Trump to defund 4 democrat run cities

All this back and forth, is it ever really going to accomplish anything? Does anyone ever change their mind on this? Seems so many black people are forever unhappy with this country, even after all the strides made.

I'm hoping this is just the next election cycle BS that will fade, but if not, then what?

I don't understand the point of large crowds protesting, or allowing them to, since they so typically devolve into violence. Sign a petition and then sit down to talk it out, but large crowds of angry people in the streets? We all can see the results of it.

The happy and content black people are welcomed to stay but otherwise, why not just ship the malcontents the F out of here? I don't understand staying somewhere that you deem so "systematically racist and unfair." Could it be that there is just no better place to be? and that all this outrage is drastically overhyped? and that it only pokes its head out during an election cycle?

I never considered myself a racist and still don't. I am good with people of any color that are decent, and I dislike those that are lazy criminals. Strikes me as odd that the world was clicking along just fine until this pandemic and then the Floyd death. Now all the sudden, the whole world is divided into rage and chaos?

bizarre times.
It's the fourth turning.

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

Sure...right.. yawn.
Leftard mayors, governors let BLM and ANTIFA run amok and destroy infrastructure and businesses and tell the police to "stand down" and then beg for federal funds to pay for the very damage that they allowed to happen.....only makes sense to a leftard.

So to punish the mayors and governors, the 40-80% who had no dog in the fight are going to be punished as well. Only makes sense to a TDS (trump dick sucker)
Meanwhile, homes in S FL are snapped up instantly.
And we don’t think giving money to corrupt unaccountable police forces is a wise use of taxpayer dollars.

But oh boy, did the left get hammered for talking about defunding the police.
In most cities the police chief is appointed by a flaming liberal democrat mayor and city council

and is tightly controlled by the liberals running that city

so you are only using cops as a scapegoat by pandering to the criminals instead of protecting honest citizens
And we don’t think giving money to corrupt unaccountable police forces is a wise use of taxpayer dollars.

But oh boy, did the left get hammered for talking about defunding the police.
In most cities the police chief is appointed by a flaming liberal democrat mayor and city council

and is tightly controlled by the liberals running that city

so you are only using cops as a scapegoat by pandering to the criminals instead of protecting honest citizens
Total fantasy. The police are not tightly controlled by the liberals running the city.

You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
In other words Trump wants to defund these cities‘ police departments and have more murders and chaos. He wants these cities’ residents to suffer to satisfy his craven base. Trump’s MO is a clear as his immorality.
Again, YOUR people did this. Own it. Your people won't own it and ask Trump for the needed help.
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
It's typical that folks like yourself can't realize that the focus of your blame should be on the democrat scumbags that allowed all of this to happen in the first place.

Prove your claim. Only a simple mind will not see that the consequences of the day have many fathers.
Prove my claim that the so called leaders like Lightfoot, Wheeler, BdeB, etc. are allowing their police to be handcuffed and letting.. sometimes encouraging outright these rioters to wreck their cities all under the guise of peaceful protest?

Are you serious, or just living under a rock somewhere in oblivion?

I mean, sure they are doing all of these things because DJT is the president. Does that then make all this mess DJT's fault? like what?

Your first paragraph is nothing more than an echo of a BIG LIE. No mayor, police chief or elected Sheriff allows vandals and arsonists to destroy parts of their city.

As I stated above, and which went over your head, the rioting has many fathers, and the energy has been expressed in decades past for similar reasons. The current situation is due to the systemic racism, and covert and overt racism by Trump Supporters, and Trump's call for violence:

Your refutation in the first paragraph is actually the big lie. We have been watching nightly on the news the proof that you have lied. The Mayors and the Governors in these places have done nothing to prevent the arson and property damage and in some cases, the deaths.

Your second paragraph is also a lie. The violence and chaos have one root father and one only. Hatred. Hatred of DJT and hatred of the United States of America.
In other words Trump wants to defund these cities‘ police departments and have more murders and chaos. He wants these cities’ residents to suffer to satisfy his craven base. Trump’s MO is a clear as his immorality.
Again, YOUR people did this. Own it. Your people won't own it and ask Trump for the needed help.
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
It's typical that folks like yourself can't realize that the focus of your blame should be on the democrat scumbags that allowed all of this to happen in the first place.

