Trump the "smart business man"

You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Well, I'm sure those liberal fact checkers backed them up.

People who suck at business are usually flat broke. He's obviously not.

As for his losses that may have resulted in tax breaks in the following years, I guess libs don't understand that the successful people often did fail in the past, sometimes a lot, but they keep getting up and trying again.

They are hanging onto these rumors in hopes of attacking Trump but still forgive Hillary for taking foreign donations and stealing from the poor people in Haiti. All the money given to Clintons to help those poor people ended up helping their wealthy cronies.

Another trumpkin who thinks not paying your bills is just fine.

Maybe this is a RWNJ traitor thing because I've never heard of a liberal/Dem who walked away from their bills the way you fools are defending.

I've said it before - you fools actually like and respect that he lies, cheats and steals from the little guy. Glad I'm not like you.

This is why no one want to answer your questions!

You have called everyone that does not agree with a traitor and how Stalinist of you!

I know many people that walked away from the debt when the Housing crash happened, and some were Democratic voters, but hey let not admit the truth and let focus on your hatred for Trump and those that you believe are RWNJ's!

The New Consumer Debt Strategy: Just Walk Away

" Now consumers are finally responding by doing what banks do when they can't pay their debts: just walking away. "

How many people do you know that wouldn't be able to make money if their father started them out with 14 million in loans?

I personally have posted about hundreds who have had but lost fortunes thru bad decsions, drugs, courts, stupidity etc. There is no guarantee of success. it is hard to hold $$$ and make it grow.

Mr. Trump is an American success story. and it was a 1mil loan.....way way back. He should have slapped that beast silly for lying and then walked over and kicked Lester in the mouth. end of debate.

Actually, it was $14m plus hundreds of millions in inheritance. Ever hear of Google?

As far as I know, it's illegal to pay more in taxes than you have to if you are running a business. The shareholders interest comes first, not the government's. If it was found out that someone was maximizing the taxes paid, that would be a scandal.

As I wrote Donald John Trump is doing what most Americans would do, so where am I wrong in that!?!

Life is not fair and Trump has lawyers to help him make money off the ignorant person mistakes and there is not much anyone can do about it...

Also Trump has been doing business like this forever, and now it is a problem because he is running for President!?!

Life sucks and I am not voting for Trump but the reality is the man knows his shit when it come to making the most out of getting blood out of a turnip!

That you believe "most Americans" don't pay their bills says a lot more about you than it does the country.

And saying he has not been paying his bills "forever" is hardly a defense. As for not being able to do anything to force him to pay his bills, you're probably right. The courts are of no use. He breaks the law with impunity.

Note that he has said he will make changes to the US Constitution to make it easier for him to break the law is several ways.

I notice you twisted what I wrote to fit your agenda, so what is the point discussing anything with someone that is lying about what I actually wrote!?!

I wrote he has been doing business like this forever and has lawyers to work around paying certain people and uses the bankruptcy laws to help him too...

Finally, the Housing Market and it crash is proof of people being just like what I wrote, so tell me again how most Americans are not like Donald John Trump while telling me what a piece of shit I am for acknowledging the damn truth!?!

You're the one with an agenda - saying that paying your bills, not making good on your contracts, not being good for your word "forever" somehow makes it right.

How long would you last if YOU didn't pay your bills?

Why do you think being rich makes it okay?

Not paying your house payment would lose you your home. Trump not paying his bills has not cost him a thing. How is that the same?

Change the laws if you don't like the way he is getting around paying people and if not then cry all night and tomorrow write about how I am some RWNJ traitor and then bitch about how I should not be allow to act like you!

Show me where our "system" says you don't have to pay the bills you incur?

Jeezus H Fucking Christ. No wonder you RWNJ traitors don't understand what the debt ceiling is or what the difference is between income and wealth or debt and deficit.

How the hell do you fools ever graduate from ....

Oh wait.

Never mind.


1. I am not voting for Trump.

2. No point discussing anything with Partisan whores that believe anyone that does not agree with them 110% must be the enemy!

3. Will you and the nutters on the right get together and tell me which candidate I am voting for because in other threads I was told I am voting for the kunt on the left!

You defend him openly and blatantly breaking the law and say that's just our system - and then call me and/or his opponent names?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Question for you: Do you pay your bills? If not, why? If you DO pay your bils, why?

Also what is wrong with you!?!

I have written Donald John Trump is a twat, kunt, and many other horrible things and boy the right is mad at me, and now I write that Hillary is also a kunt and now I am voting for Trump!

