Trump: The Danger Ahead


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Black-and-white photo of Donald Trump giving a speech to a crowd in front of a large American flag suspended from two bucket lifts


If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he’d bring a better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers, and a more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries.

For all its marvelous creativity, the human imagination often fails when turned to the future. It is blunted, perhaps, by a craving for the familiar. We all appreciate that the past includes many moments of severe instability, crisis, even radical revolutionary upheaval. We know that such things happened years or decades or centuries ago. We cannot believe they might happen tomorrow.

When Donald Trump is the subject, imagination falters further. Trump operates so far outside the normal bounds of human behavior—never mind normal political behavior—that it is difficult to accept what he may actually do, even when he declares his intentions openly. What’s more, we have experienced one Trump presidency already. We can take false comfort from that previous experience: We’ve lived through it once. American democracy survived. Maybe the danger is less than feared?

In his first term, Trump’s corruption and brutality were mitigated by his ignorance and laziness. In a second, Trump would arrive with a much better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers in tow, and a much more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries and impunity for himself. When people wonder what another Trump term might hold, their minds underestimate the chaos that would lie ahead.

By Election Day 2024, Donald Trump will be in the thick of multiple criminal trials. It’s not impossible that he may already have been convicted in at least one of them. If he wins the election, Trump will commit the first crime of his second term at noon on Inauguration Day: His oath to defend the Constitution of the United States will be a perjury.

A second Trump term would instantly plunge the country into a constitutional crisis more terrible than anything seen since the Civil War. Even in the turmoil of the 1960s, even during the Great Depression, the country had a functional government with the president as its head. But the government cannot function with an indicted or convicted criminal as its head. The president would be an outlaw, or on his way to becoming an outlaw. For his own survival, he would have to destroy the rule of law.

Some heavy food for thought by David Frum at The Atlantic. What do you think?
Trump is the strong medicine the Federal government needs to get it back on the right track.
Republicans will only enable changes that are good and necessary.
The democrats whining about Trump after a successful presidency, while ignoring the shadow government and fake presidency of Joe Biden.

Whats is scary is that the Federal Budget deficit may cause the collapse of the US dollar in the next president's term.
That will be ugly no matter who is in the WH.
Trump is the strong medicine the Federal government needs to get it back on the right track.
Republicans will only enable changes that are good and necessary.
The democrats whining about Trump after a successful presidency, while ignoring the shadow government and fake presidency of Joe Biden.

Whats is scary is that the Federal Budget deficit may cause the collapse of the US dollar in the next president's term.
That will be ugly no matter who is in the WH.

That is totally INSANE!!!!!
We deserve what we get.
We deserve you?

That 5% of the country would fall for this blatant con man is bad enough.
More like 5% of the country falls for your constant trolling Bidenista bullshit. Every day, more and more are coming around to realizing that Trump was and still remains our first, best hope for saving the nation from pigshit fascist leftists like you.
Black-and-white photo of Donald Trump giving a speech to a crowd in front of a large American flag suspended from two bucket lifts


If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he’d bring a better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers, and a more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries.

For all its marvelous creativity, the human imagination often fails when turned to the future. It is blunted, perhaps, by a craving for the familiar. We all appreciate that the past includes many moments of severe instability, crisis, even radical revolutionary upheaval. We know that such things happened years or decades or centuries ago. We cannot believe they might happen tomorrow.

When Donald Trump is the subject, imagination falters further. Trump operates so far outside the normal bounds of human behavior—never mind normal political behavior—that it is difficult to accept what he may actually do, even when he declares his intentions openly. What’s more, we have experienced one Trump presidency already. We can take false comfort from that previous experience: We’ve lived through it once. American democracy survived. Maybe the danger is less than feared?

In his first term, Trump’s corruption and brutality were mitigated by his ignorance and laziness. In a second, Trump would arrive with a much better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers in tow, and a much more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries and impunity for himself. When people wonder what another Trump term might hold, their minds underestimate the chaos that would lie ahead.

