Trump: There will be NO renaming military bases named after Confederate Generals

And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Crackers in Palatka beg to differ, but OK.
Never been there but ok lol
Okay, so when you guys are done talking about incest.....
I am not in the slightest understanding why changing the name of those bases has anything to do with this:
One reason is because "the last piece" of US soil many fallen American military troops sa before dying in battle was at bases named after confederate generals.

What in the name of sweet Jesus does this have to do with anything?

Even though I don't agree with changing the name of these bases because they were named after Confederate officers (I never heard of a single one of them anyway), saying the heroes of WWI and WWII shipped out of there and so their names are sacred is .....not even sensible.
Let’s remove the Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials too. After all, they were all disgusting racists and two were slave owners.
Outstanding idea. You have a supporter here for the two slave owners. Lincoln however could be a reminder on how you can evolve.
Thing is Lincoln never evolved. He was a disgusting racist even in his day. He had planned to deport all blacks in his second term. His wife’s family was one of the largest slave owners in KY. He offered the seceding states slavery forever in his first inaugural speech, if they stayed in the Union.
He couldnt have been too much of a racist towards the end. He and Frederick Douglass were friends. Douglass became the first Black person to be invited to the WH under Lincoln.
Yeah and Lincoln told him to leave the USA.
Show me the quote.
Here you go....

Q&A: Abraham Lincoln Wanted the Freed Slaves to Leave America

" Lincoln, for his own part, pitched the scheme out of a genuine concern that the post-slavery South would devolve into institutionalized racial terrorism at the hands of former plantation owners. This pessimistic appeal earned him the ire of Frederick Douglass, who denounced him as an “itinerant colonization preacher.” But his scheme also resonated with other black abolitionists including Henry Highland Garnet, a leader of New York City’s black community who barely escaped the violence of a white-supremacist mob during the New York Draft Riots of 1863, and John Willis Menard, who later became the first African American to win election to Congress. In fact, the 1862 White House speech highlighted in Hannah-Jones’s essay entailed one such attempt to sway a free black audience into accepting colonization as a safety valve from racial oppression in a post-slavery South. "
Had Dishonest Abe deported all blacks in the late 1860s, it would have been very similar to the Trail of Tears. Thousands probably would have died. You might not be here, had Lincoln gotten his way.

"Had Dishonest Abe deported all blacks in the late 1860s, it would have been very similar to the Trail of Tears. "

Even you have to admit thats nowhere near the truth. What the US whites did to the NA's was evil. Sending Black people back to Africa would have been nothing like the Trail of Tears.
Wrong. They would have overcrowded the ships, with little food and water, and no medical help on board. Thousands would have died from disease, starvation, and ship wrecks.
How would that have been worse than the Middle Passages? It would have been nothing like the Trail of Tears where they were forced to leave their own land.
blacks were forced to leave Africa by other Africans
Nope. They were kidnapped by whites that brought them to the US. So it was way worse than the Trail of Tears. Going back would have been great.
You had better read some history. People were captured and kidnapped by warrior tribes and held for Arab slave traders who marched them to the sea. They were either sold to white traders or the Arabs took their own ships to Central American countries and sold them.
Whites didn't go into the interior to capture people. Educate yourself.
Did a white person tell you that or did and African person tell you that? If so please post a link to the African historian that told you this.
Historical records told us that your pathetic revisionist
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
Okay, so when you guys are done talking about incest.....
I am not in the slightest understanding why changing the name of those bases has anything to do with this:
One reason is because "the last piece" of US soil many fallen American military troops sa before dying in battle was at bases named after confederate generals.

What in the name of sweet Jesus does this have to do with anything?

Even though I don't agree with changing the name of these bases because they were named after Confederate officers (I never heard of a single one of them anyway), saying the heroes of WWI and WWII shipped out of there and so their names are sacred is .....not even sensible.
You need to address Asclepias he projected the subject on the discussion
Let’s remove the Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials too. After all, they were all disgusting racists and two were slave owners.
Outstanding idea. You have a supporter here for the two slave owners. Lincoln however could be a reminder on how you can evolve.

