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Trump thanks Latina supporter; now mounting backlash threatens her business

Look at what happened to Chik Fil A. Doing pretty well.
Could be doing better.

wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

Chik Fil A changed its policies.

Could be doing better.

wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

Chik Fil A changed its policies.
Redfish??? Looks like us liberals still have some power as much as redfish would like us not to.

Ask him if he thinks all Americans should vote. Most of these nuts don't even think the rabble should vote. They wish only home/property owners were allowed to vote

Yes, all americans should vote, but only once per person and only if still alive. Unlike you dems who want "your" people to vote multiple times, get paid for voting, and continue to vote long after death.

Yes, we want everyone to vote. We also want everyone to prove who they are before voting, just like you do when you pick up your welfare check and food stamps.

Prove that it's Democratic policy to get people more than one vote.

already been proven, several times----------google it, I am not here to educate you
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.
Im not buying another car from the dealership I bought my last car at because they refuse to change the channel from fox news. And I know I'm not the only person who has requested this of them.

I don't know how much they make off a fusion but that's what it cost them to keep fox on.

Any business owner who's not rich enough to be a Republican doesn't deserve a business. She made one fatal mistake. She let all her customers know she doesn't think very much of labor or a middle class.

She should run in 2020 for the GOP nomination. Joe the plumber for vp
Your actions only go to show how intolerant you are.
And your attitude toward this woman for having the audacity to go off the liberal reservation shows how much of a small minded bigot you really are.
Fuck that! Germans in the 1920's should have spoke up and acted sooner but so few did that Hitler won.

Trump is unacceptable. You want to get up on stage and brag you love Hitler go for it but don't be surprised the next day when your business is empty.

You like trump? Then I don't trust you cooking food
Your Hitler/Trump comparisons are at best juvenile. Can you be any more shrill?
Who cares about gaining the trust of someone so intolerant. Such as yourself.
Your actions only go to show how intolerant you are.
And your attitude toward this woman for having the audacity to go off the liberal reservation shows how much of a small minded bigot you really are.
Fuck that! Germans in the 1920's should have spoke up and acted sooner but so few did that Hitler won.

Trump is unacceptable. You want to get up on stage and brag you love Hitler go for it but don't be surprised the next day when your business is empty.

You like trump? Then I don't trust you cooking food

Trump isn't Hitler, so you're entire spiel is nothing but a pile of shit.
Point is we have to do everything we can to beat a trump presidency.

Do you think this story helps trump? I think it illustrates a problem with a Hitler, I mean trump presidency?

Have you heard how trump talks to women?
Hillary is the one we need to keep out of the Oval office.
You can't. You don't have enough women to win sorry.
Another arrogant intolerant retort. The very idea that you believe women should vote in lockstep with Clinton is insulting to women.
Such an idea indicates you believe women should consider their lady parts when heading to the polls.
"This is just people reacting". Yeah this sort of behavior as absolutely no connection what so ever to liberal regressivism. Those people would never support this type of insane hysterical overreactions to some basic opinions/facts.

It will probably be enough, that Trump defunds the government waste. Then people will have to actually get productive jobs instead of harassing people with ridiculous shit, pulling up the race/sex card all day. When people realize there is nothing there the hysteria will go away for good.

"This is just people reacting". Yeah this sort of behavior as absolutely no connection what so ever to liberal regressivism. Those people would never support this type of insane hysterical overreactions to some basic opinions/facts.

It will probably be enough, that Trump defunds the government waste. Then people will have to actually get productive jobs instead of harassing people with ridiculous shit, pulling up the race/sex card all day. When people realize there is nothing there the hysteria will go away for good.

Trump has already stated he is going to do nothing to help the middle class with their largest problem; low wages.

If you weren't such a sociopath you could see that.

What exactly can a president do to help with low wages?

oh, steal money from the higher earners and give it to the lower earners aka socialism.

Socialism has only one problem. It doesn't work. If you weren't a thief you would know that.

What exactly can a president do to help with low wages?

Raise minimum wage.

oh, steal money from the higher earners and give it to the lower earners aka socialism.

Pay the same percentage of their income as middle class folks.

Socialism has only one problem. It doesn't work. If you weren't a thief you would know that.

Socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.
The President cannot arbitrarily increase the minimum wage. Why would he? That doesn't do anything for anyone. Businesses will make the appropriate adjustments. If that means laying off workers or cutting hours, so be it.
Umm, the higher income brackets already pay the vast majority of taxes. That's been a dead horse for quite some time. it's over.
Socialism is an abject failure and will never be part of the US economy. The people ( the producers) would never stand for it. And it's politically unpalatable. Anyone who va,lues their political tenure will not go near it.

Socialism will never be a part of the US economy? What is public education other than socialism?
Nice try. Doesn't wash.
The type of socialism sought by those such as Bernie Sanders involves the direct confiscation of wealth and property for the sole purpose of pandering to a constituency. This process involves the creation of massive new entitlement programs....
You can stow the public school and infrastructure crap. These arguments are invalid.
This business has not been harmed.
The people who went to support her will stop. The people who stopped won't go back. In the long run yes it has. A business can't survive with only Republican voters unless you're talking yachts or fararris
Where did you get the idea that all GOP voters are wealthy?
And what is so bothersome about wealth that the mere mention of it makes your head explode?
This business has not been harmed.
The people who went to support her will stop. The people who stopped won't go back. In the long run yes it has. A business can't survive with only Republican voters unless you're talking yachts or fararris
Where did you get the idea that all GOP voters are wealthy?
And what is so bothersome about wealth that the mere mention of it makes your head explode?

The troublesome thing about wealth is that he doesn't have it. And as a democratic regressive parasite, never will.
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.
Im not buying another car from the dealership I bought my last car at because they refuse to change the channel from fox news. And I know I'm not the only person who has requested this of them.

I don't know how much they make off a fusion but that's what it cost them to keep fox on.

Any business owner who's not rich enough to be a Republican doesn't deserve a business. She made one fatal mistake. She let all her customers know she doesn't think very much of labor or a middle class.

She should run in 2020 for the GOP nomination. Joe the plumber for vp
Your actions only go to show how intolerant you are.
And your attitude toward this woman for having the audacity to go off the liberal reservation shows how much of a small minded bigot you really are.
Fuck that! Germans in the 1920's should have spoke up and acted sooner but so few did that Hitler won.

Trump is unacceptable. You want to get up on stage and brag you love Hitler go for it but don't be surprised the next day when your business is empty.

You like trump? Then I don't trust you cooking food
It's part of choosing sides and the dividing of America. I want to know whether businesses I might patronize is Democrat so I can avoid my financial support. It should go further. Have entire neighborhoods declare and separate off. It would be much better to know that there are no Democrats living on my street.
Or just keep quiet. I don't tell my Republican bosses I'm a liberal because I'm smart and don't want that to affect my career.

Yeah....That's right. You are a FAKE. A poser.
You just admitted your ideology is business averse and keeping it concealed from your employers is a good idea in the arena of self preservation.
At the end of the day , no matter how many times you spew anti capitalist/pro socialist rhetoric, you are indeed a capitalist.
If you weren't, you'd have the stones to trumpet your ideology and risk losing your income. An income which no doubt allows you to enjoy certain material things as well as provide for your necessities.
Stop whining.
This business has not been harmed.
The people who went to support her will stop. The people who stopped won't go back. In the long run yes it has. A business can't survive with only Republican voters unless you're talking yachts or fararris
Where did you get the idea that all GOP voters are wealthy?
And what is so bothersome about wealth that the mere mention of it makes your head explode?

The troublesome thing about wealth is that he doesn't have it. And as a democratic regressive parasite, never will.
These people on the left are incessant complainers.
This business has not been harmed.
The people who went to support her will stop. The people who stopped won't go back. In the long run yes it has. A business can't survive with only Republican voters unless you're talking yachts or fararris
Look at what happened to Chik Fil A. Doing pretty well.
Could be doing better.
Really? How so? The company is thriving. The food is good. The service is excellent.
Sour grape much?.....
You're just pissed off because your whiny little minions could not screech loudly enough to have an effect on Chick-Fil-A's business. In fact, your side's shrill bitching increased the customer base....LOL....Stupid liberals.
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.

the left is simply filled with fascist thinkers

they can not and will not accept any opinion different from theirs

Why would I accept an opinion that is wrong?

List the liberal positions you 'accept'.
Fascist is like saying aloha. It means 7 different things.

I look up the definition and first thing it says is authoritarian. Reagan bush trump. Then it says Nationalism. Reagan bush trump.

