Trump tells court he had no duty to 'support' the Constitution as president

Former President Donald Trump is arguing to a judge in Colorado that he was not required to "support" the Constitution as president, reported Brandi Buchman from Law & Crime.

The argument came as he seeks to dismiss a lawsuit filed in the state by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), seeking to have him disqualified from the ballot in the state under the 14th Amendment. The Insurrection Clause of the amendment prohibits those who have "engaged in insurrection" against the United States from holding a civil, military, or elected office without unless a two-thirds majority of the House and Senate approve.

But Trump's lawyers are arguing that the specific language of the Constitution argues that this requirement only applies to people in offices who are bound to "support" the Constitution — and the presidency is not one of those offices.

This is totally bizarre! If the President of the United States isn't required to support the Constitution - then who is? What do you think?
I think he took an oath that he is now willing to toss out for his own gain.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Is preserving and protecting and defending the Constitution NOT supporting it?
Of course it is.
It’s a distinction without a difference. A losers defense.

Is giving aid or comfort to insurrectionists preserving, protecting and defending the constitution?
Of course not. Especially when the insurrectionists were operating at the president’s request and according to his plans.
That is all that matters.
I think he took an oath that he is now willing to toss out for his own gain.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Can't find anything verbatim about support.......?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Can't find anything verbatim about support.......?
Can’t find a brain cell either.
Former President Donald Trump is arguing to a judge in Colorado that he was not required to "support" the Constitution as president, reported Brandi Buchman from Law & Crime.

The argument came as he seeks to dismiss a lawsuit filed in the state by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), seeking to have him disqualified from the ballot in the state under the 14th Amendment. The Insurrection Clause of the amendment prohibits those who have "engaged in insurrection" against the United States from holding a civil, military, or elected office without unless a two-thirds majority of the House and Senate approve.

But Trump's lawyers are arguing that the specific language of the Constitution argues that this requirement only applies to people in offices who are bound to "support" the Constitution — and the presidency is not one of those offices.

This is totally bizarre! If the President of the United States isn't required to support the Constitution - then who is? What do you think?
This shit is why Trump lost in 2020 among crimes committed at the ballot box.
It is the media in action. We have a nation with a tiny number of news stations being honest and the balance lie about Trump. Since the claim above comes with 3rd party claims, I dismiss the claims about Trump.
Former President Donald Trump is arguing to a judge in Colorado that he was not required to "support" the Constitution as president, reported Brandi Buchman from Law & Crime.

The argument came as he seeks to dismiss a lawsuit filed in the state by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), seeking to have him disqualified from the ballot in the state under the 14th Amendment. The Insurrection Clause of the amendment prohibits those who have "engaged in insurrection" against the United States from holding a civil, military, or elected office without unless a two-thirds majority of the House and Senate approve.

But Trump's lawyers are arguing that the specific language of the Constitution argues that this requirement only applies to people in offices who are bound to "support" the Constitution — and the presidency is not one of those offices.

This is totally bizarre! If the President of the United States isn't required to support the Constitution - then who is? What do you think?
That is a complete lie. This shows the fear by the Democrats. But Trump wanted it dismissed on other grounds.

A Colorado judge has rejected an attempt by former President Donald Trump to dismiss a lawsuit that seeks to keep him off the ballot here, ruling that his objections on free-speech grounds did not apply.

Trump’s attorneys argued that a Colorado law protecting people from being sued over exercising their free speech rights should shield him from the suit, but Colorado District Judge Sarah Wallace said that law doesn’t apply in this case.
The media of the mainstream tell the truth about the Orange Liar while the mediocre and minor MAGA outlets lie and lie and lie.
It took me 30 seconds to debunk the lie that Trump said he never had to obey the Constitution and had actually based his request on the free speech angle.

I doubt even your media said he claimed he did not obey the constitution.
In December 2022, Donald Trump was pushing the baseless claim that he lost the 2020 election due to widespread voter fraud,

Trump said, "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote on Truth Social on December 3, 2022. "Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!"

one minute the Left is bitching that the Constitution was written by white men wjo owned slaves and therefore not valid. The nex minute, they are holding it sacred.

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