Trump to defund 4 democrat run cities

Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this
so you think he was wrong about the violence in those cities being ignored by the demofk leadership? explain why the violence then?
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.

Yep - Donald Trump is President Camacho.

If only this were a movie we could turn off.

I wake up every morning to the same exhausting bad dream in which he does or says something even more illegal and outrageous as what he did or said the day prior. You try to shake yourself out of it, but it goes on and on. Captain Chaos needs to go. Lock his fat orange ass up.


Well, they voted for him because he represents a big FUCK YOU to the country.

That's what he's been, that's why they're so happy.

I've said this from the start. The more outrageous and illegal the shit he does is the more they love it. If it involves flipping lefty the bird, they wildly cheer, having sold their souls, and our country - To Beelzebub himself.

I think they know the country is changing, and that they can't really stop it.

So, in their rage and frustration, they're happy to Trump it into pieces.

I guess that's easier than trying to deal with or mitigate the change.

The country doesn't need to change. Assholes like socialism move to a socialist country.

Wannabe Dictators like Donald and his adoring flock need to move to Russia or Turkey. We'll pick up your one way tickets.

so you think he was wrong about the violence in those cities being ignored by the demofk leadership? explain why the violence then?
The oath of a US servicemember clearly states that we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies
says it right here. socialism is an enemy of this country. you be confused as usual.

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

You know it's the blue states (and cities) that carry the poor, Republican red states, right?
So Trump is fucking everybody when he does shit like this.

An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.""""
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.

Yep - Donald Trump is President Camacho.

If only this were a movie we could turn off.

I wake up every morning to the same exhausting bad dream in which he does or says something even more illegal and outrageous as what he did or said the day prior. You try to shake yourself out of it, but it goes on and on. Captain Chaos needs to go. Lock his fat orange ass up.


Well, they voted for him because he represents a big FUCK YOU to the country.

That's what he's been, that's why they're so happy.

I've said this from the start. The more outrageous and illegal the shit he does is the more they love it. If it involves flipping lefty the bird, they wildly cheer, having sold their souls, and our country - To Beelzebub himself.

I think they know the country is changing, and that they can't really stop it.

So, in their rage and frustration, they're happy to Trump it into pieces.

I guess that's easier than trying to deal with or mitigate the change.

It's extreme demographic anxiety. Somehow if they imagine it to be 1950 again, everything will be okay and their won't be as many of those black and brown animals to worry about wrecking their beautiful suburbs.
I don't know what you mean by "ordinary Americans" because the people protesting police are very much ordinary.
I disagree

they are social misfits and outcasts with time on their hands to travel across the country rioting every night

Most of them are very much on the fringe
Yes, and those people are a small, tiny minority of the people out in the streets.

The peaceful protests are never covered and the violent ones are blown out of proportion.

And add to that, only the violent ones in cities with Democrat mayors or emphasized. Not a word, for example, about Tulsa, which experienced violent protests, no "defunding" there. Such partisan behavior from one who is supposed to be in charge of the whole country is just wrong. Wonder if he will attempt to withhold disaster relief and covid funds from cities that criticize his administration?
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.

Yep - Donald Trump is President Camacho.

If only this were a movie we could turn off.

I wake up every morning to the same exhausting bad dream in which he does or says something even more illegal and outrageous as what he did or said the day prior. You try to shake yourself out of it, but it goes on and on. Captain Chaos needs to go. Lock his fat orange ass up.


Well, they voted for him because he represents a big FUCK YOU to the country.

That's what he's been, that's why they're so happy.

I've said this from the start. The more outrageous and illegal the shit he does is the more they love it. If it involves flipping lefty the bird, they wildly cheer, having sold their souls, and our country - To Beelzebub himself.

I think they know the country is changing, and that they can't really stop it.

So, in their rage and frustration, they're happy to Trump it into pieces.

I guess that's easier than trying to deal with or mitigate the change.

It's extreme demographic anxiety. Somehow if they imagine it to be 1950 again, everything will be okay and their won't be as many of those black and brown animals to worry about wrecking their beautiful suburbs.

That seems to be the Republican idea of a Golden Age...yet:
Women and blacks were still excluded from many jobs.
Women could be barred from higher education programs on the basis that women couldn't do it.
Jim Crowe was in effect.
Was only 30 years out from one of the worst race riots in history (300 dead): Oklahoma Lawsuit Seeks Reparations In Connection To 1921 Tulsa Massacre we have fear mongering about legislation to allow higher density building in suburban areas (NIMBY - all those black and brown people!). We aren't a post-racism culture yet.
Punish all the people of a city because of a couple hundred rioters. I disagree with the decision. Throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
It is right out of Idiocracy.

Yep - Donald Trump is President Camacho.

If only this were a movie we could turn off.

I wake up every morning to the same exhausting bad dream in which he does or says something even more illegal and outrageous as what he did or said the day prior. You try to shake yourself out of it, but it goes on and on. Captain Chaos needs to go. Lock his fat orange ass up.


Well, they voted for him because he represents a big FUCK YOU to the country.

That's what he's been, that's why they're so happy.

