Trump, the 5 year old crybaby

Vanity Fair gives a bad review to one of his restaurants & Trump attacks on Twitter like a little spoiled brat. I thought the guy was tooooo busy for his intelligent briefings.
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Vanity Fair gives a bad review to one of his restaurants & Trump attacks on Twitter like a little spoiled brat. I thought the guy was tooooo busy for his intelligent briefings.
Trump is a pussy. He will be Putin's bitch.

Hey, this is fun. I will be disappointed when he quits.
Putin has had no opposition from obama, that's why he's going full bore in Syria. obama's red line comment meant nothing and it's all gone downhill since while ISIS has grown to a global threat. You are so full of shit it seems impossible. You have to be jerking us around.
75% of ISIS fighters ha e been killed, dumbass.
Are you sure it isn't 74 or 76% But you missed the point.

Also Trump took everything the left threw at him, which was considerable since they have dedicated their lives to trashing enemies, and it didn't even slow him down. But you think a tweet makes him a cry baby. That's just plain dumb.
Actually, the point was you lied.
Vanity Fair gives a bad review to one of his restaurants & Trump attacks on Twitter like a little spoiled brat. I thought the guy was tooooo busy for his intelligent briefings.
Trump is a pussy. He will be Putin's bitch.

Hey, this is fun. I will be disappointed when he quits.
Putin has had no opposition from obama, that's why he's going full bore in Syria. obama's red line comment meant nothing and it's all gone downhill since while ISIS has grown to a global threat. You are so full of shit it seems impossible. You have to be jerking us around.
75% of ISIS fighters ha e been killed, dumbass.
Are you sure it isn't 74 or 76% But you missed the point.

Also Trump took everything the left threw at him, which was considerable since they have dedicated their lives to trashing enemies, and it didn't even slow him down. But you think a tweet makes him a cry baby. That's just plain dumb.
Actually, the point was you lied.
Liar. You made up a number to try to counter the point that ISIS has grown to a global threat. They have. You're full of shit. You can't bluff your way out of it, that's the point.
She is Bill's 'dyke'. And she would have been a good President. Instead you elected a clown who the world is laughing at.

No, the leftwing cretins are fake laughing between their tears, and that's about it, fool.
The world is laughing at how stupid and dangerous the likes of you are. Just when the world thought that the right could not embarrass America more than 8 years of Bush, you proved everyone wrong. Well done.
View attachment 102294
Right. Who believes this crap.
Truth hurts?
Vanity Fair gives a bad review to one of his restaurants & Trump attacks on Twitter like a little spoiled brat. I thought the guy was tooooo busy for his intelligent briefings.
Lol, I really do hope you idiots continue attacking Trump so ridiculously.

All you accomplish is to remind the rest of us why we voted for him in the first place; the insane left like you drove most of us to vote TRUMP!.
Now you Trumpettes are already blaming others for your stupid vote. That didn't take long.
No one is blaming other people for our vote, idiot.

When advertising loads us with emotional connotations for buying a product, we cannt say it is advertisings fault for our purchase.

No, most thinking Americans looked at a future for this country led by a loser like Obama for another 4 years and said, "Hell, no! We will take almost anyone else."

That is not blaming you for our vote, that is EXPLAINING to you why we voted how we did.

I doubt you will be able to grasp the distinction, since you are apparently a drooling moron who thinks human behavior is determined by what is done to the person.

No, people have choices that they make, and you morons on the left are, on the basis of philosophical cosmology, unequipped to understand Reality any more.
in 8 year how many intell meetings did the chimp attend???

Obama 'Skipping' Intelligence Briefings?
Oh, wow, that objective and unbiased news source, ABC, has declared Obama innocent of missing security briefings!

Case settled then.


The bogus claim that Obama ‘skips’ half of his intelligence briefings

That column also includes the White House’s response — that Obama reads his PDB every day, but he does not always require an in-person briefing every day. The White House argument is that this is how Obama structured his White House operation, so it is specious to say he has “skipped” a meeting that was not actually scheduled.