The sad truth is we live in a world today that has ingratiated the Black community well beyond any other ethnicity and it's still not enough...

What you want is to be the victim forever and that's just not going to happen...

George Floyd was murdered, no one can deny this, there are countless victims of heinous acts, none of them are right, but to damage business, personal and public properties is just as bad if not worse...

When are you going to grow up and be proud of who you are instead of playing the victim because you're black?

You're right 400 years of police brutality, economic oppression, and other rights abuses, aren't anything to get excited about. Let's keep undervaluing minorities, letting police kill 1000 people a year. This will all blow over. It always does.

Based on your lack of reason we shouldn't deal with Germany, Japan, Italy, Mexico, etc...

Based on your lack of reason we should all be responsible for something we had nothing to do with...

Based on your lack of reason and sarcasm, no one believes anyone should be murdered by the police, how shallow are you?

Based on your lack of reason you have this twisted perspective we let events like this blow over just highlights your immaturity...

As bad as George Floyd's taped murder is, there are other acts as bad if not worst, are you going to propose we burn down and deface businesses, churches and public property every time it occurs or are we going to grow up and learn how to live with each other? If you think the solution is this crap, you're part of the problem...
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
it's a blue state thing if asshat can revise things as he wishes don't get your panties in a wade when it's slung back.
Okay, so when you guys are done talking about incest.....
I am not in the slightest understanding why changing the name of those bases has anything to do with this:
One reason is because "the last piece" of US soil many fallen American military troops sa before dying in battle was at bases named after confederate generals.

What in the name of sweet Jesus does this have to do with anything?

Even though I don't agree with changing the name of these bases because they were named after Confederate officers (I never heard of a single one of them anyway), saying the heroes of WWI and WWII shipped out of there and so their names are sacred is .....not even sensible.
You need to address Asclepias he projected the subject on the discussion
This was said by President Trump's Press Secretary, in the article, in the OP. If A wants to comment, he's welcome and when you are ready to stop acting like a retard, that will be welcome too.
Let’s remove the Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials too. After all, they were all disgusting racists and two were slave owners.
Outstanding idea. You have a supporter here for the two slave owners. Lincoln however could be a reminder on how you can evolve.
Thing is Lincoln never evolved. He was a disgusting racist even in his day. He had planned to deport all blacks in his second term. His wife’s family was one of the largest slave owners in KY. He offered the seceding states slavery forever in his first inaugural speech, if they stayed in the Union.
He couldnt have been too much of a racist towards the end. He and Frederick Douglass were friends. Douglass became the first Black person to be invited to the WH under Lincoln.
Yeah and Lincoln told him to leave the USA.
Show me the quote.
Here you go....

Q&A: Abraham Lincoln Wanted the Freed Slaves to Leave America

" Lincoln, for his own part, pitched the scheme out of a genuine concern that the post-slavery South would devolve into institutionalized racial terrorism at the hands of former plantation owners. This pessimistic appeal earned him the ire of Frederick Douglass, who denounced him as an “itinerant colonization preacher.” But his scheme also resonated with other black abolitionists including Henry Highland Garnet, a leader of New York City’s black community who barely escaped the violence of a white-supremacist mob during the New York Draft Riots of 1863, and John Willis Menard, who later became the first African American to win election to Congress. In fact, the 1862 White House speech highlighted in Hannah-Jones’s essay entailed one such attempt to sway a free black audience into accepting colonization as a safety valve from racial oppression in a post-slavery South. "
Had Dishonest Abe deported all blacks in the late 1860s, it would have been very similar to the Trail of Tears. Thousands probably would have died. You might not be here, had Lincoln gotten his way.

