trump threatens Georgia Republicans with Jail

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.

A retweet is now a threat?? Has this theory of yours been tested in court yet?? Don't see much hope for declaring retweets as an actual threat of imprisoning anyone..

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.

So Trump re-tweeted something Lin Wood said about them.

Did that hurt your little pussy?

You have a problem with reading comprehension don't you. I was replying to the guy who demanded a quote. The OP never implied Trump said anything. He merely pointed out the fact Trump retweeted some guys stupidty. It's not rocket science.
Seems you are the one with reading comprehension issues, Simpleton.

Thread title: “TRUMP THREATENS”

I guess you are correct on one count....the lying sack of shit didn’t imply he said it, he claimed outright he said it.
His retweeting the threat = I concur

So anything anybody "retweets" now can be used in court to declare them an accomplice?

So if someone retweeted --- say -- Madonna fantasizing "to blow up the White House." -- they've just made the same threat?
It is a misleading thread title. Probably Trump was more interested in the praise from Wood, rather than the jail stuff.

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.

So Trump re-tweeted something Lin Wood said about them.

Did that hurt your little pussy?

You have a problem with reading comprehension don't you. I was replying to the guy who demanded a quote. The OP never implied Trump said anything. He merely pointed out the fact Trump retweeted some guys stupidty. It's not rocket science.

Apparently your own reading comprehension is far worse than mine. Do you suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome or something?

The title of the OP's thread is "trump threatens Georgia Republicans with Jail."

President Trump made no such threat. He merely re-tweeted someone else who said that.

Sorry, but I don't know how to put that in simpler terms that your feeble mind would be able to comprehend. Should I hire one of those deaf mute hand-signers they use on television? Would that help you?

trump Retweeted a threat to jail the Georgia officials. He AGREED with that threat. Grow......a.....BRAIN!

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.

So Trump re-tweeted something Lin Wood said about them.

Did that hurt your little pussy?

You have a problem with reading comprehension don't you. I was replying to the guy who demanded a quote. The OP never implied Trump said anything. He merely pointed out the fact Trump retweeted some guys stupidty. It's not rocket science.
Seems you are the one with reading comprehension issues, Simpleton.

Thread title: “TRUMP THREATENS”

I guess you are correct on one count....the lying sack of shit didn’t imply he said it, he claimed outright he said it.
His retweeting the threat = I concur

So anything anybody "retweets" now can be used in court to declare them an accomplice?

So if someone retweeted --- say -- Madonna fantasizing "to blow up the White House." -- they've just made the same threat?

Yup! He is including himself in the threat. trump is a Coward who needs to go away....

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.

So Trump re-tweeted something Lin Wood said about them.

Did that hurt your little pussy?

You have a problem with reading comprehension don't you. I was replying to the guy who demanded a quote. The OP never implied Trump said anything. He merely pointed out the fact Trump retweeted some guys stupidty. It's not rocket science.
Seems you are the one with reading comprehension issues, Simpleton.

Thread title: “TRUMP THREATENS”

I guess you are correct on one count....the lying sack of shit didn’t imply he said it, he claimed outright he said it.
His retweeting the threat = I concur

So anything anybody "retweets" now can be used in court to declare them an accomplice?

So if someone retweeted --- say -- Madonna fantasizing "to blow up the White House." -- they've just made the same threat?

Yup! He is including himself in the threat. trump is a Coward who needs to go away....

He endorsed the idea of jailing the Georgia officials. The Mafia will soon be out if the White House.

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.
I hope he hurts them. LOL And really, could the gop have come up with two less likeable and "representative" grifters if they tried? JFC. Poster children for what's wrong with the "conservative" party.

He has gone over the edge. I wonder how these threats are going to help the two Republican Senators win in January. Oh.....that's right....trump only cares about his fragile and pussy self....sorry.

So Trump re-tweeted something Lin Wood said about them.

Did that hurt your little pussy?

You have a problem with reading comprehension don't you. I was replying to the guy who demanded a quote. The OP never implied Trump said anything. He merely pointed out the fact Trump retweeted some guys stupidty. It's not rocket science.

Apparently your own reading comprehension is far worse than mine. Do you suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome or something?

The title of the OP's thread is "trump threatens Georgia Republicans with Jail."

President Trump made no such threat. He merely re-tweeted someone else who said that.

Sorry, but I don't know how to put that in simpler terms that your feeble mind would be able to comprehend. Should I hire one of those deaf mute hand-signers they use on television? Would that help you?

trump Retweeted a threat to jail the Georgia officials. He AGREED with that threat. Grow......a.....BRAIN!
Once again I will ask you....and you will once again dodge.....

When you Dimwingers retweet of post Trumps tweets here you must agree with everything in those tweets, using your logic, right?
Let’s see Trumps tweet threatening jail.

Just another unhinged Dimwinger bullshit thread.

Nothing to see here, Folks.
They are referring to the fact Trump retweeted this on his Tweeter acccount to his followers... "President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man," the Atlanta attorney Lin Wood wrote. "He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be going to jail."
So you still have no quote By Trump.

Thread title is bullshit.
Communist Democrats have lying in their blood. After four years of getting away with it they might now be incapable of telling the truth
Veracity of statements by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

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