And fascism rose up in defense of liberalism.
Have you seen how Hitlery talks to and about other women? When the cameras are not around. She is a BITCH on wheels. She's the human equivalent to a short tailed shrew.
or do you think those books written by former Clinton detail secret service agents are all bullshit?
don't go thinking Trump has the market cornered on disrespect toward women....And in any event, what makes you think women have any type of special "no touch" status?
This is so typically radical feminist. You femininazis only have a a voice because you get to stereotype men.
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.

the left is simply filled with fascist thinkers

they can not and will not accept any opinion different from theirs

Why would I accept an opinion that is wrong?

List the liberal positions you 'accept'.
Fascist is like saying aloha. It means 7 different things.

I look up the definition and first thing it says is authoritarian. Reagan bush trump. Then it says Nationalism. Reagan bush trump.

And fascism rose up in defense of liberalism.
Wow. So you use the term fascist to describe Trump purely out of convenience....Unreal
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.

the left is simply filled with fascist thinkers

they can not and will not accept any opinion different from theirs

Why would I accept an opinion that is wrong?

List the liberal positions you 'accept'.
Fascist is like saying aloha. It means 7 different things.

I look up the definition and first thing it says is authoritarian. Reagan bush trump. Then it says Nationalism. Reagan bush trump.

And fascism rose up in defense of liberalism.
Wow. So you use the term fascist to describe Trump purely out of convenience....Unreal

That's what leftists do in instead of thinking.
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.
Im not buying another car from the dealership I bought my last car at because they refuse to change the channel from fox news. And I know I'm not the only person who has requested this of them.

I don't know how much they make off a fusion but that's what it cost them to keep fox on.

Any business owner who's not rich enough to be a Republican doesn't deserve a business. She made one fatal mistake. She let all her customers know she doesn't think very much of labor or a middle class.

She should run in 2020 for the GOP nomination. Joe the plumber for vp
Your actions only go to show how intolerant you are.
And your attitude toward this woman for having the audacity to go off the liberal reservation shows how much of a small minded bigot you really are.
Fuck that! Germans in the 1920's should have spoke up and acted sooner but so few did that Hitler won.

Trump is unacceptable. You want to get up on stage and brag you love Hitler go for it but don't be surprised the next day when your business is empty.

You like trump? Then I don't trust you cooking food
Your Hitler/Trump comparisons are at best juvenile. Can you be any more shrill?
Who cares about gaining the trust of someone so intolerant. Such as yourself.
I should be tolarent of a man who's vulgar? I should make THAT president

You don't have to convince me. I'm a 45 year old white male successful person you have that vote on lockdown. You have to convince women that Donald Trump isn't a pig. good luck with that
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.

the left is simply filled with fascist thinkers

they can not and will not accept any opinion different from theirs

Why would I accept an opinion that is wrong?

List the liberal positions you 'accept'.
Fascist is like saying aloha. It means 7 different things.

I look up the definition and first thing it says is authoritarian. Reagan bush trump. Then it says Nationalism. Reagan bush trump.

And fascism rose up in defense of liberalism.
Have you seen how Hitlery talks to and about other women? When the cameras are not around. She is a BITCH on wheels. She's the human equivalent to a short tailed shrew.
or do you think those books written by former Clinton detail secret service agents are all bullshit?
don't go thinking Trump has the market cornered on disrespect toward women....And in any event, what makes you think women have any type of special "no touch" status?
This is so typically radical feminist. You femininazis only have a a voice because you get to stereotype men.
We get a vote just like you. Sorry if you don't like the outcome
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.

the left is simply filled with fascist thinkers

they can not and will not accept any opinion different from theirs

Why would I accept an opinion that is wrong?

List the liberal positions you 'accept'.
Fascist is like saying aloha. It means 7 different things.

I look up the definition and first thing it says is authoritarian. Reagan bush trump. Then it says Nationalism. Reagan bush trump.

And fascism rose up in defense of liberalism.
Wow. So you use the term fascist to describe Trump purely out of convenience....Unreal
No, he's classic fascist and demagogue
Yeah, these Trump protesters are so peaceful full of love for their fellow man:

It has been two days since she took center stage, next to the GOP front runner Donald Trump in Tucson.

Ever since she showed her support for the billionaire, she has been harassed at her business.

