Trump Testifies Nov 6th Addition

From Michael Cohen...

"How much money is the state going to fine him as a direct result of the actions that he took with those statements of financial condition?" Cohen said. "We know that it is a baseline. The bottom number is $250 million. Mind you, that doesn't even begin to touch the additional disgorgement that they're going to be looking for, nor does it take into consideration the fines and the penalties associated with this type of a case. So, I suspect it's going to be substantially more than the $250 million. In fact, I've been so bold as to make a prediction that it'll be between $600 and $700 million."

"Mind you, he does not have that in equity," he added. "So when these assets get sold — remember, he is low-basis in most if not all of these assets — take the tax implications and then subtract from that the outstanding mortgages that may exist. Technically, there's nothing left."

No, I don't think that is the case here.
I am monitoring Maggie Haberman's feeds from the courtroom.

And what I can gather is the judge is indeed 'directing'...and 'controlling'....what Don Trump wants to say.
He is directing and controlling to: the relevant topic; the question asked; this issue at hand.

It's what judges....competent experienced judges do. I'm pretty sure.
Keep the line of questions appropriate, and the line of responses appropriate to the trial issue.

Now I ain't a judge, or even a lawyer....but, am pretty sure judges want to keep the attention of the court focused on the alleged infraction, the evidence for it, and the defense's response. civil or criminal trials....don't get to expound on whatever topic they find interesting at the moment.

I'm OK with that. Seems common sense. I'm confident that all of the posters on this venue see and understand the usefulness of such focus by court personnel.
Judges do not try to frame the method and manner of speech and word choice from a person presenting his defense.
Judges do not try to frame the method and manner of speech and word choice from a person presenting his defense.
The defense witness gets to pick the words, but he doesn't get to pick the subject.

If the question was X, talking about Y and Z, just wastes the courts time, and will be stricken as unresponsive.
Condo size!!!
You gottem now! It’s true! You really really do!
Yup, downplay it all you want.
Trump sets the narrative of "I'm gonna Lie" about factual numbers which are NOT debatable.
Keep Lying dotard donnie.
We know lib loons feel strongly that Trumps efforts to defend himself should not be allowed. Judge has said as much
Yes, please defend yourself dotard donnie.
Do it while under oath.
Keep talking, what could go wrong? LOLLOOLLOLLL
You don't need a cartographer or a surveyor to measure the size of an apartment. And the judge pointed out, that Trumps square footage figure was inflated 200%.
And this has to do with what.
The banks did not use it for any loan processing
You all are ignorant of the business processes which ruffled your feathers and you created this bogus “illegality” over it.
LOL Like the "fact" that Ma-a-Lago is worth $18M? Too funny
That was POS45's value, for tax and insurance purposes. The county appraised the "historic" property slightly higher.
You could look it up before proclaiming it a lie.
What is your interpretation of "Adopted by the Judge"
He threw out Trump's expert witness' valuation and adopted the TDS prosecutor's valuation from the County Assessor's office.

And then compared his adopted $18M valuation to the valuation from Trump's financial statements and held that it was a fraudulent "overvaluation of at least 2,300%"
The value of a piece of property is still subjective.

Who gave Mar-a-Lago a 'value' of $18 M ?....... certainly NOT a Judge.

The county tax accessor.

I hope they change it to the 1 billon Trump said it was worth.

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