Trump to defund 4 democrat run cities

Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:

Trump signs memo to defund 'lawless' cities but experts raise legality doubts

Even if federal agencies are able to find justification to reduce funding to certain cities, perhaps via grants linked to law enforcement, any funding restrictions are unlikely to hold up to legal challenges, he added.
“The president obviously has no power to pick and choose which cities to cut off from congressionally appropriated funding,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar at Harvard, and recently the co-author of To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. Trump “has no defunding spigot. The power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive. Donald Trump must have slept through high school civics,” Tribe said in an email.
Ever since trump walked down the elevator he has faced lawsuits from the washington swamp rat establishment

But he will win popular opinion on this issue
You do realize that when President Trump wins reelection there is nothing to keep him from pardoning the Veterans of the United States who swore an oath to defend this country against "SOCIALISM". When all the Socialist Scum are brought to trial, and then shot for being enemies of the state, those like Bernie Sanders and AOC can be put infront of a firing squad and i will be there to pull the trigger....You dumbasses might want to get to Cuba before Nov 4th.....

You need to look up the Oath of Enlistment for US servicemembers, because the oath DOES NOT say that we will defend the country against socialism. The oath of a US servicemember clearly states that we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Nothing in there about socialism.

I took that oath the scumbag trump didn't
Ever since trump walked down the elevator he has faced lawsuits from the washington swamp rat establishment

But he will win popular opinion on this issue

Not for nothing Mac, but you don't "walk down an elevator", you ride down in an elevator. You walk down an ESCALATOR.
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
It's typical that folks like yourself can't realize that the focus of your blame should be on the democrat scumbags that allowed all of this to happen in the first place.

Prove your claim. Only a simple mind will not see that the consequences of the day have many fathers.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:

Trump signs memo to defund 'lawless' cities but experts raise legality doubts

Even if federal agencies are able to find justification to reduce funding to certain cities, perhaps via grants linked to law enforcement, any funding restrictions are unlikely to hold up to legal challenges, he added.
“The president obviously has no power to pick and choose which cities to cut off from congressionally appropriated funding,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar at Harvard, and recently the co-author of To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. Trump “has no defunding spigot. The power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive. Donald Trump must have slept through high school civics,” Tribe said in an email.
Don't be so overconfident. America doesn't pay the fruits of passive-aggressive communist hatred for not winning the vote 4 years ago. The burnings and destruction is nothing but hatred for getting caught up in kamikazi suicides inflicted upon Demmie communities for 15 minutes of fame with a fancy funeral of lies to get something for nothing from taxpayers.
HE CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!!!! ONLY CONGRESS CAN!!!!!!! BIGLY!!!!!!!!!!
Trump intends to withhold funds that are sitting under executive branch control

yes it will cause the feathers to fly in the house of reps and they can sue

But there is no guarantee that they will win
Portland will be fine ... she only gets a couple million from the Federal government ... at her heart, she's a port city ...

This sets another precedent ... if a Republican President is allowed to do this, so will the next Democrat President ... be careful Phoenix, Baton Rouge and Louisville ... abortion clinics are on their way ... ha ha ha ...
The red cities are not rioting...but nice try....
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:

Trump signs memo to defund 'lawless' cities but experts raise legality doubts

Even if federal agencies are able to find justification to reduce funding to certain cities, perhaps via grants linked to law enforcement, any funding restrictions are unlikely to hold up to legal challenges, he added.
“The president obviously has no power to pick and choose which cities to cut off from congressionally appropriated funding,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar at Harvard, and recently the co-author of To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. Trump “has no defunding spigot. The power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive. Donald Trump must have slept through high school civics,” Tribe said in an email.
You are so full of shit. The progs mayors and governors say it is the Presidents fault for all the Burning, Looting and Murder. The local police are the ones shooting the black thugs in the streets trying to stop crime, then the BLM moves to that city and you fuckers blame the President. So with § 1355.36 powers he can have funds diverted or withheld because of the rampant crime those cities are allowing..

Nice. That slap had some serious English on it.
Portland will be fine ... she only gets a couple million from the Federal government ... at her heart, she's a port city ...

This sets another precedent ... if a Republican President is allowed to do this, so will the next Democrat President ... be careful Phoenix, Baton Rouge and Louisville ... abortion clinics are on their way ... ha ha ha ...
Speaking of Portland;
Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
You mean the same people who are getting hurt by the thugs looting and rioting?

Cry me a fucking river.