Prove your claim. Only a simple mind will not see that the consequences of the day have many fathers.
Prove my claim that the so called leaders like Lightfoot, Wheeler, BdeB, etc. are allowing their police to be handcuffed and letting.. sometimes encouraging outright these rioters to wreck their cities all under the guise of peaceful protest?

Are you serious, or just living under a rock somewhere in oblivion?

I mean, sure they are doing all of these things because DJT is the president. Does that then make all this mess DJT's fault? like what?

Your first paragraph is nothing more than an echo of a BIG LIE. No mayor, police chief or elected Sheriff allows vandals and arsonists to destroy parts of their city.

As I stated above, and which went over your head, the rioting has many fathers, and the energy has been expressed in decades past for similar reasons. The current situation is due to the systemic racism, and covert and overt racism by Trump Supporters, and Trump's call for violence:

Your refutation in the first paragraph is actually the big lie. We have been watching nightly on the news is proof that you have lied. The Mayors and the Governors in these places have done nothing to prevent the arson and property damage and in some cases, the deaths.

Your second paragraph is also a lie. The violence and chaos have one root father and one only. Hatred. Hatred of DJT and hatred of the United States of America.

Not everything revolves around Trump.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.
It is Congress that allocates funds. It looks like we might be living under a dictatorship already. No one has "allowed lawless protests." God. This guy is so white trash.
It is the president who spends - or does not spend - the money congress allocates

I expect some obama or clinton judge will agree with the democrats and trump will fight that dictate in a higher court

but in the meantime the democrat pussies running the cities will get nothing
Nope! The president in NOT in charge of the power of the purse.

The president allocates the money as the congress dictates..... if THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS does not, he is breaking the Constitution, ONCE AGAIN...

The money IS allocated for Corona Virus relief..... And has nothing to do with protests....

Tying it up in the courts, just to stall it, when He knows He will LOSE the court battle, is his favorite tactic, to pull you weenies along and divide and hurt the citizens who need the help.

What Trump is, is evil.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
A problem with this is you people are not allowing for DUE PROCESS. This new world of instant gratification quick-clip video are jumping the gun on what you think you see and know. Nearly all of these cases are being shown as the same Michael Brown-ish con job to provoke rage and chaos prior to this election.

We all know this. You're just being yet another "useful idiot" to further the division of Americans.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
Cops are being summarily fired from their jobs by the autocrats at city hall.

and then targeted for extermination by the democrat district attorney

that does not sound like a powerful union to me
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
Lol, lawless cities don't deserve my money. Get law and order back and get your funding back. The poor, the elderly, and minorities are suffering because your baby ass lost an election. Grow up for a change. I didn't like it when Obama got elected, but I put my big boy pants on. Not a vagina hat.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
Cops are being summarily fired from their jobs by the autocrats at city hall.

and then targeted for extermination by the district attorney

that does not sound like a powerful union to me
Yep. And what happens? Their union gets involved and they get rehired, often with back pay.

Remember that cop that stood outside Parkland as kids inside were being murdered? Fired.

Oh, but guess what. The union went through arbitration and won, he was rehired with back pay.

You hear about the firings, you never hear about them being rehired because the union gets the decision reversed.

Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
Tough love for spoiled, wayward children
Petulant behavior from a vindictive toddler who has no clue about the constitution, federalism or how to run a nation.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
A problem with this is you people are not allowing for DUE PROCESS. This new world of instant gratification quick-clip video are jumping the gun on what you think you see and know. Nearly all of these cases are being shown as the same Michael Brown-ish con job to provoke rage and chaos prior to this election.

We all know this. You're just being yet another "useful idiot" to further the division of Americans.
I think due process looks different for police than the rest of us. The police are given an inordinate amount of deference and that has lead to abuses.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
Cops are being summarily fired from their jobs by the autocrats at city hall.

and then targeted for extermination by the district attorney

that does not sound like a powerful union to me
Yep. And what happens? Their union gets involved and they get rehired, often with back pay.

Remember that cop that stood outside Parkland as kids inside were being murdered? Fired.

Oh, but guess what. The union went through arbitration and won, he was rehired with back pay.

You hear about the firings, you never hear about them being rehired because the union gets the decision reversed.

A judge got Officer Friendly rehired, not the union

as I pointed out there are bad cops and he is a prime example

but unlike liberals I dont choose to hate all cops because of him
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
There HAS been accountability. If you looked into the numbers, you'd know that.

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