Trump threatens to disrupt Bernie's rallies

If they want to peacefully shout and complain.......who cares............taking signs, spitting, cussing a punching Trump supporters.......that crosses the line. They didn't pay for the signs they took from people and tore up. That is criminal theft. Threatening people with violence is also a crime. It is VERBAL assault. Disrupting the peace is a crime.

Face it. You champion criminals.
You mean they are just following the example set by Trump when he set his PAID thugs on the protesters on the sidewalk in front of his tower and his PAID thugs stole their sign and assaulted the owner when he tried to get his property back.

It's not criminal theft when Trump does it in 3, 2, 1, go.

Trump's security guards fight with Mexican immigrant protester, 50

On Thursday, one of the Donald's security guards was caught on video stealing a protester's sign outside of Trump Tower and then slapping the Mexican immigrant in the face when the man tried to take it back.

Prove he ordered them to behave that way or shut the fuck up.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday threatened to send his supporters to the campaign rallies of Democrat Bernie Sanders, showing no sign of toning down his rhetoric after clashes erupted at his own events over the weekend.

Trump, front-runner for the Republican nomination, appeared unchastened after simmering discord between his supporters and protesters angry over his positions on immigration and Muslims turned into a palpable threat on Friday, forcing him to cancel a Chicago rally and shadowing his campaign appearances on Saturday.

Trump blamed supporters of Democratic candidate Sanders for the incidents in Chicago, where scuffles broke out between protesters and backers of the real estate magnate. He called the U.S. senator from Vermont "our communist friend".

On Sunday, he went a step further in an early morning post on Twitter: "Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!"

More: Trump Digs In After Weekend Violence, Threatens Bernie Sanders Rallies

That should be an interesting clash of passionate supporters.
Trump/Sanders 2016 would be a winning ticket.
George Wallace was a born and bred Democrat.
Wallace was a born and bred CON$ervative.
Wallace was quite a complex man, and started out as a rather liberal judge.

But after losing his first race for Gov. in Alabama to a severe racist & KKK-allianced man by the name of Patterson -- by a pretty good margin, he recognized just how much the people responded to calls for white supremacy and, as Lee Atwater put it "******, ******, ******." Wallace was determined to achieve his power that way, and there are so many parallels to Trump, it's stunning.

If you have a chance, check out this American Experience documentary on him, Settin' the Woods on Fire:

George Wallace: Settin' the Woods on Fire - PBS
Why not,turnabout's fair play.

lol, so every fucking retarded RWnut on this board that's been throwing a tantrum for 2 days over how despicable the anti-Trump protesters are

will immediately abandon that position and become a supporter of campaign rally disruptors if Trump people start doing it?

Awesome. You people step in it every time.
Something LIBs are never taught at home or in the Liberal Indoctrination Centers: 'The way you behave has consequences'. Sander's supporters go to Trump rallies to shut them down and to deny Trump and his supporters their rights under the First Amendment. If Trump supporters go to the 'man-bun' rallies and do the same too fucking bad for the 'man-buns'.
Trump commented on what dishonest people and the press would do if that did happen,not that he wants it to,then the sack of shit commentator,bold face lies to Sanders say Trump wants to send protesters to his events,total lie,and the OP sucks it up like warm milk,Trump is right the media lies and is dishonest
You lie like Trump!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
4:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016
Why not,turnabout's fair play.

lol, so every fucking retarded RWnut on this board that's been throwing a tantrum for 2 days over how despicable the anti-Trump protesters are

will immediately abandon that position and become a supporter of campaign rally disruptors if Trump people start doing it?

Awesome. You people step in it every time.
Then tell MOVE On Dot Terrorist Org to MOVE ON.............Why shouldn't we pay you back..............

You'll either be engaging in a two wrongs make a right strategy,


you'll be admitting that the anti-Trump protesters were right to do what they did in the first place.
I've never bought that two wrongs......bullshit.
It's always dragged out by the person who did the 'first wrong'.
You go to my house and assault my wife and when I come after you you remind me that "Two wrongs don't make a right". Then guess what happens next?
Trump commented on what dishonest people and the press would do if that did happen,not that he wants it to,then the sack of shit commentator,bold face lies to Sanders say Trump wants to send protesters to his events,total lie,and the OP sucks it up like warm milk,Trump is right the media lies and is dishonest
You lie like Trump!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
4:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016

Where's the lie? That actually proves what he said is right.