Now because you have some issue with Trump and the laws you believe he has broken then get your ass down to the D.A. office and demand they do their damn jobs and when they laugh you out the damn door, well know I am laughing at you too!

Donald John Trump is using the laws and his lawyers to get around laws, and until you change the laws, well there is not a damn thing you can do but whine like a kunt that had his ass popped while being passed around like the bitch you are!

( Again, don't throw insults around if you don't want them tossed back at you, alright Donald! )

"Donald John Trump is using the laws and his lawyers to get around laws, and until you change the laws, well there is not a damn thing you can do..

Again - show me the laws he uses to get out of paying his bills?

What law says you don't have to pay your bills?

And you're the one with the nasty mouth.

Show me the laws he has broken!?!

Also if you hear my words while reading them, well get help!

You attacked me by writing that I am some RWNJ traitor and that is perfectly fine in your progressive liberal world but then you get upset when I treat you like the kunt you are!

Now it seem you have never ran a business because if you have you would know about bankruptcy laws so here:

I know you will not read those laws and will write how I am some uneducated RWNJ traitor while crying about how my mean words have scared you pathetic soul!

I have almost always run my own successful business but I am now comfortably retired. I always paid my bills.

True that he screwed over people with bankruptcy laws but you didn't read the links.

Show me the laws you said allow him not to pay his bills.

Or don't. Either way, I'm done because you will just go on lying about your own words (as Drumpf does), childish name calling (as Drumf does) and ignoring the facts - as RWNJ traitors do.
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension

When a customer doesn't pay, what do you do?
When you don't pay your contractors, what do they do?

How many times can either of you go back on your contract before you pay a hefty price of no longer being able to buy from that contractor or losing your customers?

If you're wealthy (thanks dad), you can screw people over and drive them out of business if they dare to try to collect from you.
How many people do you know that wouldn't be able to make money if their father started them out with 14 million in loans?

I personally have posted about hundreds who have had but lost fortunes thru bad decsions, drugs, courts, stupidity etc. There is no guarantee of success. it is hard to hold $$$ and make it grow.

Mr. Trump is an American success story. and it was a 1mil loan.....way way back. He should have slapped that beast silly for lying and then walked over and kicked Lester in the mouth. end of debate.

Actually, it was $14m plus hundreds of millions in inheritance. Ever hear of Google?

As I wrote Donald John Trump is doing what most Americans would do, so where am I wrong in that!?!

Life is not fair and Trump has lawyers to help him make money off the ignorant person mistakes and there is not much anyone can do about it...

Also Trump has been doing business like this forever, and now it is a problem because he is running for President!?!

Life sucks and I am not voting for Trump but the reality is the man knows his shit when it come to making the most out of getting blood out of a turnip!

That you believe "most Americans" don't pay their bills says a lot more about you than it does the country.

And saying he has not been paying his bills "forever" is hardly a defense. As for not being able to do anything to force him to pay his bills, you're probably right. The courts are of no use. He breaks the law with impunity.

Note that he has said he will make changes to the US Constitution to make it easier for him to break the law is several ways.

I notice you twisted what I wrote to fit your agenda, so what is the point discussing anything with someone that is lying about what I actually wrote!?!

I wrote he has been doing business like this forever and has lawyers to work around paying certain people and uses the bankruptcy laws to help him too...

Finally, the Housing Market and it crash is proof of people being just like what I wrote, so tell me again how most Americans are not like Donald John Trump while telling me what a piece of shit I am for acknowledging the damn truth!?!

You're the one with an agenda - saying that paying your bills, not making good on your contracts, not being good for your word "forever" somehow makes it right.

How long would you last if YOU didn't pay your bills?

Why do you think being rich makes it okay?

Not paying your house payment would lose you your home. Trump not paying his bills has not cost him a thing. How is that the same?

Change the laws if you don't like the way he is getting around paying people and if not then cry all night and tomorrow write about how I am some RWNJ traitor and then bitch about how I should not be allow to act like you!

1. I am not voting for Trump.

2. No point discussing anything with Partisan whores that believe anyone that does not agree with them 110% must be the enemy!

3. Will you and the nutters on the right get together and tell me which candidate I am voting for because in other threads I was told I am voting for the kunt on the left!

You defend him openly and blatantly breaking the law and say that's just our system - and then call me and/or his opponent names?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Question for you: Do you pay your bills? If not, why? If you DO pay your bils, why?

