Trump Tells Court To Strike Down Entire Affordable Care Act

Donald Trump just made sure health care will decide the 2020 election - CNNPolitics

The Dumb as Dirt President once again proves that he's, well, Dumb as Dirt.

He obviously has no clue about the vast number of his supporters dependent on Obamacare for their health insurance. 50% of Americans approve of Obamacare; only 37%, which is about the size of Trump's base, disapprove.

Since there was never a "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" plan, Trump has opted for full repeal. No way big guy, but thanks for giving us Democrats a sure win! You may hate the word Obamacare, but a bunch of your people love it!

Speak for yourself. I dont know a single person of conservative values that thinks Obamacare is anything but trash.
And btw since you weren't paying attention apparently, Trump ran on getting rid of it AND WON the Presidency

No. He ran on hating Mexicans, and Muslims. And lost by 3 million votes, but was technically installaed by 78,000 votes in 4 states that suppressed over 1 million votes by the electoral college who failed at their jobs by letting him in.

Trump is a lot of things. An elected President by the people isn't one of them.
Donald Trump just made sure health care will decide the 2020 election - CNNPolitics

The Dumb as Dirt President once again proves that he's, well, Dumb as Dirt.

He obviously has no clue about the vast number of his supporters dependent on Obamacare for their health insurance. 50% of Americans approve of Obamacare; only 37%, which is about the size of Trump's base, disapprove.

Since there was never a "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" plan, Trump has opted for full repeal. No way big guy, but thanks for giving us Democrats a sure win! You may hate the word Obamacare, but a bunch of your people love it!

Speak for yourself. I dont know a single person of conservative values that thinks Obamacare is anything but trash.
And btw since you weren't paying attention apparently, Trump ran on getting rid of it AND WON the Presidency

The ACA was a good idea but because it was done by STUPID fucking dimocrap filth, they fucked it up.

I've said in here 50 times that all they need to do is look at the Swiss Health Care system.

But they won't, they're scum.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care For All

They want socialism


how far would any healthcare system go with the (R)s - that isn't a free market, capitalistic, fee for service, & not a for profit program?

Suck on this, sugar plum....

The Hill:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday announced that it is siding with a district court ruling that found the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.
The move is an escalation of the Trump administration's legal battle against the health care law.

The DOJ previously argued in court that the law's pre-existing condition protections should be struck down. Now, the administration argues the entire law should be invalidated.

Meanwhile, more winning:
Donald Trump just made sure health care will decide the 2020 election - CNNPolitics

The Dumb as Dirt President once again proves that he's, well, Dumb as Dirt.

He obviously has no clue about the vast number of his supporters dependent on Obamacare for their health insurance. 50% of Americans approve of Obamacare; only 37%, which is about the size of Trump's base, disapprove.

Since there was never a "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" plan, Trump has opted for full repeal. No way big guy, but thanks for giving us Democrats a sure win! You may hate the word Obamacare, but a bunch of your people love it!

Speak for yourself. I dont know a single person of conservative values that thinks Obamacare is anything but trash.
And btw since you weren't paying attention apparently, Trump ran on getting rid of it AND WON the Presidency

The ACA was a good idea but because it was done by STUPID fucking dimocrap filth, they fucked it up.

I've said in here 50 times that all they need to do is look at the Swiss Health Care system.

But they won't, they're scum.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care For All

They want socialism

Couldn't disagree more.

ACA was completely unnecessary. Expand Medicare for the truly indigent and leave the rest of us alone
Donald Trump just made sure health care will decide the 2020 election - CNNPolitics

The Dumb as Dirt President once again proves that he's, well, Dumb as Dirt.

He obviously has no clue about the vast number of his supporters dependent on Obamacare for their health insurance. 50% of Americans approve of Obamacare; only 37%, which is about the size of Trump's base, disapprove.

Since there was never a "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" plan, Trump has opted for full repeal. No way big guy, but thanks for giving us Democrats a sure win! You may hate the word Obamacare, but a bunch of your people love it!

Speak for yourself. I dont know a single person of conservative values that thinks Obamacare is anything but trash.
And btw since you weren't paying attention apparently, Trump ran on getting rid of it AND WON the Presidency

The ACA was a good idea but because it was done by STUPID fucking dimocrap filth, they fucked it up.

I've said in here 50 times that all they need to do is look at the Swiss Health Care system.

