Trump, the 5 year old crybaby

Wow. You can post it but you are too chickenshit to admit it & run away from your disgusting racist post.

Racist are disgusting ignorant people & you fit that mold exactly.
I'm right here genius. You claimed chocolate was a race so I'm waiting for you. Meanwhile you love throwing out the orange insult. Whata puss.
So, you are equating your racial slur to me saying Trump was orange? Wow. You whiners have no shame.
I asked what was racist about it and all you had was like wow.

Plus, I don't give a shit what you think of me, that should be obvious at this point. I'm making fun of your stupidity. Very few people could have taken what got dumped on Trump from all sides, left and right and he soldiered on, securing the presidency of the US. You interpretation is he's a crybaby 5 year old for sending a tweet.

That proves my point, you're an idiot.

Racism is so inbred into your being that the slurs flow so naturally & then you run away & claim they weren't slurs at all.

So now you defend Trump's bigotry & name calling because everyone was picking on him? I have news, they were picking on Trump because of what he said.

And really, not just one tweet. The idea you defend Trump's tweets is proof of how far up his ass your head must be.
It wasn't obvious to you so I had to explain that your opinion of me means nothing. I don't care if you think I'm the biggest racist on Earth, it doesn't cover your sheer stupidity.
You posted a racial slur.
Trump really needs top STFU about international affairs. The fucking asshole ain't precedent yet.
Vanity Fair gives a bad review to one of his restaurants & Trump attacks on Twitter like a little spoiled brat. I thought the guy was tooooo busy for his intelligent briefings.

I am not good at english ,who can do me a favor ,sent this letter to president donold trump,t can not the taiwan
大多数大陆人认为, 台湾必须尽快拥有对大陆沿海14个省24个直辖市的核打击能力。如果台湾被大陆攻占,最终中国将被俄罗斯人肢解(长城以北)和吞并(黄河以南)。
先说必要性:1 部分或全面战争是大陆独裁政权与欧美民主社会斗争的不可回避的终极阶段,让台湾实际用有核打击能力是国内外民主力量以最小代价赢得最大效果的捷径,因为大陆当局走民主的可能性根本不存在。
2对大陆政治的统治集团内部产生离心力,对其国际政治扩张形成一定压力,促其内部政治该弦。 3 对大陆以东南沿海房地产为主的经济给予致命打击。 4 对大陆国内各阶层矛盾起到激化和发酵 ,将老百姓根本利益与当局剥离对立。 5 对大陆军事形成较长时间无法超越的制衡,同时令其外交陷入窘境,发展道一定情况,大陆当局会主动请国际介入。 6 对国内民主力量的鼓舞,大陆人都知道台湾拥有核武器,才会真切的关心政治,尤其是两岸政治,不再做吃了就睡的猪。


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