Trump to defund 4 democrat run cities

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

The orange whore is obviously playing partisan politics. How much of a right does he have to do this? It is Congress that allocates funds. It looks like we might be living under a dictatorship already. No one has "allowed lawless protests." God. This guy is so white trash.

A member of antifa assaulting someone in Portland or Seattle, or anywhere in California, has about as much chance of getting prosecuted as a klansman would for punching a black man in Birmingham in 1960.

If it was wrong then, and it was, it sure as hell ain't right now.

Prove your assertion. It's very vague and full of supposition.

You know that your "reply" had nothing to do with my comment, right? I don't think that your whore has any right to do what he is attempting to do.
Your comment that no one allowed any lawlessness or riots ( that you are still trying to call protests) is utter bullshit.
And if you don't already know that, then you're a fucking child and you should sit down and shut your mouth while grown ups are talking.

You're embarrassing yourself and your parents.

Like anyone "allowed" lawlessness and riots. You will believe anything that putin's puppet says.

Why don't you keep your mouth shut until you grow up. I know the seventh grade is a bitch, but many of us got through it. You really should read the U.S. Constitution.

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree


NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

The orange whore is obviously playing partisan politics. How much of a right does he have to do this? It is Congress that allocates funds. It looks like we might be living under a dictatorship already. No one has "allowed lawless protests." God. This guy is so white trash.

A member of antifa assaulting someone in Portland or Seattle, or anywhere in California, has about as much chance of getting prosecuted as a klansman would for punching a black man in Birmingham in 1960.

If it was wrong then, and it was, it sure as hell ain't right now.

Prove your assertion. It's very vague and full of supposition.

You know that your "reply" had nothing to do with my comment, right? I don't think that your whore has any right to do what he is attempting to do.
Your comment that no one allowed any lawlessness or riots ( that you are still trying to call protests) is utter bullshit.
And if you don't already know that, then you're a fucking child and you should sit down and shut your mouth while grown ups are talking.

You're embarrassing yourself and your parents.

Like anyone "allowed" lawlessness and riots. You will believe anything that putin's puppet says.

Why don't you keep your mouth shut until you grow up. I know the seventh grade is a bitch, but many of us got through it. You really should read the U.S. Constitution.
putin's puppet
Or his butt plug for Putin?

Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted.
Now you are trying to backtrack on an issue that has gotten away from the left

Liberals led with the phony bullshit about “institutional racism” which most Americans have come to see as a lie popularized by barack obama for political reasons

the result was that democrats lost the support of the police unions which dutifully used to support whoever the party nominated

and you lost any chance for meaningful reform of the police by alienating ordinary Americans who are appalled by the mob violence in the streets of democrat-administered cities all over America
I don't know what you mean by "ordinary Americans" because the people protesting police are very much ordinary. The violence is by a small number of extremists and opportunists.

Institutional racism is far from phony. It permeates society in ways we don't like to acknowledge. Talking about it is very difficult because people refuse to have an open and honest conversation.
Philando Castile was reaching for his wallet to get his ID as instructed after politely telling the cop that he had a firearm. His death was completely unnecessary. No conviction. No accountability. It’s like Castile’s life wasn’t worth anything.

Daniel Shaver was shot in a hallway in a hotel after a cop was screaming at him scaring the living crap out of a guy who didn’t do anything wrong. His death was completely unnecessary. No conviction. No accountability. His life wasn’t worthy anything either.
Now you are trying to be reasonable after liberals failed to convince the public that cops are all racists who just hate black people

you could not make the case that it was racism that killed Shaver, so his death had little impact on the liberal narrative then, and its too late to wave his bloody shirt now
I'm not trying to convince the public that cops are all racists who just hate black people and I doubt very few others are. If we can't be honest about what the other people are saying, we can't have a rational conversation about this.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
There HAS been accountability. If you looked into the numbers, you'd know that.
I disagree.

Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted. Keep in mind, he was so drunk he was literally passed out and unresponsive and the camera footage shows that they were talking about the odor of alcohol.

But I guess it just slipped their minds...
Go figure they look out for their own. Am I supposed to get mad about that? Put yourself in their position.
Yes, you are supposed to get mad about that.

If the police aren't accountable, they lose the trust of the citizenry and it puts us all at greater risk.
Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted.
Now you are trying to backtrack on an issue that has gotten away from the left

Liberals led with the phony bullshit about “institutional racism” which most Americans have come to see as a lie popularized by barack obama for political reasons

the result was that democrats lost the support of the police unions which dutifully used to support whoever the party nominated

and you lost any chance for meaningful reform of the police by alienating ordinary Americans who are appalled by the mob violence in the streets of democrat-administered cities all over America
I don't know what you mean by "ordinary Americans" because the people protesting police are very much ordinary. The violence is by a small number of extremists and opportunists.

Institutional racism is far from phony. It permeates society in ways we don't like to acknowledge. Talking about it is very difficult because people refuse to have an open and honest conversation.
Institutional racism is far from phony.
Sounds like you know first hand about racism, because you practice it all the time?
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
There HAS been accountability. If you looked into the numbers, you'd know that.
I disagree.

Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted. Keep in mind, he was so drunk he was literally passed out and unresponsive and the camera footage shows that they were talking about the odor of alcohol.

But I guess it just slipped their minds...
You can literally find only a few instances out of a police force of 700,000+.

Out of that 700k, there were 5, count them 5 instances of cops killing an unarmed man wrongfully. Of those 5, every one of them was charged.