"Had Dishonest Abe deported all blacks in the late 1860s, it would have been very similar to the Trail of Tears. "

Even you have to admit thats nowhere near the truth. What the US whites did to the NA's was evil. Sending Black people back to Africa would have been nothing like the Trail of Tears.
Wrong. They would have overcrowded the ships, with little food and water, and no medical help on board. Thousands would have died from disease, starvation, and ship wrecks.
How would that have been worse than the Middle Passages? It would have been nothing like the Trail of Tears where they were forced to leave their own land.
blacks were forced to leave Africa by other Africans
Nope. They were kidnapped by whites that brought them to the US. So it was way worse than the Trail of Tears. Going back would have been great.
You had better read some history. People were captured and kidnapped by warrior tribes and held for Arab slave traders who marched them to the sea. They were either sold to white traders or the Arabs took their own ships to Central American countries and sold them.
Whites didn't go into the interior to capture people. Educate yourself.
Did a white person tell you that or did and African person tell you that? If so please post a link to the African historian that told you this.

Neither. Go to the Library of Congress and get some history books and encyclopedias that were written between 1865 and the end of the 1950s, before the progressive liberals started changing history. You are letting the Ayers, Dohrns, Clintons, Obamas, Alinskys, funded by Soros, tell you their version of history.
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
it's a blue state thing if asshat can revise things as he wishes don't get your panties in a wade when it's slung back.
Let’s remove the Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials too. After all, they were all disgusting racists and two were slave owners.
Outstanding idea. You have a supporter here for the two slave owners. Lincoln however could be a reminder on how you can evolve.
Thing is Lincoln never evolved. He was a disgusting racist even in his day. He had planned to deport all blacks in his second term. His wife’s family was one of the largest slave owners in KY. He offered the seceding states slavery forever in his first inaugural speech, if they stayed in the Union.
He couldnt have been too much of a racist towards the end. He and Frederick Douglass were friends. Douglass became the first Black person to be invited to the WH under Lincoln.
Yeah and Lincoln told him to leave the USA.
Show me the quote.
Here you go....

Q&A: Abraham Lincoln Wanted the Freed Slaves to Leave America

" Lincoln, for his own part, pitched the scheme out of a genuine concern that the post-slavery South would devolve into institutionalized racial terrorism at the hands of former plantation owners. This pessimistic appeal earned him the ire of Frederick Douglass, who denounced him as an “itinerant colonization preacher.” But his scheme also resonated with other black abolitionists including Henry Highland Garnet, a leader of New York City’s black community who barely escaped the violence of a white-supremacist mob during the New York Draft Riots of 1863, and John Willis Menard, who later became the first African American to win election to Congress. In fact, the 1862 White House speech highlighted in Hannah-Jones’s essay entailed one such attempt to sway a free black audience into accepting colonization as a safety valve from racial oppression in a post-slavery South. "
Had Dishonest Abe deported all blacks in the late 1860s, it would have been very similar to the Trail of Tears. Thousands probably would have died. You might not be here, had Lincoln gotten his way.

"Had Dishonest Abe deported all blacks in the late 1860s, it would have been very similar to the Trail of Tears. "

Even you have to admit thats nowhere near the truth. What the US whites did to the NA's was evil. Sending Black people back to Africa would have been nothing like the Trail of Tears.
Wrong. They would have overcrowded the ships, with little food and water, and no medical help on board. Thousands would have died from disease, starvation, and ship wrecks.
How would that have been worse than the Middle Passages? It would have been nothing like the Trail of Tears where they were forced to leave their own land.
My point is many would have died, just as they did in the Trail of Tears. You apparently are more concerned about leaving their home. I tend to think dying is more important.
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
it's a blue state thing if asshat can revise things as he wishes don't get your panties in a wade when it's slung back.
It was an example of blue state incest
Okay, so when you guys are done talking about incest.....
I am not in the slightest understanding why changing the name of those bases has anything to do with this:
One reason is because "the last piece" of US soil many fallen American military troops sa before dying in battle was at bases named after confederate generals.