....While KGUN9 was inside Sammy's Mexican Grill, the phone rang several dozen times, many calling Betty Rivas and her family racists, vulgar names and threatening their business.

.... Rivas told KGUN9, she's shocked at all the controversy this sign has created because - she took a similiar sign to the Bernie Sanders rally in Tucson. That's right - she has not even decided who she is going to vote for.

Despite all the drama though, Rivas does not regret making that sign and going on stage at all.

the left is simply filled with fascist thinkers

they can not and will not accept any opinion different from theirs

Why would I accept an opinion that is wrong?

List the liberal positions you 'accept'.
Fascist is like saying aloha. It means 7 different things.

I look up the definition and first thing it says is authoritarian. Reagan bush trump. Then it says Nationalism. Reagan bush trump.

And fascism rose up in defense of liberalism.
Have you seen how Hitlery talks to and about other women? When the cameras are not around. She is a BITCH on wheels. She's the human equivalent to a short tailed shrew.
or do you think those books written by former Clinton detail secret service agents are all bullshit?
don't go thinking Trump has the market cornered on disrespect toward women....And in any event, what makes you think women have any type of special "no touch" status?
This is so typically radical feminist. You femininazis only have a a voice because you get to stereotype men.
No, I haven't seen how hillary talks off camera and neither have you.

If trump talks like he does on camera, Imagine how trump talks about women off camera. Wow!
Fuck that! Germans in the 1920's should have spoke up and acted sooner but so few did that Hitler won.

Trump is unacceptable. You want to get up on stage and brag you love Hitler go for it but don't be surprised the next day when your business is empty.

You like trump? Then I don't trust you cooking food

Trump isn't Hitler, so you're entire spiel is nothing but a pile of shit.
Point is we have to do everything we can to beat a trump presidency.

Do you think this story helps trump? I think it illustrates a problem with a Hitler, I mean trump presidency?

Have you heard how trump talks to women?
Hillary is the one we need to keep out of the Oval office.
You can't. You don't have enough women to win sorry.
Another arrogant intolerant retort. The very idea that you believe women should vote in lockstep with Clinton is insulting to women.
Such an idea indicates you believe women should consider their lady parts when heading to the polls.
What more can trump do or say to prove he doesn't respect women? You think Melanie loves him or was it his $
This business has not been harmed.
The people who went to support her will stop. The people who stopped won't go back. In the long run yes it has. A business can't survive with only Republican voters unless you're talking yachts or fararris
Look at what happened to Chik Fil A. Doing pretty well.
Could be doing better.
Really? How so? The company is thriving. The food is good. The service is excellent.
Sour grape much?.....
You're just pissed off because your whiny little minions could not screech loudly enough to have an effect on Chick-Fil-A's business. In fact, your side's shrill bitching increased the customer base....LOL....Stupid liberals.
They aren't getting any of my disposable income so it is affecting their business.

Maybe if they weren't aholes they'd make more and create more jobs and open more locations. They only open places in red districts I'm sure.
What liberal organizations should be ridiculed? This is just people reacting. If you hate people reacting, I can point you towards several countries where where you won't ever have to hear from your opposition again.

"This is just people reacting". Yeah this sort of behavior as absolutely no connection what so ever to liberal regressivism. Those people would never support this type of insane hysterical overreactions to some basic opinions/facts.

It will probably be enough, that Trump defunds the government waste. Then people will have to actually get productive jobs instead of harassing people with ridiculous shit, pulling up the race/sex card all day. When people realize there is nothing there the hysteria will go away for good.

"This is just people reacting". Yeah this sort of behavior as absolutely no connection what so ever to liberal regressivism. Those people would never support this type of insane hysterical overreactions to some basic opinions/facts.

It will probably be enough, that Trump defunds the government waste. Then people will have to actually get productive jobs instead of harassing people with ridiculous shit, pulling up the race/sex card all day. When people realize there is nothing there the hysteria will go away for good.

Trump has already stated he is going to do nothing to help the middle class with their largest problem; low wages.

If you weren't such a sociopath you could see that.

What exactly can a president do to help with low wages?

oh, steal money from the higher earners and give it to the lower earners aka socialism.

Socialism has only one problem. It doesn't work. If you weren't a thief you would know that.

What exactly can a president do to help with low wages?

