Trump the Great Dealmaker? Not much evidence

Being inconsistent and untrustworthy is how Trump functioned in the private sector – reneging on agreements, lying, and betraying associates is all Trump knows how to do.

Trump’s ‘skills’ in private business are useless in the public sector.

Trump’s failure is further proof that politics is a profession, best left to those with an understanding of, and experience in, public policy and governance.

One of Trumps biggest shortfalls is that he is not trustworthy

Hard to make a deal with someone who knows you will not hold up your end of the bargain. Trump changes his position sometimes several times during a day

People come out of meetings with him thinking they have reached an agreement and Trump will reverse himself within hours
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!

Yes...the economy keeps chugging along like it has for eight years

Not a reflection of Trumps ability to make a deal unless you can point one out
He did away with regulations that hurt business.
Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!

Yes...the economy keeps chugging along like it has for eight years

Not a reflection of Trumps ability to make a deal unless you can point one out
He did away with regulations that hurt business.

That is not an example of him making a deal
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!

Yes...the economy keeps chugging along like it has for eight years

Not a reflection of Trumps ability to make a deal unless you can point one out
He did away with regulations that hurt business.

That is not an example of him making a deal
With what he is getting accomplished, who needs deals?
Then there are all those international treaties and agreements that Trump railed about when he was campaigning

He was going to rip them up and negotiate better deals for the American public

Yes, Trump showed he is able to destroy past agreements.....But in nine months, where has he negotiated a better deal for the American people?
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.
What does that have to do with Trump brokering a deal?

Trump claimed he knew how to reach both sides and work out deals agreeable to each

Where has he done that?
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!

Yes...the economy keeps chugging along like it has for eight years

Not a reflection of Trumps ability to make a deal unless you can point one out
He did away with regulations that hurt business.

That is not an example of him making a deal
With what he is getting accomplished, who needs deals?

We can argue his accomplishments or lack thereof on another thread

This thread is about Trumps ability to negotiate deals
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

The economy is the same as it was under Obama.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.
Not having any idea how our government works makes it easy for you to post ridiculous stuff doesn't it? No deal is bullet proof.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.

Trump has demonstrated a complete lack of ability to bring parties together and negotiate a deal
That is what he was elected to do

Blaming Congress or the courts is a cop out.....A great dealmaker is able to get the job done

Look at LBJ...he was a great dealmaker, working both sides to hammer out an agreement

Even Jimmy Carter, who is defiled by the right, was able to negotiate better deals than Trump....and he was just a peanut farmer
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.
Not having any idea how our government works makes it easy for you to post ridiculous stuff doesn't it? No deal is bullet proof.

He's lost legal challenges five time because elements of his plan are unconstitutional.

He isn't even trying.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.

Trump has demonstrated a complete lack of ability to bring parties together and negotiate a deal
That is what he was elected to do

Blaming Congress or the courts is a cop out.....A great dealmaker is able to get the job done

Look at LBJ...he was a great dealmaker, working both sides to hammer out an agreement

Even Jimmy Carter, who is defiled by the right, was able to negotiate better deals than Trump....and he was just a peanut farmer
Yet congress has to approve said deals. You prove with each post you don't know what you are talking about, but, more likely you are just trying to brew divisiveness. As far as Jimmy Carter, you should read his book. Even he hated democrats.
Last edited:
He is doing a great job, I mean you liberals are losing your minds.
Immigrants are self deporting. The economy is great. He is working on healthcare with or without Congress. Tax reform is starting to get worked on. The liberal media is imploding. And on Nov. 4 if you snowflakes declare war on the United States as they have said. The liberal population will be decreased greatly. So we are winning. Also we have a president that is actually going after abortion. Life is great!

Yes...the economy keeps chugging along like it has for eight years

Not a reflection of Trumps ability to make a deal unless you can point one out
He did away with regulations that hurt business.

That is not an example of him making a deal
With what he is getting accomplished, who needs deals?

We can argue his accomplishments or lack thereof on another thread

This thread is about Trumps ability to negotiate deals
No, Trump is doing a great job. But you sit on here daily complaining about Trump, like I said the best deal he did was to keep Hillary out of the white house. If that's the only thing he did. I would say he did his job well.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

The economy is the same as it was under Obama.
No employment is the best since 1973. Thanks Trump.
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.

Trump has demonstrated a complete lack of ability to bring parties together and negotiate a deal
That is what he was elected to do

Blaming Congress or the courts is a cop out.....A great dealmaker is able to get the job done

Look at LBJ...he was a great dealmaker, working both sides to hammer out an agreement

Even Jimmy Carter, who is defiled by the right, was able to negotiate better deals than Trump....and he was just a peanut farmer
Like Obama did, blaming Congress for not getting things done?
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Well one the economy is great. Also we took back issis capitol, something bush and Obama couldn't do. Anyway Trump did his job by keeping Hillary out of the white house.

The economy is the same as it was under Obama.
No employment is the best since 1973. Thanks Trump.

And what, 1/10th of a point lower than Obama?
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.

Trump has demonstrated a complete lack of ability to bring parties together and negotiate a deal
That is what he was elected to do

Blaming Congress or the courts is a cop out.....A great dealmaker is able to get the job done

Look at LBJ...he was a great dealmaker, working both sides to hammer out an agreement

Even Jimmy Carter, who is defiled by the right, was able to negotiate better deals than Trump....and he was just a peanut farmer
Yet congress has to approve said deals. You prove with each post you don't know what you are talking about, but, more likely you are just trying to brew divisiveness. As far as Jimmy Carter, you should read his book. Even he hated democrats.

Dealmakers get things done with Congress to make a deal
Trump said his skills would break the gridlock in Congress.....They don't

Jimmy Carter made one of the biggest deals in recent history with his peace plan between Egypt and Israel

Trump has no international skills
You snowflakes sitting around daily complain about Trump. Only makes him look better, if he was hurting America you would be silent. So go Trump, making America great again!

Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.

Trump has demonstrated a complete lack of ability to bring parties together and negotiate a deal
That is what he was elected to do

Blaming Congress or the courts is a cop out.....A great dealmaker is able to get the job done

Look at LBJ...he was a great dealmaker, working both sides to hammer out an agreement

Even Jimmy Carter, who is defiled by the right, was able to negotiate better deals than Trump....and he was just a peanut farmer
Like Obama did, blaming Congress for not getting things done?

I saw Obama get things done in his first year

$800 billion stimulus plan, Financial reform, Obamacare

Took a great amount of dealmaking on his part....and he is only a community organizer
Show me the deals Trump has brokered since being elected
Show me where congress or libstain judges haven't obstructed.

A great dealmaker would create a deal that's bulletproof and immune to legal challenges.

Trump has demonstrated a complete lack of ability to bring parties together and negotiate a deal
That is what he was elected to do

Blaming Congress or the courts is a cop out.....A great dealmaker is able to get the job done

Look at LBJ...he was a great dealmaker, working both sides to hammer out an agreement

Even Jimmy Carter, who is defiled by the right, was able to negotiate better deals than Trump....and he was just a peanut farmer
Yet congress has to approve said deals. You prove with each post you don't know what you are talking about, but, more likely you are just trying to brew divisiveness. As far as Jimmy Carter, you should read his book. Even he hated democrats.

Dealmakers get things done with Congress to make a deal
Trump said his skills would break the gridlock in Congress.....They don't

Jimmy Carter made one of the biggest deals in recent history with his peace plan between Egypt and Israel

Trump has no international skills
If Trump said that he made a blunder of under estimating just how sorry the politicians in DC are.

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