trump tells border agents to DEFY THE LAW!

Tu Quoque fallacies don't impress me.

These scumbags are saying Trump broke the Law?

Who says he broke the Law?

Seriously, who?

Didn't these people take an Oath swearing to "Obey The Orders Of Those Appointed Over Me"??

Why, yes Virginia, I believe they did.

So if the incompetents that Trump just FIRED refused to obey his orders, they deserved to be fired. And it is NOT for them to decide what Orders are unlawful and what are not. They MUST obey them. There is no alternative other than to resign on the spot or be fired.

If somebody thinks Trump broke the Law, it is NOT for some fucking part-time, guest journalist to say, it is for a Court to decide. And not some bullshit local Court. A FEDERAL COURT.

And where is the lawsuit claiming somebody was 'wrongfully terminated'?

dimocraps are just simply stupid scumbags
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
What's your fucking point?

Sanctuary cities are BLATANT DISREGARD
for our immigration laws
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution
What does that have to do with anything?

We have immigration laws

A country with no borders is not a country
And a country with a President who tells his workers to disobey the law is ..... what?
And a country with a President who tells his workers to disobey the law is ..... what?
Why do you have a problem with Trump
but, not with state and local officials?

These immigrants are coming in hordes
and using asylum as an excuse

Not all of them will make it in but,
by overwhelming target areas in huge numbers
more of them have a chance of getting in
knowing they cant hold everyone
and the ones apprehended can ask for asylum

They know how much pressure is being put on them too

What Trump should do is say, okey dokey....
A mandatory immigrant tax is required from everyone
to pay for the cost of supporting these illegals...
To be deducted from every payroll check

If you receive government assistance
the amount will be calculated at a weekly rate
and deducted from your monthly benefits

Food stamps, SSI, Social Security, disability, WIC, TANF
unemployment, housing assistance

The minimum will be set at $25, regardless
and increase according to your earnings

These taxes will double for Hispanics and Latinos
the real problem, is we do not have enough immigration court judges to handle the influx... it is taking a year's wait before they see their day in court... nor enough people at the points of entry.

this has had a Domino effect, it has caused the holding centers to overflow, children being taken from their parents, asylum seekers crossing out side of points of entries, making border patrol get overloaded and overwhelmed, etc etc etc....

if we had enough workers at entry points, and enough judges in the immigration courts, this humanitarian crisis would likely not exist, imo.
How much is enough. We could hire more judges but then more aliens come. There are over 300 million poverty stricken people who want to come to America. They just lack the method of getting here. More Judges isn't the answer changing our Asylum laws and forcing these people to stay home and fix their own damn problems is.
The world has certainly turned upside down in the liberal mind. The President has the duty to protect America from an invasion of illegal criminals. The ironic thing (Alinsky would be proud) is that certain sections of the United States are in violation of federal law by offering sanctuary to illegals.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge... opposed to the Democrats who are standing with violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers, keep the borders open and Illegal Immigration going... opposed to the Democrats who are operating federal-law violating, illegal immigration-incentivising, criminal protecting Sanctuary cities... opposed to Democrats who are trying to legalize illegal immigrant voting, who are calling for the termination of ICE... opposed to Democrats who are lying and facilitating the current invasion...

WTF, snowflake?

-There is no invasion.

-State and local governments are not required to enforce immigration law

-Trump encourages ICE to break the law and lie to federal judges. They are a lawless organization that needs to be put back where it was originally.

-supporting asylum and other laws which protect people who face persecution in their home countries has nothing to do with violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers etc.

Hard to listen to anything snowflakes accuse Trump of while Democrats are facilitating the illegal immigration / invasion and running federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities that protect human traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, cop killers, etc....

Snowflakes like you are pretty disgusting. There is no invasion and sanctuary cities do not violate any laws. Human trafficking has not been a major issue according to border patrol arrests. The vast majority are peaceful and seeking safety. Criminals like you are the ones who have invaded this country however you will be destroyed in 2020.
Calling 811 is the most important step!
Call 811 at least a few days before you start any mass grave digging project. Whether you are planning to do it yourself or hire a professional totalitarian, smart digging means calling 811 before each mass grave project.

Ready to dispose of your political enemies? We'll help you do it safely!
Trump needs to fast-track appeals for all of these Illegals-friendly court rulings in recent months... all the way to SCOTUS.