What in the name of sweet Jesus does this have to do with anything?

Even though I don't agree with changing the name of these bases because they were named after Confederate officers (I never heard of a single one of them anyway), saying the heroes of WWI and WWII shipped out of there and so their names are sacred is .....not even sensible.
You need to address Asclepias he projected the subject on the discussion
This was said by President Trump's Press Secretary, in the article, in the OP. If A wants to comment, he's welcome and when you are ready to stop acting like a retard, that will be welcome too.
There was nothing mentioned about people being inbred dingbat. it was a projection made by Asshat
Let’s remove the Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials too. After all, they were all disgusting racists and two were slave owners.
Outstanding idea. You have a supporter here for the two slave owners. Lincoln however could be a reminder on how you can evolve.

The sad truth is we live in a world today that has ingratiated the Black community well beyond any other ethnicity and it's still not enough...

What you want is to be the victim forever and that's just not going to happen...

George Floyd was murdered, no one can deny this, there are countless victims of heinous acts, none of them are right, but to damage business, personal and public properties is just as bad if not worse...

When are you going to grow up and be proud of who you are instead of playing the victim because you're black?
Are you talking to me? I'm extremely proud of who I am and I refuse to be anyones victim. This is one of the reasons that even with racism I cant be stopped. Racism wont make me quit. You cant possibly imagine the joy I get when a racist white person has to come to me for permission to do something or just them seeing I live just as good or better than they do. Remember that. I cant be fucking stopped no matter what you racists do. Got that? :)

It's obvious I was talking to you, this is more of your victim crap!

What is it that you want? Money? You have to earn it Milkweed, nobody owes you anything other than a opportunity, that's it, plain and simple...

Nobody gave me anything because I'm white, I have earned everything I have and I dam sure didn't use the tragedies in my life to gain, no I used them to make my life better, you were brought up as a victim and until you realize it, you will remain a victim, the only person who cares what the color of your skin is you!!
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
And Wisconsin voted for Nixon.
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
Especially since it wasn't.

And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
it's a blue state thing if asshat can revise things as he wishes don't get your panties in a wade when it's slung back.
It was an example of blue state incest
Oh, I see, you let A bait you so you had to retort with something equally silly to his bullshit about conservative inbred incest. You realize he likes to liven things up now and then, right?
And it just gets worse for the inbred segment of the nation. There is going to be a BLM car at Nascar.

forceable incest is a blue state thing
Since when has incest been anything other than a conservative virtue?
Oprah was raped by an uncle
It's a blue state thing
Interesting that OldLady finds rape funny imagine that

At 6, Winfrey left her grandmother to live with her mother. While there, the woman in charge of keeping the house forced Winfrey to sleep on the porch. At 9, she was raped.

“He took me to an ice cream shop — blood still running down my leg — and bought me ice cream.”

Winfrey was sexually abused from the ages of 10 to 14, when she found out she was pregnant. It was around this time that her mother took her to a detention home. Too many girls were housed in the home, so Winfrey couldn’t stay. “My mother said, ‘you are getting your ass out of this house’,” she said.

So she went to live with her father, who forbade her from dating, having sex or any deviant activity. He didn’t know she was pregnant when she moved in.
Shut the fuck up. What was funny was that you think it's a "blue state thing." Never heard anything so fucking ridiculous.
Especially since it wasn't.
Since it wasn't what? O nevermind. This whole conversation is for the birds.

Let the leftist's tears flow. Good news is rare but welcomed.

trump added;

"ALL bases will now be named after confederate generals, except the one we name for Putin. The Stars and Stripes will be replaced by the Stars and Bars, the US of A will be OFFICIALLY declared the Confederate States of America, the country will be declared a CHRISTIAN nation and ONLY christians will have rights......"

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