The information is on the google if you really care to learn it.
This won't work any better than the last time he tried to pull the same stunt. Nothing but hot, smelly air. Nothing to see here folks - Drive through please.
I don't know what you mean by "ordinary Americans" because the people protesting police are very much ordinary.
I disagree

they are social misfits and outcasts with time on their hands to travel across the country rioting every night

Most of them are very much on the fringe
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
There HAS been accountability. If you looked into the numbers, you'd know that.
I disagree.

Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted. Keep in mind, he was so drunk he was literally passed out and unresponsive and the camera footage shows that they were talking about the odor of alcohol.

But I guess it just slipped their minds...
You can literally find only a few instances out of a police force of 700,000+.

Out of that 700k, there were 5, count them 5 instances of cops killing an unarmed man wrongfully. Of those 5, every one of them was charged.

The information is on the google if you really care to learn it.

We can find a lot more than a few instances of this and that's not taking into account that many of these instances never reach the light of day because the police aren't held accountable. These episodes are buried.

I think we disagree about what constitutes a wrongful killing. I think wrongful goes beyond criminal and into the realm of completely unnecessary.
I'm not trying to convince the public that cops are all racists who just hate black people and I doubt very few others are.
Everyone wants to be the exception

the lib narrative certainly is and has been about alleged systemic racism against blacks
I don't know what you mean by "ordinary Americans" because the people protesting police are very much ordinary.
I disagree

they are social misfits and outcasts with time on their hands to travel across the country rioting every night

Most of them are very much on the fringe
Yes, and those people are a small, tiny minority of the people out in the streets.

The peaceful protests are never covered and the violent ones are blown out of proportion.
I'm not trying to convince the public that cops are all racists who just hate black people and I doubt very few others are.
Everyone wants to be the exception

the lib narrative certainly is and has been about alleged systemic racism against blacks
There is systemic racism against blacks, that doesn't mean all cops are racists who hate black people.

This is what we don't understand about systemic racism and implicit bias. It doesn't take the simple, easy to understand shape you assume it does.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
There HAS been accountability. If you looked into the numbers, you'd know that.
I disagree.

Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted. Keep in mind, he was so drunk he was literally passed out and unresponsive and the camera footage shows that they were talking about the odor of alcohol.

But I guess it just slipped their minds...
You can literally find only a few instances out of a police force of 700,000+.

Out of that 700k, there were 5, count them 5 instances of cops killing an unarmed man wrongfully. Of those 5, every one of them was charged.

The information is on the google if you really care to learn it.

We can find a lot more than a few instances of this and that's not taking into account that many of these instances never reach the light of day because the police aren't held accountable. These episodes are buried.

I think we disagree about what constitutes a wrongful killing. I think wrongful goes beyond criminal and into the realm of completely unnecessary.
You are simply wrong. The police ARE held accountable for real wrongs. The problem is, the facts get in the way of the narrative that the cops are racists.
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
Who gets hurt by this action? Cuomo who can't spread the money around so it winds up in his bank accounts------------------Cuomo is actually making threats against trump's life now.

Who do you think gets hurt with allowing and encouraging the criminals, the crazies, the terrorists, and thugs to burn down cities and attack people such as the mayors/governors of NY, Portland, etc are doing? I mean seriously don't you know that the rioters are hurting these people and trumps actions are only really hurting the dirty politicians who are encouraging the attacks.

Cuomo threatened Donald's life? :omg:
LoL - He did no such thing ... He stood up to a bully.
You’re forgetting the very not liberal police union. They’re entire purpose is to protect their own, which means keeping their union members out of trouble even if they’re in the wrong. Police unions are extremely powerful.
No more powerful than any other public employee union that liberals typically support

there can be bad cops

but by looting and rioting in the streets, supported by the democrat party who want to defund the police, liberals are forcing the public to choose between the boys in blue and law and order, or thieves, rapists and murderers.

Far more powerful. Last I checked the police have a tremendous authority that janitors and teachers have. I don't get investigated, arrested and prosecuted because of a teacher. Teachers aren't out there shooting civilians or kneeling on people until they're dead.

You're presenting a false dilemma. What we all want is a police force that is responsive, responsible and accountable. We do that, the looting and rioting goes away.
We already have one. The fact that you can point to fewer than a handful of wrongs is proof of that.

The fact that so many wrongs occur without accountability is proof that we don't have that.

Police protecting their own is a huge problem.
There HAS been accountability. If you looked into the numbers, you'd know that.
I disagree.

Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted. Keep in mind, he was so drunk he was literally passed out and unresponsive and the camera footage shows that they were talking about the odor of alcohol.

But I guess it just slipped their minds...
You can literally find only a few instances out of a police force of 700,000+.

Out of that 700k, there were 5, count them 5 instances of cops killing an unarmed man wrongfully. Of those 5, every one of them was charged.

The information is on the google if you really care to learn it.

We can find a lot more than a few instances of this and that's not taking into account that many of these instances never reach the light of day because the police aren't held accountable. These episodes are buried.

I think we disagree about what constitutes a wrongful killing. I think wrongful goes beyond criminal and into the realm of completely unnecessary.
You are simply wrong. The police ARE held accountable for real wrongs. The problem is, the facts get in the way of the narrative that the cops are racists.

Driving drunk isn't a real wrong?
Yes, and those people are a small, tiny minority of the people out in the streets.
That excuse wore thin many weeks ago

night after night the “peaceful protests” lead to violence and death
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.

Yep - Donald Trump is President Camacho.

Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.

Yep - Donald Trump is President Camacho.

If only this were a movie we could turn off.

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