Let's have a 5-4 Court have the final say.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
What's your fucking point?

Sanctuary cities are BLATANT DISREGARD
for our immigration laws

If we're gonna lock somebody up, let's lock up the Mayors of those Sanctuary Cities.

It would be great fun, to watch US Marshals bringing them out of City Hall in handcuffs, headed to their bond hearings.
Trump told border patrol agents to defy law, block migrants: CNN

Okay....bring the agents in and ask them under oath if trump told them to lie to the judge...
What's your fucking point?

Sanctuary cities are BLATANT DISREGARD
for our immigration laws

The Commander in Chief told Government officials to defy the law and lie to a federal judge. If Obama had said half what trump has said he would have been lynched!
You mean just like Obama did?
Dems want Barr to defy the law. Weird. Guess the law doesn't matter much to them unless it matters much to them.
Trump should declare Marshal Law on the southern border to repel the migrant invasion, send the army to haul them back to the Mexico side.

I also want a Law or Exec Order saying that migrants cannot be given asylum when they cross another country. Meaning that only Mexicans and Canadians can ask for asylum, and they would be denied since Mexico and Canada are fine. Guatamalans and other Central American SHs need to ask Mexico for asylum.
the real problem, is we do not have enough immigration court judges to handle the influx... it is taking a year's wait before they see their day in court... nor enough people at the points of entry.

this has had a Domino effect, it has caused the holding centers to overflow, children being taken from their parents, asylum seekers crossing out side of points of entries, making border patrol get overloaded and overwhelmed, etc etc etc....

if we had enough workers at entry points, and enough judges in the immigration courts, this humanitarian crisis would likely not exist, imo.
How much is enough. We could hire more judges but then more aliens come. There are over 300 million poverty stricken people who want to come to America. They just lack the method of getting here. More Judges isn't the answer changing our Asylum laws and forcing these people to stay home and fix their own damn problems is.
there is no easy legislation that can fix this permanently... it's a treaty we signed too. It could take years. ( If it was simply passing a law, then the Republicans could have simply forced the law thru when they were in charge for two years)

This is why we need more State Department, diplomatic efforts down where the root of the problem is, and more border crossing guards and Immigration court judges, in the mean time.

Forcing the refugees to cross outside of the border entry points to seek asylum, over loads border patrol and gives easy access for Mexican gangs, coyotes, and drug dealers to hide among them and for border patrol to miss. Is that what you really would prefer?

And President Trump needs to shut his darn trap with this "I am going to close the border" crapolla...

It is only making the asylum seekers rush here, as quickly as possible.
the real problem, is we do not have enough immigration court judges to handle the influx... it is taking a year's wait before they see their day in court... nor enough people at the points of entry.

this has had a Domino effect, it has caused the holding centers to overflow, children being taken from their parents, asylum seekers crossing out side of points of entries, making border patrol get overloaded and overwhelmed, etc etc etc....

if we had enough workers at entry points, and enough judges in the immigration courts, this humanitarian crisis would likely not exist, imo.
How much is enough. We could hire more judges but then more aliens come. There are over 300 million poverty stricken people who want to come to America. They just lack the method of getting here. More Judges isn't the answer changing our Asylum laws and forcing these people to stay home and fix their own damn problems is.
there is no easy legislation that can fix this permanently... it's a treaty we signed too. It could take years. ( If it was simply passing a law, then the Republicans could have simply forced the law thru when they were in charge for two years)

This is why we need more State Department, diplomatic efforts down where the root of the problem is, and more border crossing guards and Immigration court judges, in the mean time.

Forcing the refugees to cross outside of the border entry points to seek asylum, over loads border patrol and gives easy access for Mexican gangs, coyotes, and drug dealers to hide among them and for border patrol to miss. Is that what you really would prefer?

And President Trump needs to shut his darn trap with this "I am going to close the border" crapolla...

It is only making the asylum seekers rush here, as quickly as possible.

What treaty?
Well, now it is known now ms-13 is infiltrating family units

CBP San Diego Retweeted

Apr 10

ICYMI: #USBP Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Karisch testified yesterday regarding the situation on the SW border. He shared a translation of a text message intercepted from an MS-13 gang member who was part of a fraudulent family unit.
Video at link. Wish I knew how to post twitter video

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