Trump Threatens Comey

The real explosion will be when the conspiracy theorists and other assorted loons see their Cheeto Jesus removed from office.

That'll be epic. :funnyface:

You sound like a crazy shit liberal :cuckoo:

Crazy is going to war with the intel community when they're not at fault and no one's got your back.

This won't end well for the Cheeto.

Trump isn't at war with intel community, moron. He fired Comey because the guy was incompetent and a megalomaniac.

Haha ...

... he most certainly is, and if he provoked it by his usual clueless dumbassery, all the sweeter.

Nuh Uhn!

That's the quality of your arguments.

From ridiculing their assessments of Russia’s role in the elections, to disrespecting their dead at CIA headquarters, to now firing and then threatening Comey, Trump has made a practice of attacking the intel community.

You really think there will be no blow back?

Only a fool goes after the intelligence community like this.

It will prove to be a fatal miscalculation.
Trump says "if you lie, I have tapes. "

What a blackmail threat! The only way it would be better is if there were no tapes. James Comey, locked into telling the truth by a lie.

I hope so. That would be masterfully played.
Hopefully this administration/comedy show gets put on "hiatus" shortly.

I think most rational people have seen enough of this clusterfuck.

What Comey said about the conversation is more worrying...

Comey account that Trump only wanted loyality and he was perplexed that he was only getting honesty
You sound like a crazy shit liberal :cuckoo:

Crazy is going to war with the intel community when they're not at fault and no one's got your back.

This won't end well for the Cheeto.

Trump isn't at war with intel community, moron. He fired Comey because the guy was incompetent and a megalomaniac.

Haha ...

... he most certainly is, and if he provoked it by his usual clueless dumbassery, all the sweeter.

Nuh Uhn!

That's the quality of your arguments.

From ridiculing their assessments of Russia’s role in the elections, to disrespecting their dead at CIA headquarters, to now firing and then threatening Comey, Trump has made a practice of attacking the intel community.

You really think there will be no blow back?

Only a fool goes after the intelligence community like this.

It will prove to be a fatal miscalculation.

The intelligence hasn't even published an assessment of Russia's role in the election, so how can anyone ridicule it?

When did anyone "disrespect their dead?"

Comey was fired for being incompetent. He also wasn't universally liked. Democrats were his biggest critics.

On other words, you posted nothing but Dim talking points. As always, there is no "there" there.
Hopefully this administration/comedy show gets put on "hiatus" shortly.

I think most rational people have seen enough of this clusterfuck.

What Comey said about the conversation is more worrying...

Comey account that Trump only wanted loyality and he was perplexed that he was only getting honesty

That's exactly what a blowhard megalomaniac would say.
Hopefully this administration/comedy show gets put on "hiatus" shortly.

I think most rational people have seen enough of this clusterfuck.

It's so much fun watching the snowflakes throwing their latest hysterical temper tantrum.
You are the hysterical snowflake that is always throwing temper tantrums.



The bitter little old man (that being you) screams at his monitor,
while foaming at the mouth,
hopping up and down in his seat,
and smashing his keyboard with clenched fists,
while smoke pours out his ears.
Hopefully this administration/comedy show gets put on "hiatus" shortly.

I think most rational people have seen enough of this clusterfuck.

It's so much fun watching the snowflakes throwing their latest hysterical temper tantrum.
You are the hysterical snowflake that is always throwing temper tantrums.



The bitter little old man (that being you) screams at his monitor,
while foaming at the mouth,
hopping up and down in his seat,
and smashing his keyboard with clenched fists,
while smoke pours out his ears.

That really gets under your skin, doesn't it?

I call them douche bags because that's what they prove over and over that they are.
Hopefully this administration/comedy show gets put on "hiatus" shortly.

I think most rational people have seen enough of this clusterfuck.

It's so much fun watching the snowflakes throwing their latest hysterical temper tantrum.
You are the hysterical snowflake that is always throwing temper tantrums.



The bitter little old man (that being you) screams at his monitor,
while foaming at the mouth,
hopping up and down in his seat,
and smashing his keyboard with clenched fists,
while smoke pours out his ears.

That really gets under your skin, doesn't it?

I call them douche bags because that's what they prove over and over that they are.
It doesn't bother me in the least, you bitter little old man. LOL.
I have been accused of supporting Trump while I have simply pointed out 'inconvenient facts', such as the fact that despite their continued claims of 'Collusion' Liberals / Democrats have no evidence to support their claim while there is a lot of testimony declaring just the opposite.

It is MY OPINION stated above. Warning someone, though, that there had better not be any evidence to disprove what was just publicly claimed - which is how I read Trump's remarks - is 'odd', to say the least.
whatever you have to tell yourself easytard65 :eusa_eh:
The Cheeto is melting down.

It won't be long now ....


Jesus H Christ on a raft. It's like he wants to be charged with Impeachment.
I said this yesterday, it literally looks like he's begging for impeachment.
the jobs harder than he thought it'd be lol
Hopefully this administration/comedy show gets put on "hiatus" shortly.

I think most rational people have seen enough of this clusterfuck.

It's so much fun watching the snowflakes throwing their latest hysterical temper tantrum.
You are the hysterical snowflake that is always throwing temper tantrums.



The bitter little old man (that being you) screams at his monitor,
while foaming at the mouth,
hopping up and down in his seat,
and smashing his keyboard with clenched fists,
while smoke pours out his ears.

That really gets under your skin, doesn't it?

I call them douche bags because that's what they prove over and over that they are.
It doesn't bother me in the least, you bitter little old man. LOL.

Yeah, that's the sign of someone who isn't bothered, the most vicious insults he can muster. They are still rather pathetic and ineffectual, though.

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