Raise minimum wage.

oh, steal money from the higher earners and give it to the lower earners aka socialism.

Pay the same percentage of their income as middle class folks.

Socialism has only one problem. It doesn't work. If you weren't a thief you would know that.

Socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.
The President cannot arbitrarily increase the minimum wage. Why would he? That doesn't do anything for anyone. Businesses will make the appropriate adjustments. If that means laying off workers or cutting hours, so be it.
Umm, the higher income brackets already pay the vast majority of taxes. That's been a dead horse for quite some time. it's over.
Socialism is an abject failure and will never be part of the US economy. The people ( the producers) would never stand for it. And it's politically unpalatable. Anyone who va,lues their political tenure will not go near it.

The President cannot arbitrarily increase the minimum wage.

Which is why Obama has been trying to convince Republicans to make a raise.

Why would he?

Because it's the right thing to do, and it's necessary to boost the economy.

That doesn't do anything for anyone.

Sure it doesn't. Keep thinking that and you'll die stupid.

Businesses will make the appropriate adjustments. If that means laying off workers or cutting hours, so be it.

Are these the same companies making record profits?

Umm, the higher income brackets already pay the vast majority of taxes. That's been a dead horse for quite some time. it's over.

Isn't that due to 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50k?

Socialism is an abject failure and will never be part of the US economy. The people ( the producers) would never stand for it. And it's politically unpalatable. Anyone who va,lues their political tenure will not go near it.

Socialist ideals help that middle class prosper. We all use or benefit from those ideals everyday.
"This is just people reacting". Yeah this sort of behavior as absolutely no connection what so ever to liberal regressivism. Those people would never support this type of insane hysterical overreactions to some basic opinions/facts.

It will probably be enough, that Trump defunds the government waste. Then people will have to actually get productive jobs instead of harassing people with ridiculous shit, pulling up the race/sex card all day. When people realize there is nothing there the hysteria will go away for good.

"This is just people reacting". Yeah this sort of behavior as absolutely no connection what so ever to liberal regressivism. Those people would never support this type of insane hysterical overreactions to some basic opinions/facts.

It will probably be enough, that Trump defunds the government waste. Then people will have to actually get productive jobs instead of harassing people with ridiculous shit, pulling up the race/sex card all day. When people realize there is nothing there the hysteria will go away for good.

Trump has already stated he is going to do nothing to help the middle class with their largest problem; low wages.

If you weren't such a sociopath you could see that.

What exactly can a president do to help with low wages?

oh, steal money from the higher earners and give it to the lower earners aka socialism.

Socialism has only one problem. It doesn't work. If you weren't a thief you would know that.

What exactly can a president do to help with low wages?

Raise minimum wage.

oh, steal money from the higher earners and give it to the lower earners aka socialism.

Pay the same percentage of their income as middle class folks.

Socialism has only one problem. It doesn't work. If you weren't a thief you would know that.

Socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.
The President cannot arbitrarily increase the minimum wage. Why would he? That doesn't do anything for anyone. Businesses will make the appropriate adjustments. If that means laying off workers or cutting hours, so be it.
Umm, the higher income brackets already pay the vast majority of taxes. That's been a dead horse for quite some time. it's over.
Socialism is an abject failure and will never be part of the US economy. The people ( the producers) would never stand for it. And it's politically unpalatable. Anyone who va,lues their political tenure will not go near it.

The President cannot arbitrarily increase the minimum wage.

Which is why Obama has been trying to convince Republicans to make a raise.

Why would he?

Because it's the right thing to do, and it's necessary to boost the economy.

That doesn't do anything for anyone.

Sure it doesn't. Keep thinking that and you'll die stupid.

Businesses will make the appropriate adjustments. If that means laying off workers or cutting hours, so be it.

Are these the same companies making record profits?

Umm, the higher income brackets already pay the vast majority of taxes. That's been a dead horse for quite some time. it's over.

Isn't that due to 1% of $1M is more than 1% of $50k?

Socialism is an abject failure and will never be part of the US economy. The people ( the producers) would never stand for it. And it's politically unpalatable. Anyone who va,lues their political tenure will not go near it.

Socialist ideals help that middle class prosper. We all use or benefit from those ideals everyday.

Theft is never the answer.

Minimum wage to boost economy... good one. Making it illegal to work only boosts the egos of the liberally regressed, nothing more.

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