Trump The Bilker's Wall Already Filled With Holes! (Tunnels!)--Mexico Won't Pay!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Trump the Anti-USA Bilker, following the Arpaio Family brand, (Due-Process-Opposing): Already has evidence of what comes of that branding. When needing to cross from Mexico into USA: Go Find A Tunnel! That only happened just hours ago, coming into California.

Illegal immigrants arrested after cross-border tunnel found

Trump, making America Bilked Again--a "Bridge To Nowhere," kind of Reagan politician--is already shown a regular, Old Boy, Thief. Millions had to flee the original Party of Lincoln, Field Hospital, staffed-atrocity it caused. Even then people fleeing could only take property they were still allowed to keep. Freedom for the four-footed critters: Just as easily, could have come next. Any true Democracy, like ancient Athens: Would have been astounded and apalled. Washington and Jefferson, would have been astounded, and appalled.

The new bunch--Party of Abraham Lincoln--wants to take Health Care away altogether! Likely for anyone, there is still likely time to Tunnel on out of here!

The concept of "The Border Wall," is already shown unworkable. A Mexican Drug Lord can even Tunnel out of a security prison, just on the pretext of taking a. . .(well deserved respite, or leak, or something)(?).

Trump the Bilker wants to spend, now billions and billions and billions: Just to contain that level of apparent kind of criminal activity, for which civil rights are not allowed(?)!

It is not even likely that the U. S. Congress is going to pay for the wall, already getting riddled with holes and tunnels. This is all happening, even before it gets started! For a fee, there will be a path, and many times over--from who knows where!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Soon GOP will claim many whales, below the desert, using sonar--cleverly disguised!)
The drug dealers have been digging those tunnels as long as I can remember. I object to them being closed and barricaded.

Have a demolition team plant explosives and collapse them. Do so without regard of whether they are occupied or not.
Actually if illegals are arrested and they have used the tunnel, put them back in, then collapse the tunnel.
The tunnels happened on Barry Hussein's watch. When you consider that Hussein's ATF and his stupid A.G. sanctioned the delivery of thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels it's a wonder that only one U.S. Border Cop was murdered. Holder got outa town just in time to avoid a manslaughter charge.
And so the folly of Trump The Republican Bilker, is ably supported. "The Wall" is shown to be another, "Bridge To Nowhere!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Even Holey Crap, unable to be stopped!)
Those tunnels started long before boi barry. I remember seeing them in the 70s. When we found one. Boom. One side at least was closed.
More Felonious Folly shown, going back into ancient history, when Reagan was alive(?)! Rod Serling had the famous, "Twilight Zone!" The Republicans had "The Reagan Administration," instead. The first series episodes were easily regarded advanced and liberal. The second series episodes would have their outcome, best understood, when Bush I Term I managed to vomit on the Japanese premier at a public dinner.

Secretary Tillerson is ready for that already. Trump speaks for himself, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Reagan made American Great Debtor Again, Himself!)

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