Trump tears into John Kerry over shadow diplomacy with Iran

Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.
It's not his call.
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.

Answer the question. Is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
NO. I have absolutely NO IDEA how you could possibly have interpreted my post as being anything but a "no."

Dotards... :rolleyes:
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.
It's not his call.
Obviously. Good fucking grief. These people are absolutely braindead.
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

It's obvious once again you are clueless on the topic. Go bug someone else
^ shrinks away from factual information, like the typical dotard

Except you provided no "factual information", toad
There you go again. Not only do you think Iranians are the only people that Kerry has met with, but now you think you're speaking to an amphibian. Trumpism is a mental disease.
Well know that a false flag is coming, or an attack on a school WATCH!!
Why the fuck is Lurch meeting the Iranians?
He's met with everybody involved in the deal because he's the leading expert. Well, he probably hasn't met with Trump, who relishes ignorance.
You enjoy being lead by peckerwoods? Like Kerry and obama...
^ Never a response with any substance. Must be a symptom of relishing ignorance so strongly.
Sorry, I hurt your feelings...
Remember when Obama sent $1.7 billion in cash to Iran and wondered why there had not been an investigation. Apparently, Congress investigated it. Really they had to investigate it. It was for US military Equipment that they never received by the U.S. Thats funny, that congress had to investigate it in the first place.

The cash transaction was controversial even within the administration. -Washington Post
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.

he is a traitor to the USA-----you might just as well say that Benedict Arnold was trying to maintain
the status quo between DA COLONIES and DA MOTHER COUNTRY
So stupid. Has Kerry become an Iranian General? Soooo stupid.
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.

Answer the question. Is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
NO. I have absolutely NO IDEA how you could possibly have interpreted my post as being anything but a "no."

Dotards... :rolleyes:

Well why isn't he violating the Logan Act?
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.

Answer the question. Is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
NO. I have absolutely NO IDEA how you could possibly have interpreted my post as being anything but a "no."

Dotards... :rolleyes:

Well why isn't he violating the Logan Act?
How is he violating it? How am I supposed to make a counterargument to an argument that doesn't even exist?
And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.

Answer the question. Is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
NO. I have absolutely NO IDEA how you could possibly have interpreted my post as being anything but a "no."

Dotards... :rolleyes:

Well why isn't he violating the Logan Act?
How is he violating it? How am I supposed to make a counterargument to an argument that doesn't even exist?

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

If he's engaging with Iranian government officials without the direct approval of Trump, who with regards to Foreign relations IS the "United States" then he is in violation of the law.

Clear enough for a mouth-breathing poseur twat such as yourself?
Kerry has met with everybody that's in the deal besides the dotard because they all want the deal to stay in place. Not just the Iranians.

And this isn't violating the Logan act how?

Don't worry about the constitutional issue with it, is Kerry violating the Logan Act or not?
A Trump sheep really shouldn't bring up violations of the Logan Act. But go ahead and try to prosecute him. Convince the Judge that Kerry is wickedly trying to keep in place U.S. policy that is currently in place.

he is a traitor to the USA-----you might just as well say that Benedict Arnold was trying to maintain
the status quo between DA COLONIES and DA MOTHER COUNTRY
So stupid. Has Kerry become an Iranian General? Soooo stupid.

He has become a shill for the Ayatoilets
If he's engaging with Iranian government officials without the direct approval of Trump, who with regards to Foreign relations IS the "United States" then he is in violation of the law.
How, you stupid fuck? What has he negotiated? What has he convinced other countries to do? The answer is absolutely nothing. It's entirely up to Trump whether he wants to pull out of the deal. And nothing Kerry does can affect that in any way.
If he's engaging with Iranian government officials without the direct approval of Trump, who with regards to Foreign relations IS the "United States" then he is in violation of the law.
How, you stupid fuck? What has he negotiated? What has he convinced other countries to do? The answer is absolutely nothing. It's entirely up to Trump whether he wants to pull out of the deal. And nothing Kerry does can affect that in any way.

Where does it say "agrees" to in the text of the law?

Now try and read it slow and mouth out the words so you can understand it, you wanna be resistance cuck.
More Info..........

A funny thing happened on the way to impeaching Donald Trump. After two-years of investigations by a highly politicized FBI and a Special Counsel stacked with Clinton supporters, Robert Mueller’s probe has resulted in the resignation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, the arrests of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, and the indictment of 13 Russian nationals on allegations of hacking the 2016 election – along with the raid of Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

3 Federal Judges Have Now Exposed Mueller Witch Hunt


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