But they won't, they're scum.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care For All

They want socialism


how far would any healthcare system go with the (R)s - that isn't a free market, capitalistic, fee for service, & not a for profit program?

Suck on this, sugar plum....

The Hill:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday announced that it is siding with a district court ruling that found the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.
The move is an escalation of the Trump administration's legal battle against the health care law.

The DOJ previously argued in court that the law's pre-existing condition protections should be struck down. Now, the administration argues the entire law should be invalidated.

Meanwhile, more winning:

the (R)s will sink on this one. that is a fact, jack.
No. He ran on hating Mexicans, and Muslims. And lost by 3 million votes, but was technically installaed by 78,000 votes in 4 states that suppressed over 1 million votes by the electoral college who failed at their jobs by letting him in.

Trump is a lot of things. An elected President by the people isn't one of them.

Sucks to be you, don't it??

OBTW, Ubercunt will NEVER be president.
Couldn't disagree more.

ACA was completely unnecessary. Expand Medicare for the truly indigent and leave the rest of us alone

It's just not that simple.

What about the self-employed?

What about full time employees whose employers don't offer insurance?

What about people who retire before Medicare Eligibility?

Insurance is the least understood commodity in the entire Country.

The Swiss system is what works best. It would work here, too. But dimocrap scum don't want healthcare for all, they want socialism.

It's very basic and very simple --

Healthcare in Switzerland - Wikipedia

And Republicans, unfortunately, just aren't tuned in.

This is a case where dimocraps need to step up and do the right thing. But they won't.

Because, honest to God, they're scum. They're only interested if it's socialism.
House Democrats to unveil Affordable Care Act rescue package — fixing 'family glitch'

Isaac Stanley-BeckerThe Washington Post
March 26, 2019 7:13 AM

House Democrats to unveil Affordable Care Act rescue package — fixing 'family glitch'

Why do dimocrap SCUM waste so much time and effort on things that will NEVER see the light of day?

Seriously, what's your peoples' problem? Are you honestly that shallow and that stupid?

I already know the answer

Good point, they should be more like the Repubs who voted more than 60 times to get rid of ObamaCare knowing it would never see the light of day

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He also ran on repeal and replace.
Btw, he won.
Might want to rethink the OP
I think it is the Trump voters who ought to be rethinking.
He is full of half promises...such as repeal but not replace. He tosses a crumb occasionally about pre-existing conditions, but a glass eye can see the 'wink wink' as he says that. Otherwise, there is no, nyet, nada movement afoot to replace any healthcare. Same as with building a wall...but not Mexico paying for it. Today I read his new Pentagon appointee is budgeting $1 billion of the military budget to cover 'Mexico's debt'!

I believe neither Trump, or his voters or his do-nothing Senate realize how important healthcare means to the majority of Americans. Nor do they realize how much $1 billion out of the military budget for a useless showpiece is resented either.
Good point, they should be more like the Repubs who voted more than 60 times to get rid of ObamaCare knowing it would never see the light of day

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nObamacare has failed for the last 10 years. It’s been long overdue to repeal and replace. Which is why Trump was elected. But thanks to McCain there still needs to be a repeal.
Donald Trump just made sure health care will decide the 2020 election - CNNPolitics

The Dumb as Dirt President once again proves that he's, well, Dumb as Dirt.

He obviously has no clue about the vast number of his supporters dependent on Obamacare for their health insurance. 50% of Americans approve of Obamacare; only 37%, which is about the size of Trump's base, disapprove.

Since there was never a "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" plan, Trump has opted for full repeal. No way big guy, but thanks for giving us Democrats a sure win! You may hate the word Obamacare, but a bunch of your people love it!

Speak for yourself. I dont know a single person of conservative values that thinks Obamacare is anything but trash.
And btw since you weren't paying attention apparently, Trump ran on getting rid of it AND WON the Presidency

He ran on replacing it. He said he had a plan that was the best plan ever.

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He ran on replacing it. He said he had a plan that was the best plan ever.
This is TRUE!!!

This is also a proper bitch when it comes to Trump. He lied. He had no plan. He didn't even know what the fuck he was talking about.

The assumption was that the plans the GOP passed for 7 fucking years would be signed into law.

But, that didn't happen, so it really falls on the whole fucking GOP, not just Trump.


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