Trump Threatens Lincoln Project Video Aired on Fox News

I've deleted over half the pages in this thread. The discussion here went far beyond appropriate. I don't want to read anymore about people being pedos, encouraging pedophilia, Hunter Biden's diary, or any of the other off topic side conversations or barrage of insults being traded back and forth. A few of the more egregious offenders have been removed from the thread
Trump won't sue. He would have to open his books if he did.

He's putting on theater for the rubes he hoaxed. Trump's cucks love being hoaxed.
He has a bad record and his representation is just as bad.
Rick Wilson hammers Trump for threatening to sue The Lincoln Project.
It sounds way better than the printed version that I posted.

Never heard of these people.

WHO did Trump "bilk"???? As far as what I saw, people were THROWING their money at him to get him elected!!
If I had any money, I'd have donated of my own free will as well!!!

From what I read about them online just now, seems like it's just more RINO's looking to "Pull a Pelosi" on Trump! all of HER freeking retard scams worked......right?!!! ROFLMAO
the money given to Trump now can be used for any purpose. Its called grift.

years before Trump ran for president, there was Trump university. It ended up being a scam. MAGA fundraising is the same sort of thing.
He's the victimiest victimy victim in the history of historical histories!

The problem is that no matter how true this ad may be, no matter how much evidence may show that they are correct and no matter how blatant the ripoff is you CANNOT win people over by screaming they are suckers to their face.

You just increase the devotion they have for him. I have to wonder what the point of the ad is. It does not attack Trump. It does not support anything. All it does is attack voters.

The amount of idiocy it takes to openly attack voters is rather staggering. This is why Hillary lost. This is why Trump won the first time. This is why he is still a major player in politics and all they are going to encourage is the creation of another Trump.

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