trump tells border agents to DEFY THE LAW!

trump is an Imbecile.....a man that defies the law in public sight....knowing his self appointed AG will protect him.
Will he get away with this also?
Why is it ok for the alien to ignore the law?
Because the law also says, where ever an asylum seeker crosses the border, an entry point or not, if they turn themselves in to border patrol, they get their day in immigration court, for seeking refugee status.

Mexicans share a border with us, so by law, they are not asylum seekers, the Central Americans are though.
trump is an Imbecile.....a man that defies the law in public sight....knowing his self appointed AG will protect him.
Will he get away with this also?
Why is it ok for the alien to ignore the law?
Because the law also says, where ever an asylum seeker crosses the border, an entry point or not, if they turn themselves in to border patrol, they get their day in immigration court, for seeking refugee status.

Mexicans share a border with us, so by law, they are not asylum seekers, the Central Americans are though.
Why would sharing a border with us make them not asylum seekers?
Time to change the law. Trespasser will be shot.
trump is an Imbecile.....a man that defies the law in public sight....knowing his self appointed AG will protect him.
Will he get away with this also?
Why is it ok for the alien to ignore the law?
Because the law also says, where ever an asylum seeker crosses the border, an entry point or not, if they turn themselves in to border patrol, they get their day in immigration court, for seeking refugee status.

Mexicans share a border with us, so by law, they are not asylum seekers, the Central Americans are though.
Why would sharing a border with us make them not asylum seekers?
Time to change the law. Trespasser will be shot.
Canadians and Mexicans share a border with us, and under law, they can be sent back to canada and mexico if they are caught crossing the border illegally right then and there, is my understanding of it...

But if they are from a country not touching our border, seeking asylum here, by law, regardless of where they cross the border, we have to take them in, and give these asylum seekers their legal right, to a hearing in an immigration court, for refugee status... that is in our laws...

if denied refugee status by the court, then we can ship them back to their home country.
the real problem, is we do not have enough immigration court judges to handle the influx... it is taking a year's wait before they see their day in court... nor enough people at the points of entry.

this has had a Domino effect, it has caused the holding centers to overflow, children being taken from their parents, asylum seekers crossing out side of points of entries, making border patrol get overloaded and overwhelmed, etc etc etc....

if we had enough workers at entry points, and enough judges in the immigration courts, this humanitarian crisis would likely not exist, imo.
Excellent. If Congress refuses to act upon their sworn duties, then Trump must act alone. I have no problem with it.
Is not q company he owns...he needs to follow the law or fuck off.

If Congress refuses to fulfill their oaths, then it is they who can fuck off.

If dictatorship ever comes to America, it will be because of the Democrat attempt to destroy it by both action and inaction.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge... opposed to the Democrats who are standing with violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers, keep the borders open and Illegal Immigration going... opposed to the Democrats who are operating federal-law violating, illegal immigration-incentivising, criminal protecting Sanctuary cities... opposed to Democrats who are trying to legalize illegal immigrant voting, who are calling for the termination of ICE... opposed to Democrats who are lying and facilitating the current invasion...

WTF, snowflake?

-There is no invasion.

-State and local governments are not required to enforce immigration law

-Trump encourages ICE to break the law and lie to federal judges. They are a lawless organization that needs to be put back where it was originally.

-supporting asylum and other laws which protect people who face persecution in their home countries has nothing to do with violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers etc.

Hard to listen to anything snowflakes accuse Trump of while Democrats are facilitating the illegal immigration / invasion and running federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities that protect human traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, cop killers, etc....

Snowflakes like you are pretty disgusting. There is no invasion and sanctuary cities do not violate any laws. Human trafficking has not been a major issue according to border patrol arrests. The vast majority are peaceful and seeking safety. Criminals like you are the ones who have invaded this country however you will be destroyed in 2020.
But Trump says our country is full!
(even tho 4th of counties have population drop)

My house is not "full", but if you force your way in, I would likely shoot you in the head.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
Wow, you're smoking bad weed.
Maybe we could also bring in the mayors of all the Leftist sanctuary cities and have them testify?
Or the entire government of California?

