Trump Tells New York To Drop State Lawsuits Against Him

Do you mean like the 20+ investigations of the Clintons? Or the 7 Benghazi investigations?
That was nothing like this and you know it.....the Clinton's had the media backing the media is trying to undo the 2016 election....big difference....and Obama was never investigated like this either...this is new territory when impeachment is used to get rid of a sitting president for nothing and when the previous administration try and frame him...and it still hasn't stopped has it?....

Obama wasn't abusing his power, or lining his own pockets at every opportunity. He wasn't cozying up to dictators and doing their bidding.

The Clinton had the media behind them because they hadn't done anything. Hell Trump has had 5 Clinton investigations since he took office: The Huber Investigation - no violations of any kind found; The State Department Investigation under Mike Pompeo - nothing found; The Senate Investigation led by Chuck Grassley, and the IG's report. These are all Republican investigations.

Every time a Clinton sneezes, Republicans accuse them of something illegal, and investigate it. Most of these investigation were to confirm rumours that Republicans made up. Like Seth Rich.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
Doesnt Trump know the AG files the lawsuits, not Cuomo?

He probably doesn't know or care. He just wants Governor Cuomo to overrule New York Attorney General Letitia James - who is a very smart lady.


She's a Coon, which puts her one step above a Sioux.

Cuomo will have no choice but to overrule her. They are denying Homeland Security the files which
could harbor a terrorist. They are not going to give a terrorist a ride on an American Airliner without
vetting him.

NY will lose the final lawsuit in the case so I don't understand why they are evn bothering with any of them
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
More bully tactics.

How? He has no power to make it happen. It's just bluster.
Did you not read the OP?
At some point these never ending investigations into the president of the United States become subversive and seditious and a hindrance to Americas goals and the American peoples keeping Trump from giving his full attention to issues the people care about is nothing short of treason.....
You should have thought about that before y’all elected him.

That’s why you should actually get your candidates.
Trumps tweets are bad enough without pretending they say things that they do not.

Sometimes I think that posters like this are actually working FOR Trump, there is just no other way to explain how asinine things like this override important issues that Trump is failing in.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
Is that extortion?
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
Doesnt Trump know the AG files the lawsuits, not Cuomo?
Trump has been president for over three years and still knows less about government than a third grader.

At least unlike Pelosi he doesn't ACT like a 3rd grader.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
Is that extortion?

I think so. Trump* is once again trying to abuse presidential power for personal benefit.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?

He's emoldened, his base supports corruption.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
You guys attack trump and then he opens a can of whoopass on you guys and you whine like little school girls and start threads like these.....hilarious.
You guys attack trump and then he opens a can of whoopass on you guys and you whine like little school girls and start threads like these.....hilarious.
Liberals view trump and his supporters as the worst kind of animals, the kind that fights back.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?

Ha ha ha ha HA @ "Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo". Impeach Trump again.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
Maybe during a virus out break isn’t the best time for a state to get butt hurt over a few precautions. Of course if the Corona virus hits NY they will surely blame Trump for it.

And yes, giving illegals licenses is fucking retarded.

Yes, by all means don't give them licenses so that they drive without a license or insurance. That'll work well for everyone. Especially if they're involved in an accident.
The only thing the licenses are for is to register to vote. The illegals aren't responsible enough to get real insurance.
If Trump* doesn't win reelection in 2020 - he will be at the mercy of New York Attorney General.
President Donald Trump demanded Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) drop all New York State lawsuits against him prior to a meeting between the two on Thursday to discuss the suspension of travel programs that would benefit immigrants, along with other New Yorkers.

“He must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,” Trump said a week after the Department of Homeland Security announced it was suspending New York residents from participating in Trusted Traveler Programs such as Global Entry that make it easier to return to the U.S. from foreign trips. The move was in response to New York passing the “Green Light Law,” which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses and participate in the TTP.

Trump implied that the suspension could be lifted with a quid-pro-quo:

“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lower taxes,” he tweeted.

More: Trump Tells Gov. Cuomo To Drop New York State Lawsuits Against Him

Drop lawsuits? Another abuse of Power! Trump* asking for another quid pro quo. What do you think?
Maybe during a virus out break isn’t the best time for a state to get butt hurt over a few precautions. Of course if the Corona virus hits NY they will surely blame Trump for it.

And yes, giving illegals licenses is fucking retarded.

Yes, by all means don't give them licenses so that they drive without a license or insurance. That'll work well for everyone. Especially if they're involved in an accident.
The only thing the licenses are for is to register to vote. The illegals aren't responsible enough to get real insurance.

No they're not you stupid Russian. You have to have proof of citizenship to vote. Stop with the bullshit lies that millions of illegals are voting because they're not. There is not and has never been any evidence that they are.

This is more Russian propaganda to try to make Americans distrust the electoral process. No nation on the face of the earth is so obsessed with the idea that illegals are voting like American conservatives. But then they'll believe any lies their masters feed them.

And this still utterly ignores the fact that Trump tried to exchange government favours, for his own personal benefit. Another day, another impeachable offence.

Yesterday was interfering with an ongoing trial.

We've also learned that Barr shut down a half dozen investigations in the Southern District of New York in regards to bank fraud, and other matters regarding Trump, and the Trump Corporation.

That's in addition to Trump's attacks on the Judge, the Jury Foreman, and the prosecutors in the Stone Case.

Lawless tyrany. Americans are appalled.
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