Also what is wrong with you!?!

I have written Donald John Trump is a twat, kunt, and many other horrible things and boy the right is mad at me, and now I write that Hillary is also a kunt and now I am voting for Trump!

Now because you have some issue with Trump and the laws you believe he has broken then get your ass down to the D.A. office and demand they do their damn jobs and when they laugh you out the damn door, well know I am laughing at you too!

Donald John Trump is using the laws and his lawyers to get around laws, and until you change the laws, well there is not a damn thing you can do but whine like a kunt that had his ass popped while being passed around like the bitch you are!

( Again, don't throw insults around if you don't want them tossed back at you, alright Donald! )

"Donald John Trump is using the laws and his lawyers to get around laws, and until you change the laws, well there is not a damn thing you can do..

Again - show me the laws he uses to get out of paying his bills?

What law says you don't have to pay your bills?

And you're the one with the nasty mouth.

Show me the laws he has broken!?!

Also if you hear my words while reading them, well get help!

You attacked me by writing that I am some RWNJ traitor and that is perfectly fine in your progressive liberal world but then you get upset when I treat you like the kunt you are!

Now it seem you have never ran a business because if you have you would know about bankruptcy laws so here:

I know you will not read those laws and will write how I am some uneducated RWNJ traitor while crying about how my mean words have scared you pathetic soul!

I have almost always run my own successful business but I am now comfortably retired. I always paid my bills.

True that he screwed over people with bankruptcy laws but you didn't read the links.

Show me the laws you said allow him not to pay his bills.

Or don't. Either way, I'm done because you will just go on lying about your own words (as Drumpf does), childish name calling (as Drumf does) and ignoring the facts - as RWNJ traitors do.

No, you are done because you were caught attacking me again like you did the first time and I have provided not only that link but another one to show many Americans have done the same damn thing that he has done, but keep on lying because that is all you have!

I have requested what laws he has broken and you have yet to provide one damn law, and the reason why is because you can not point to one!

He has every right to walk away from his debt just like housing market assholes did, oh wait you were alright with that because you believed all those poor souls were sucker into bad loans when in fact they were trying to make money by taking loans they could not pay while trying to flip their house!

So as you proclaim you are done with me please understand that it does not break my heart because calling me a traitor make you the dumbest whore in the damn world!

So when will you demand that everyone that act like Trump be stoned to death or will you ask them first if they are Republican or Democrat!?!
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension

When a customer doesn't pay, what do you do?
When you don't pay your contractors, what do they do?

How many times can either of you go back on your contract before you pay a hefty price of no longer being able to buy from that contractor or losing your customers?

If you're wealthy (thanks dad), you can screw people over and drive them out of business if they dare to try to collect from you.

Oh well!

Get the D.A. to do their damn job and when they don't then ask that Democratic whore that is on the government tit why they failed to convict that rich man you hate so much!?!
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension


I didn't answer you right away. Why, MOMENTS passed when I wasn't typing an answer to you.

Oh, how can I ever live that down?

Its far worse than if I didn't pay my bills!

You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension


I didn't answer you right away. Why, MOMENTS passed when I wasn't typing an answer to you.

Oh, how can I ever live that down?

Its far worse than if I didn't pay my bills!


Do you have actual evidence you have ever paid your bills!?!

I want you to provide in detail that you have paid every bill, never been late and ran your own business!?!

If you failed to pay one bill on time or filed for bankruptcy or walked away from a bill, well then you should be treated as harshly and if not then can you turn my water into wine and walk on water while raising my dead penis without using viagra!?!

( My penis is not dead )
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension

When a customer doesn't pay, what do you do?
When you don't pay your contractors, what do they do?

How many times can either of you go back on your contract before you pay a hefty price of no longer being able to buy from that contractor or losing your customers?

If you're wealthy (thanks dad), you can screw people over and drive them out of business if they dare to try to collect from you.
Have my attorney contact them & try to scare the money out of them. Works half the time, the other half gets written off.

The contractors I stiffed deserved it for poor performance and their only recourse is to recieve my middle finger if they persist. There is plenty of competition so if you're not prepared to live up to the demands of the job don't bother.