I've said this from the start. The more outrageous and illegal the shit he does is the more they love it. If it involves flipping lefty the bird, they wildly cheer, having sold their souls, and our country - To Beelzebub himself.

I think they know the country is changing, and that they can't really stop it.

So, in their rage and frustration, they're happy to Trump it into pieces.

I guess that's easier than trying to deal with or mitigate the change.

The country doesn't need to change. Assholes like socialism move to a socialist country.

They don't have to. The way capitalism is being misapplied, the socialists will end up having their way.

It's already starting.
At this moment in history, there are no competent republicans.
There are many competent republicans but the swamp rat disease is contagious

when dems and repubs stay in washington stay too long they change
Punish all the people of a city because of a couple hundred rioters. I disagree with the decision. Throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The democrat power structure is punishing all the people in the city by allowing the riots to continue
Punish all the people of a city because of a couple hundred rioters. I disagree with the decision. Throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The democrat power structure is punishing all the people in the city by allowing the riots to continue

I don't think so. I don't think there is some sort of concerted effort to do that. I think there are real problems with lots of outside agitators coming on on cities just to provoke violence. I've mentioned that before, with the white supremacist groups coming in to agitate. Now look at the guy they attempted to arrest for Danielson's murder (a walking time bomb from all accounts) - he stated he anticipates a war and wants it. When you have extremists from both sides with this attitude what do mayors do? I do not believe they can legally ban people from coming in to demonstrate right? What legal solutions do they have?

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

The orange whore is obviously playing partisan politics. How much of a right does he have to do this? It is Congress that allocates funds. It looks like we might be living under a dictatorship already. No one has "allowed lawless protests." God. This guy is so white trash.

A member of antifa assaulting someone in Portland or Seattle, or anywhere in California, has about as much chance of getting prosecuted as a klansman would for punching a black man in Birmingham in 1960.

If it was wrong then, and it was, it sure as hell ain't right now.

Prove your assertion. It's very vague and full of supposition.

You know that your "reply" had nothing to do with my comment, right? I don't think that your whore has any right to do what he is attempting to do.
Your comment that no one allowed any lawlessness or riots ( that you are still trying to call protests) is utter bullshit.
And if you don't already know that, then you're a fucking child and you should sit down and shut your mouth while grown ups are talking.

You're embarrassing yourself and your parents.

Like anyone "allowed" lawlessness and riots. You will believe anything that putin's puppet says.

Why don't you keep your mouth shut until you grow up. I know the seventh grade is a bitch, but many of us got through it. You really should read the U.S. Constitution.
And you should learn to engage with reality.
But you won't, because you're too invested in the nonsense you've bought into. If you ever admitted to yourself just how stupid you've been, you wouldn't be able to take it.
You'd probably kill yourself, and you know it, so instead you want all the others who haven't lost all common sense to be the ones who suffer and die.

You're just all kinds of fucked up.
Cop pulled out of his squad car asleep at a stop light. His "brothers" took him to the hospital. How kind. Oh, but no one suspected he was drunk so no evidence was ever gathered and therefore could not be prosecuted.
Now you are trying to backtrack on an issue that has gotten away from the left

Liberals led with the phony bullshit about “institutional racism” which most Americans have come to see as a lie popularized by barack obama for political reasons

the result was that democrats lost the support of the police unions which dutifully used to support whoever the party nominated

and you lost any chance for meaningful reform of the police by alienating ordinary Americans who are appalled by the mob violence in the streets of democrat-administered cities all over America
I don't know what you mean by "ordinary Americans" because the people protesting police are very much ordinary. The violence is by a small number of extremists and opportunists.

Institutional racism is far from phony. It permeates society in ways we don't like to acknowledge. Talking about it is very difficult because people refuse to have an open and honest conversation.
Nah, it really just all bullshit.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this
so you think he was wrong about the violence in those cities being ignored by the demofk leadership? explain why the violence then?

I've said it before, I think there are multiple reasons for the violence and there is a tendency to ignore a larger picture contributing to it all. I think mayors in those few cities, still beset by violence, are struggling to find solutions.

In all seriousness, what can they legally do? There are considerable outside agitators coming in from all over, out of control social media spreading rumor and unverified claims to ratchet things up. That is a start. I also think you can't discount a larger issue: hugely divided public, high unemployment, covid and it's restrictions, severe economic downturn. A lot of this has affected racial minorities more severely. I think the violence is a symptom of larger issues. JMO.

What can mayors legally do? What can police legally do? There ARE constitutional rights involved - right to assembly, right to free determining when it crosses the line from peaceful to unlawful isn't always clear especially when part remains peaceful and part turns to rioting.

Maybe, for a start, curfews should be strictly enforced until it dies down.
Like anyone "allowed" lawlessness and riots. You will believe anything that putin's puppet says.
Of course the democrat mayor in seattle or portland allow the riots to continue night after night

Yeah. Sure. Why can't you get anything straight?

Inslee activates National Guard at request of City of Seattle | Governor Jay Inslee
More National Guard troops heading to Seattle, governor says
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Agrees To Send National Guard To Portland In Support Roles

It doesn't appear that anyone "allowed" anything. Why do you buy into the orange whore's lies?

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