Know what else is interesting about that tweet? Time stamp. 4:48 am.
He's that obsessed with Bernie, that he's staying up all night just to send threatening tweets. :cuckoo:

What's the big deal with Rump sending his bots to Sanders? I understand they're all "incredible, amazing people and they're all friends of mine".

Look, here comes one of these incredible amazing people now....


Isn't that nice. He handed that stranger a flower.
"Tommy Dimassimo, a student at Wright State University in Dayton, has been an avid supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and Vermont Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on social media."

Gee, I thought it didn't matter that David Duke supports Trump.
You are correct. It doesn't matter that DD endorses Trump.
Bernie said yesterday he has no control over who supports him. So why doesn't the same logic apply to Trump?
Did you see the Sander's supporter at a Sanders rally holding a sign that read 'COP KILLERS ARE MY HEROS'?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday threatened to send his supporters to the campaign rallies of Democrat Bernie Sanders, showing no sign of toning down his rhetoric after clashes erupted at his own events over the weekend.

Trump, front-runner for the Republican nomination, appeared unchastened after simmering discord between his supporters and protesters angry over his positions on immigration and Muslims turned into a palpable threat on Friday, forcing him to cancel a Chicago rally and shadowing his campaign appearances on Saturday.

Trump blamed supporters of Democratic candidate Sanders for the incidents in Chicago, where scuffles broke out between protesters and backers of the real estate magnate. He called the U.S. senator from Vermont "our communist friend".

On Sunday, he went a step further in an early morning post on Twitter: "Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!"

More: Trump Digs In After Weekend Violence, Threatens Bernie Sanders Rallies

That should be an interesting clash of passionate supporters.
Trump/Sanders 2016 would be a winning ticket.

bernie wouldn't run with a bigot
I had planned to vote for the COP nominee no matter what. Not anymore. The man is totally irresponsible.
This is what I find so frustrating about Trump. He is wrong to be accusing Bernie Sanders of sending supporters to his rallies to disrupt them. Sanders would not do such a thing, and Sanders, just today, to his credit, condemned protesters who try to disrupt rallies. Trump has every right to be upset over the conduct of protesters at his rallies, but he is misguided to be blaming Bernie for them.

And I can understand Trump feeling that maybe he should send some of his supporters to disrupt Bernie's rallies to see how Bernie likes it, but I think it's a mistake to publicly utter such a suggestion. He would have been on far more credible ground if he had just made the point that no candidate would appreciate having a bunch of unruly protesters try to shut down their rallies.

The Chicago event was not just a a "batch of unruly protesters". And whether Sanders likes it or not one of his biggest head bangers is Portia and she lead the charge for a certain segment of the disruptors.

So fuck them back.
And so was the little basement dwelling Professional protester/ acting major that rushed the stage for publicity.
Trump commented on what dishonest people and the press would do if that did happen,not that he wants it to,then the sack of shit commentator,bold face lies to Sanders say Trump wants to send protesters to his events,total lie,and the OP sucks it up like warm milk,Trump is right the media lies and is dishonest
You lie like Trump!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
4:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016

Where's the lie? That actually proves what he said is right.
The lie is chickenshit claiming Trump never said it.

Never said what?
Trump commented on what dishonest people and the press would do if that did happen,not that he wants it to,then the sack of shit commentator,bold face lies to Sanders say Trump wants to send protesters to his events,total lie,and the OP sucks it up like warm milk,Trump is right the media lies and is dishonest
You lie like Trump!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
4:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016

Where's the lie? That actually proves what he said is right.
The lie is chickenshit claiming Trump never said it.
Never said what?
That he wants to send his thugs to Bernie's rallies.
Trump commented on what dishonest people and the press would do if that did happen,not that he wants it to,then the sack of shit commentator,bold face lies to Sanders say Trump wants to send protesters to his events,total lie,and the OP sucks it up like warm milk,Trump is right the media lies and is dishonest
You lie like Trump!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
4:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016

Where's the lie? That actually proves what he said is right.
The lie is chickenshit claiming Trump never said it.
Never said what?
That he wants to send his thugs to Bernie's rallies.

Thats just what he did in the tweet above.
You lie like Trump!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
4:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016

Where's the lie? That actually proves what he said is right.
The lie is chickenshit claiming Trump never said it.
Never said what?
That he wants to send his thugs to Bernie's rallies.

Thats just what he did in the tweet above.
Exactly, and chickenwing said he didn't.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

"the donald" is the first part of the quote and progressives. own the second part.

The loonies are all on the left anyway.

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