Sorry, the Dems don't have a leg to stand on with this tiny, pitiful accusation. It's just more Post-Mueller Syndrome.
the real problem, is we do not have enough immigration court judges to handle the influx... it is taking a year's wait before they see their day in court... nor enough people at the points of entry.

this has had a Domino effect, it has caused the holding centers to overflow, children being taken from their parents, asylum seekers crossing out side of points of entries, making border patrol get overloaded and overwhelmed, etc etc etc....

if we had enough workers at entry points, and enough judges in the immigration courts, this humanitarian crisis would likely not exist, imo.

trump is an Imbecile.....a man that defies the law in public sight....knowing his self appointed AG will protect him.
Will he get away with this also?
Why is it ok for the alien to ignore the law?
Because the law also says, where ever an asylum seeker crosses the border, an entry point or not, if they turn themselves in to border patrol, they get their day in immigration court, for seeking refugee status.

Mexicans share a border with us, so by law, they are not asylum seekers, the Central Americans are though.

LEAVE IT TO trump TO MAKE A BAD SITUATION WORSE.... opposed to the Democrats who are standing with violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers, keep the borders open and Illegal Immigration going... opposed to the Democrats who are operating federal-law violating, illegal immigration-incentivising, criminal protecting Sanctuary cities... opposed to Democrats who are trying to legalize illegal immigrant voting, who are calling for the termination of ICE... opposed to Democrats who are lying and facilitating the current invasion...

WTF, snowflake?

-There is no invasion.

-State and local governments are not required to enforce immigration law

-Trump encourages ICE to break the law and lie to federal judges. They are a lawless organization that needs to be put back where it was originally.

-supporting asylum and other laws which protect people who face persecution in their home countries has nothing to do with violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers etc.

Hard to listen to anything snowflakes accuse Trump of while Democrats are facilitating the illegal immigration / invasion and running federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities that protect human traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, cop killers, etc....

Snowflakes like you are pretty disgusting. There is no invasion and sanctuary cities do not violate any laws. Human trafficking has not been a major issue according to border patrol arrests. The vast majority are peaceful and seeking safety. Criminals like you are the ones who have invaded this country however you will be destroyed in 2020.
But Trump says our country is full!
(even tho 4th of counties have population drop)

My house is not "full", but if you force your way in, I would likely shoot you in the head.
I'm already in your house, along with 325 million others.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
What's your fucking point?

Sanctuary cities are BLATANT DISREGARD
for our immigration laws
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution
What does that have to do with anything?

We have immigration laws

A country with no borders is not a country
And a country with a President who tells his workers to disobey the law is ..... what?
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
What's your fucking point?

Sanctuary cities are BLATANT DISREGARD
for our immigration laws

The Commander in Chief told Government officials to defy the law and lie to a federal judge. If Obama had said half what trump has said he would have been lynched!
If Obama had said it we would never have heard about it.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
What's your fucking point?

Sanctuary cities are BLATANT DISREGARD
for our immigration laws
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution
What does that have to do with anything?

We have immigration laws

A country with no borders is not a country
And a country with a President who tells his workers to disobey the law is ..... what?

"...a President who tells his workers to disobey the law is ..... what?"

How about a President who hates America, and tells illegal aliens to go vote?

Obama to illegal aliens:

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?
And a country with a President who tells his workers to disobey the law is ..... what?

Who sez his orders were against the Law?

Some fucking leftwing, panty-waist journalists? Is that all you got?

When the President of The United States gives a subordinate an order, he or she obeys that order or resigns on the spot without recourse.

Nielson did not resign, the bitch was fired. Trump gave her an order and she was insubordinate. The bitch was fired

And the BULLSHIT about BP Agents facing prosecution for obeying a Presidential Order????


Honest To God.

When you are in the Executive Branch you are bound by Law to obey the orders of the President. NO LAW CAN CONTRADICT THAT.

Meanwhile, how's Nielson doing in here job search??

leftists are stupid bitches

and scum
O hated the law and the constitution but nary a peep from the OP

Top 10 Ways Obama Violated the Constitution during His Presidency

True of the Democrat Party since the 32nd President.....they feel they can ignore the Constitution.

None of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, “The Twenty Year Revolution,” p.63

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