Trump the Great Dealmaker? Not much evidence

President Trump campaigned as one of the world’s greatest dealmakers, but after nine months of struggling to broker agreements, lawmakers in both parties increasingly consider him an untrustworthy, chronically inconsistent and easily distracted negotiator .

As Trump prepares to visit Capitol Hill on Tuesday to unify his party ahead of a high-stakes season of votes on tax cuts and budget measures, some Republicans are openly questioning his negotiating abilities and devising strategies to keep him from changing his mind.
The president’s propensity to create diversions and follow tangents has kept him from focusing on his legislative agenda and forced lawmakers who might be natural allies on key policies into the uncomfortable position of having to answer for his behavior and outbursts.
If the absence of any signature legislation is an indication, the dealmaking skills that propelled Trump’s career in real estate and reality television have not translated well to government.

Tony Schwartz, a longtime student and now critic of Trump who co-wrote the mogul’s 1987 bestseller “The Art of the Deal,” said Trump’s dealmaking modus operandi is, “I am relentless and I am not burdened by the concern that what I’m doing is ethical or truthful or fair.”

“The expectation that you will stand by what you said you would do is higher in politics than it is in the cutthroat world of real estate,” Schwartz added. “That’s a brutal environment in which misdirection and bullying and making one offer and changing it later are all common practice.”
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!
They refuse to accept the fact that congress is to blame for a lot of it.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!
They refuse to accept the fact that congress is to blame for a lot of it.

Who do we count on to make deals with Congress?

That is why he was cut through the partisan BS in Washington
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!
They refuse to accept the fact that congress is to blame for a lot of it.

Who do we count on to make deals with Congress?

That is why he was cut through the partisan BS in Washington
Yet the partisan BS is strong as ever because of people like you. In 2018 it will change. Hopefully it will be enough.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.
The great "deal maker" Donald Trump keeps kicking the can to Congress

President Donald Trump promised major deals, constant "winning" and a massive shift in Washington power upon his arrival at the White House because he, and he alone, knew how to get things done and drain the swamp.

But over the first 10 months, Trump’s self-touted leadership has proven to be a charade as many of his grand pronouncements have actually gone nowhere — mostly because for all his big talk, most agenda items still have to go through Congress, which has an approval rating even lower than his.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
Why Trump the deal-maker came off looking incompetent (Opinion) - CNN

No one should be surprised that Trump's first big legislative initiative collapsed in a cloud of chaos. Aside from the development of his enormous ego, nothing in Donald Trump's life experience prepared him to actually function as president of the United States.
This became evident during the presidential transition, when he proved incapable of bringing the country together and then, upon his inauguration, when he immediately began offering lies and distortions about everything from the size of the crowd at the inauguration to the claim that the recent election was marred by massive voter fraud.

You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!
Being inconsistent and untrustworthy is how Trump functioned in the private sector – reneging on agreements, lying, and betraying associates is all Trump knows how to do.

Trump’s ‘skills’ in private business are useless in the public sector.

Trump’s failure is further proof that politics is a profession, best left to those with an understanding of, and experience in, public policy and governance.
Being inconsistent and untrustworthy is how Trump functioned in the private sector – reneging on agreements, lying, and betraying associates is all Trump knows how to do.

Trump’s ‘skills’ in private business are useless in the public sector.

Trump’s failure is further proof that politics is a profession, best left to those with an understanding of, and experience in, public policy and governance.
Yet you trusted Obama's lying ass. Lol, you have no credibility.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!

Yes...the economy keeps chugging along like it has for eight years

Not a reflection of Trumps ability to make a deal unless you can point one out
“…nothing in Donald Trump's life experience prepared him to actually function as president of the United States.

This became evident during the presidential transition, when he proved incapable of bringing the country together…” ibid


Indeed, Trump is capable of only dividing the American people and tearing the country apart – undermining the democratic process, the rule of law, and sound, responsible governance.

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