The PDB is a highly secret document seen only by the president and a handful of other advisers. Only a few have ever been declassified — mainly from the Lyndon Johnson era — though the famous Aug. 6, 2001, PDB warning “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” was also declassified as part of the investigation into the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

...Thomas S. Blanton, director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University, says that there have been “lots of variation in the briefing patterns” among presidents, with different consequences.

George W. Bush “wanted personal and oral, and that matched CIA’s institutional interest in face to face with the president, much better for their bureaucratic politics, but unclear how good it was for presidential decision making,” he said. “On Iraq WMD [weapons of mass destruction], the direct brief was clearly pernicious; reading might have pointed to the dissents, but the briefers did not.”

In contrast, Bill “Clinton the reader was known to comment that his morning papers were better than the intel brief, and better written — to the point that the CIA director James Woolsey joked that when that Cessna crashed into the White House, that was him seeking an audience with the president.”

Richard Nixon also had few, if any, oral briefings and instead received his intelligence from the morning memo of his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger

What the intelligence briefing says about Obama's presidency — and Trump's

The president doesn't necessarily need face to face meetings - none were missed becuase none were set up. Each president has his own style on how to recieve the information. Bush preferred face to face meetings. Other presidents have preferred to read it.
Right. Who believes this crap.
OMG, a lefty being incredulous after believing all the shit that they swallow on a daily basis?

View attachment 102325
No one says that Ms Jenner is a woman but I say she has the fucking right to do what she is doing.

Elizabeth Warren was told as a child that she has Cherokee ancestry & you hate spewing jackoffs have a fit. How do you know she is not part Cherokee?

These are just two examples of the ignorance & bigotry of the Trumpettes who claim that if you ain't white, male & straight then you ain't shit. Right Mr Bigoted POS.
in 8 year how many intell meetings did the chimp attend???

Obama 'Skipping' Intelligence Briefings?
Oh, wow, that objective and unbiased news source, ABC, has declared Obama innocent of missing security briefings!

Case settled then.

This from the guy who worships the " I'm intelligent so I don't need intelligent briefing" voter.
Thank you for demonstrating once again that you dont really read what other people say and just make shit up as you go as a replacement for genuinely understanding what they say.
Welcome to my ignore list.
Vanity Fair gives a bad review to one of his restaurants & Trump attacks on Twitter like a little spoiled brat. I thought the guy was tooooo busy for his intelligent briefings.
Trump is a pussy. He will be Putin's bitch.

Hey, this is fun. I will be disappointed when he quits.
Obama the pussy is putins bitch, and has been for 8 years, get it right.
Trump is a pussy. He will be Putin's bitch.

Hey, this is fun. I will be disappointed when he quits.
Putin has had no opposition from obama, that's why he's going full bore in Syria. obama's red line comment meant nothing and it's all gone downhill since while ISIS has grown to a global threat. You are so full of shit it seems impossible. You have to be jerking us around.
75% of ISIS fighters ha e been killed, dumbass.
Are you sure it isn't 74 or 76% But you missed the point.

Also Trump took everything the left threw at him, which was considerable since they have dedicated their lives to trashing enemies, and it didn't even slow him down. But you think a tweet makes him a cry baby. That's just plain dumb.
Actually, the point was you lied.
Liar. You made up a number to try to counter the point that ISIS has grown to a global threat. They have. You're full of shit. You can't bluff your way out of it, that's the point.
That number was widely reported on reliable news networks. Pull your head out of your fat ass & become better informed.
in 8 year how many intell meetings did the chimp attend???

Obama 'Skipping' Intelligence Briefings?
Oh, wow, that objective and unbiased news source, ABC, has declared Obama innocent of missing security briefings!

Case settled then.

This from the guy who worships the " I'm intelligent so I don't need intelligent briefing" voter.
Thank you for demonstrating once again that you dont really read what other people say and just make shit up as you go as a replacement for genuinely understanding what they say.
Welcome to my ignore list.
Thank God,. I won't have to read anymore of your stupid, uninformed, uneducated & really ridiculous replies to my posts.

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