Like I said you CLEARLY don't have a clue about the construction industry. Standards must be met and if you fail to meet them prepare to get fucked.
How could lefties get it so freaking wrong? Civilian businessmen make a payroll, deal with unions and government bureaucrats and still manage to make a buck if they are smart and lucky. It's the freaking government that lies, cheats and steals from the little guy. WTF happened when president Hussein sent 400 million freaking cold cash taxpayer dollars to a country that supports terrorism? Did any concerned citizen who was worried that the little guy might be cheated even freaking ask Hussein what the hell he was doing?
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension


I didn't answer you right away. Why, MOMENTS passed when I wasn't typing an answer to you.

Oh, how can I ever live that down?

Its far worse than if I didn't pay my bills!

You answered every post after mine. You didn't answer mine because you're out of your league in this discussion. You're trying to argue talking points against industry reality.
You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension

When a customer doesn't pay, what do you do?
When you don't pay your contractors, what do they do?

How many times can either of you go back on your contract before you pay a hefty price of no longer being able to buy from that contractor or losing your customers?

If you're wealthy (thanks dad), you can screw people over and drive them out of business if they dare to try to collect from you.
Have my attorney contact them & try to scare the money out of them. Works half the time, the other half gets written off.

The contractors I stiffed deserved it for poor performance and their only recourse is to recieve my middle finger if they persist. There is plenty of competition so if you're not prepared to live up to the demands of the job don't bother.

Like I said you CLEARLY don't have a clue about the construction industry. Standards must be met and if you fail to meet them prepare to get fucked.

"Standards must be met and if you fail to meet them prepare to get fucked."

Okay, so now you're saying Drumpf paid everyone except those who did not live up to their end of the contract?


Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension


I didn't answer you right away. Why, MOMENTS passed when I wasn't typing an answer to you.

Oh, how can I ever live that down?

Its far worse than if I didn't pay my bills!

You answered every post after mine. You didn't answer mine because you're out of your league in this discussion. You're trying to argue talking points against industry reality.

Not true.
Stop whining.

The op lives in the land of lollipops, rainbows & unicorns. Completely clueless about how business works.

If I'm so clueless about business, how have I been able to comfortably retire on my own investments?


Fact is, no matter how scummy Drumpf is, RWNJ traitors will defend him. In fact, as I have said, you like that he lies, cheats and steals.

You silly children will believe & regurgitate anything you hear.

How embarrassing for you all

Hundreds and hundreds of small businesses have been screwed over by him. If I remember right, you said you own a bathroom tile company. How do you feel about a customer who doesn't pay? Can YOU get away with not playing your suppliers?

Why do you trumpkins make excuses for this vile POS?
I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension

When a customer doesn't pay, what do you do?
When you don't pay your contractors, what do they do?

How many times can either of you go back on your contract before you pay a hefty price of no longer being able to buy from that contractor or losing your customers?

If you're wealthy (thanks dad), you can screw people over and drive them out of business if they dare to try to collect from you.
Have my attorney contact them & try to scare the money out of them. Works half the time, the other half gets written off.

The contractors I stiffed deserved it for poor performance and their only recourse is to recieve my middle finger if they persist. There is plenty of competition so if you're not prepared to live up to the demands of the job don't bother.

Like I said you CLEARLY don't have a clue about the construction industry. Standards must be met and if you fail to meet them prepare to get fucked.

"Standards must be met and if you fail to meet them prepare to get fucked."

Okay, so now you're saying Drumpf paid everyone except those who did not live up to their end of the contract?


I have had contractors that i didnt pay and i have had customers stiff me. Its part of doing business. As a taker im sure its beyond your comprehension


I didn't answer you right away. Why, MOMENTS passed when I wasn't typing an answer to you.

Oh, how can I ever live that down?

Its far worse than if I didn't pay my bills!

You answered every post after mine. You didn't answer mine because you're out of your league in this discussion. You're trying to argue talking points against industry reality.

Not true.
Stop whining.

The op lives in the land of lollipops, rainbows & unicorns. Completely clueless about how business works.

If I'm so clueless about business, how have I been able to comfortably retire on my own investments?


Fact is, no matter how scummy Drumpf is, RWNJ traitors will defend him. In fact, as I have said, you like that he lies, cheats and steals.

Paying someone to invest money for you =/= running a massive real estate & construction company.

Says some hack internet liberals who's net worth is their welfare debit card.

How many people do you know that wouldn't be able to make money if their father started them out with 14 million in loans?

Obama, Hillary, Bill, Michelle, shall I continue? All public dole sponges.

So you think their parents gave each of them 14 million to start off with?

No stupid, God you don't even understand your own previous post. Return after you sleep off whatever you shot up.

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