By Election Day 2024, Donald Trump will be in the thick of multiple criminal trials. It’s not impossible that he may already have been convicted in at least one of them. If he wins the election, Trump will commit the first crime of his second term at noon on Inauguration Day: His oath to defend the Constitution of the United States will be a perjury.

A second Trump term would instantly plunge the country into a constitutional crisis more terrible than anything seen since the Civil War. Even in the turmoil of the 1960s, even during the Great Depression, the country had a functional government with the president as its head. But the government cannot function with an indicted or convicted criminal as its head. The president would be an outlaw, or on his way to becoming an outlaw. For his own survival, he would have to destroy the rule of law.

Some heavy food for thought by David Frum at The Atlantic. What do you think?

Why are democrats so terrified of military turbinals anyway?
Black-and-white photo of Donald Trump giving a speech to a crowd in front of a large American flag suspended from two bucket lifts


If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he’d bring a better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers, and a more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries.

For all its marvelous creativity, the human imagination often fails when turned to the future. It is blunted, perhaps, by a craving for the familiar. We all appreciate that the past includes many moments of severe instability, crisis, even radical revolutionary upheaval. We know that such things happened years or decades or centuries ago. We cannot believe they might happen tomorrow.

When Donald Trump is the subject, imagination falters further. Trump operates so far outside the normal bounds of human behavior—never mind normal political behavior—that it is difficult to accept what he may actually do, even when he declares his intentions openly. What’s more, we have experienced one Trump presidency already. We can take false comfort from that previous experience: We’ve lived through it once. American democracy survived. Maybe the danger is less than feared?

In his first term, Trump’s corruption and brutality were mitigated by his ignorance and laziness. In a second, Trump would arrive with a much better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers in tow, and a much more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries and impunity for himself. When people wonder what another Trump term might hold, their minds underestimate the chaos that would lie ahead.

By Election Day 2024, Donald Trump will be in the thick of multiple criminal trials. It’s not impossible that he may already have been convicted in at least one of them. If he wins the election, Trump will commit the first crime of his second term at noon on Inauguration Day: His oath to defend the Constitution of the United States will be a perjury.

A second Trump term would instantly plunge the country into a constitutional crisis more terrible than anything seen since the Civil War. Even in the turmoil of the 1960s, even during the Great Depression, the country had a functional government with the president as its head. But the government cannot function with an indicted or convicted criminal as its head. The president would be an outlaw, or on his way to becoming an outlaw. For his own survival, he would have to destroy the rule of law.

Some heavy food for thought by David Frum at The Atlantic. What do you think?

This is why we need the Orange man emoji!
Trump is the strong medicine the Federal government needs to get it back on the right track.
Republicans will only enable changes that are good and necessary.
The democrats whining about Trump after a successful presidency, while ignoring the shadow government and fake presidency of Joe Biden.

Whats is scary is that the Federal Budget deficit may cause the collapse of the US dollar in the next president's term.
That will be ugly no matter who is in the WH.
America has Trump fatigue. So you can ground those lofty thoughts.
What is your guess - Do you think these people understand what they're asking for?

I have mixed thoughts about it all. We have another year for the dangers of Trump to sink in. However, I honestly believe Trump will lose the election - by a large margin. If President Biden remains reasonably healthy - I am convinced he will win another term.
I have mixed thoughts about it all. We have another year for the dangers of Trump to sink in. However, I honestly believe Trump will lose the election - by a large margin. If President Biden remains reasonably healthy - I am convinced he will win another term.
The way Joe changes his views for power he will be anti-Israel by the end of his second term. It will be crazy. Our fleet will be on the Islamic side against Israel. We may have our own fleets fighting each other.
I have mixed thoughts about it all. We have another year for the dangers of Trump to sink in. However, I honestly believe Trump will lose the election - by a large margin. If President Biden remains reasonably healthy - I am convinced he will win another term.
Yup. It's his entitled attitude, like America owes him something. He'll get wiped out again
What is your guess - Do you think these people understand what they're asking for?

We understand what we have. An unhinged, lawless, fascist, totalitarian-globalist tyrant.


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