTW businesses started booming and hiring more, last year.

BS, there is only one big annual revenue spike and it's always in April.


It's tough to parse out "businesses" for Q1 because a lot are filed as pass through, but corporate revenues specifically are down.

Link please.


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