Trump this, Gertrude....


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Coulter is so on...

"When Donald Trump said something not exuberantly enthusiastic about Mexican immigrants, the media's response was to boycott him. One thing they didn't do was produce any facts showing he was wrong.

Trump said: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


Wouldn't that make any person of average intelligence suspicious? Not our media. They're in on the cover-up.

A curious media might also wonder why any immigrants are committing crimes in America. A nation's immigration policy, like any other government policy, ought to be used to help the people already here -- including the immigrants, incidentally.

It's bad enough that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are accessing government benefits at far above the native rate, but why would any country be taking another country's criminals? We have our own criminals! No one asked for more.

Instead of counting the immigrant stock filling up our prisons, the government issues a series of comical reports claiming to tally immigrant crime. The Department of Justice relies on immigrants' self-reports of their citizenship. The U.S. census simply guesses the immigration status of inmates. The Government Accounting Office conducts its own analysis of Bureau of Prisons data."

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Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!
Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!

There are a limited amount of jobs. This is a country of more than 300 million people.
There are a limited amount of jobs. This is a country of more than 300 million people.
But weren't people like Trump supposed to be creating them after they got tax cuts? That was the justification for the cuts. Where's the pay off? He wants to blame it on the Mexicans, when the real reason is closer to home.
There are a limited amount of jobs. This is a country of more than 300 million people.
But weren't people like Trump supposed to be creating them after they got tax cuts? That was the justification for the cuts. Where's the pay off? He wants to blame it on the Mexicans, when the real reason is closer to home.

I really don't know much about Trump. I do know that a business is only capable of creating so many jobs though.
Mexico isn't preventing anyone from coming. Mexico is not preventing the drugs, rapists and criminals from coming. Obabble isn't preventing them either. Mexico doesn't need these people. Nor do we. I'd we did we would process them legally.

How can you be so stupid?
I wonder why she didn't mention the 160,000 criminal aliens released back on our streets in the last 4 years because their home countries won't take them. The State Dept. has every authority to stop issuing visas to those countries until they take these people back, but like all the other criminal aliens, the State Dept is protecting them and their home countries by not doing their job.
I don't feel sorry for anyone riding the trump train.

It is going on a very long ride and will crash long before the primaries.
There are a limited amount of jobs. This is a country of more than 300 million people.
But weren't people like Trump supposed to be creating them after they got tax cuts? That was the justification for the cuts. Where's the pay off? He wants to blame it on the Mexicans, when the real reason is closer to home.

Then why does the Mexican govt. provide maps with water points marked, Mexican immigrants are the second largest cash cow for Mexico, they are damn sure not discouraging anyone from crossing the border.
Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!

How do you know who these people are? They are undocumented illegal immigrants. You don't know anything about them, and that is the problem.
Do you people let anybody into your house, eat your food, fuck your daughter, sell drugs to your kids, and take your job? I think not.
His rhetoric feeds into the very ignorance we see on this board. Even thpough we now have net zero illegals coming in, the willfully ignorant STILL believe they are pouring over the border by the millions and that they're taking US jobs.

The US invites them here.
The US buys their drugs.
The US trashed their agriculture and manufacturing.
The US needs them as much as they need us.

Trump is a joke. All he knows is to inherit millions, put companies into bankruptcy and huff and puff. Americans are not stupid enough to vote for him.
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well, we know for a FACT that any demo prez aint going to change anything, except for the worse. We don't need the illegals at ALL, dude. Only a complete jerk would claim that we do. Their problem is that they just WONT stop having kids that they can't afford to raise properly We let them in, and we'll collapse because of it, (and all the other welfare/aid bs, to INCLUDE SS, medicare and the military
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Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!

BS...they damn sure are sending them. Why do you think the mexican government prints flyers telling them how to get here and how to defeat the BP?
Monies from the US account for the second largest income in mexico next to pemex. It's one of the main reasons mexico defends their southern border so vigorously...they dont want the competition.
Try again...
Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!
Is it OK to break the law to come here illegally? There are legal procedures to immigrate here. Wetbacking it is a crime or do you disagree? And why is Trump being punished and boycotted for telling the truth about lawbreakers?
His rhetoric feeds into the very ignorance we see on this board. Even thpough we now have net zero illegals coming in, the willfully ignorant STILL believe they are pouring over the border by the millions and that they're taking US jobs.

The US invites them here.
The US buys their drugs.
The US trashed their agriculture and manufacturing.
The US needs them as much as they need us.

Trump is a joke. All he knows is to inherit millions, put companies into bankruptcy and huff and puff. Americans are not stupid enough to vote for him.

Link? :)
His rhetoric feeds into the very ignorance we see on this board. Even thpough we now have net zero illegals coming in, the willfully ignorant STILL believe they are pouring over the border by the millions and that they're taking US jobs.

The US invites them here.
The US buys their drugs.
The US trashed their agriculture and manufacturing.
The US needs them as much as they need us.

Trump is a joke. All he knows is to inherit millions, put companies into bankruptcy and huff and puff. Americans are not stupid enough to vote for him.
That was beyond stupid. Stfu if you have nothing to say.
Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!

BS...they damn sure are sending them. Why do you think the mexican government prints flyers telling them how to get here and how to defeat the BP?
Monies from the US account for the second largest income in mexico next to pemex. It's one of the main reasons mexico defends their southern border so vigorously...they dont want the competition.
Try again...

Do they really do that? I have not heard of that before.
Mexico isn't sending anyone. They're coming on their own and most are hard working people who want to make a better life for their families, no matter what Trump says. If there's a jobs problem in the U.S., it's because the job-creators like Trump didn't do their jobs, despite all the tax breaks they've been given over the years. What makes anyone think he's going to do any better as president?!?!

BS...they damn sure are sending them. Why do you think the mexican government prints flyers telling them how to get here and how to defeat the BP?
Monies from the US account for the second largest income in mexico next to pemex. It's one of the main reasons mexico defends their southern border so vigorously...they dont want the competition.
Try again...

Do they really do that? I have not heard of that before.

Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration Fox News

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