Trump's desire to cut funding to Democratic Cities will harm the shopkeepers, the owners of the buildings destroyed as well as Insurance companies, along with those named in my post you foolishly mock.
In other words Trump wants to defund these cities‘ police departments and have more murders and chaos. He wants these cities’ residents to suffer to satisfy his craven base. Trump’s MO is a clear as his immorality.
Again, YOUR people did this. Own it. Your people won't own it and ask Trump for the needed help.
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
It's typical that folks like yourself can't realize that the focus of your blame should be on the democrat scumbags that allowed all of this to happen in the first place.

Prove your claim. Only a simple mind will not see that the consequences of the day have many fathers.
Prove my claim that the so called leaders like Lightfoot, Wheeler, BdeB, etc. are allowing their police to be handcuffed and letting.. sometimes encouraging outright these rioters to wreck their cities all under the guise of peaceful protest?

Are you serious, or just living under a rock somewhere in oblivion?

I mean, sure they are doing all of these things because DJT is the president. Does that then make all this mess DJT's fault? like what?
In other words and by extension, Trump wants to defund these cities‘ police departments. He wants these cities’ residents to suffer to satisfy his craven base. Trump’s MO is a clear as his immorality.
Its up to the states where they want to spend federal put your money where your riots are...defund the cops...the blues states are in control of their states....they can defund and have a good reason so go will be fun to watch blue cities without cops in them.....
In other words Trump wants to defund these cities‘ police departments and have more murders and chaos. He wants these cities’ residents to suffer to satisfy his craven base. Trump’s MO is a clear as his immorality.
Again, YOUR people did this. Own it. Your people won't own it and ask Trump for the needed help.
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
It's typical that folks like yourself can't realize that the focus of your blame should be on the democrat scumbags that allowed all of this to happen in the first place.

Prove your claim. Only a simple mind will not see that the consequences of the day have many fathers.
Prove my claim that the so called leaders like Lightfoot, Wheeler, BdeB, etc. are allowing their police to be handcuffed and letting.. sometimes encouraging outright these rioters to wreck their cities all under the guise of peaceful protest?

Are you serious, or just living under a rock somewhere in oblivion?

I mean, sure they are doing all of these things because DJT is the president. Does that then make all this mess DJT's fault? like what?

Your first paragraph is nothing more than an echo of a BIG LIE. No mayor, police chief or elected Sheriff allows vandals and arsonists to destroy parts of their city.

As I stated above, and which went over your head, the rioting has many fathers, and the energy has been expressed in decades past for similar reasons. The current situation is due to the systemic racism, and covert and overt racism by Trump Supporters, and Trump's call for violence:

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You do realize that when President Trump wins reelection there is nothing to keep him from pardoning the Veterans of the United States who swore an oath to defend this country against "SOCIALISM". When all the Socialist Scum are brought to trial, and then shot for being enemies of the state, those like Bernie Sanders and AOC can be put infront of a firing squad and i will be there to pull the trigger....You dumbasses might want to get to Cuba before Nov 4th.....

You need to look up the Oath of Enlistment for US servicemembers, because the oath DOES NOT say that we will defend the country against socialism. The oath of a US servicemember clearly states that we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Nothing in there about socialism.

Socialism does not work with the Constitution. You dick for brains always try to bring some BS argument, but free people do no remain free under Socialism. So yes, we swore an oath that will keep this country free from stupid fucks like you.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:

Trump signs memo to defund 'lawless' cities but experts raise legality doubts

Even if federal agencies are able to find justification to reduce funding to certain cities, perhaps via grants linked to law enforcement, any funding restrictions are unlikely to hold up to legal challenges, he added.
“The president obviously has no power to pick and choose which cities to cut off from congressionally appropriated funding,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar at Harvard, and recently the co-author of To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. Trump “has no defunding spigot. The power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive. Donald Trump must have slept through high school civics,” Tribe said in an email.

Hey, when you cried "RESIST" did you think it would all be one way?
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.

Don't you hate it when people you attack constantly and viciously, fight back?

Why can't they just all take it like good little bitches?
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:

Trump signs memo to defund 'lawless' cities but experts raise legality doubts

Even if federal agencies are able to find justification to reduce funding to certain cities, perhaps via grants linked to law enforcement, any funding restrictions are unlikely to hold up to legal challenges, he added.
“The president obviously has no power to pick and choose which cities to cut off from congressionally appropriated funding,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar at Harvard, and recently the co-author of To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. Trump “has no defunding spigot. The power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive. Donald Trump must have slept through high school civics,” Tribe said in an email.
Portland will be fine ... she only gets a couple million from the Federal government ... at her heart, she's a port city ...

This sets another precedent ... if a Republican President is allowed to do this, so will the next Democrat President ... be careful Phoenix, Baton Rouge and Louisville ... abortion clinics are on their way ... ha ha ha ...
So you welcome killings, looting, rioting , rapes , anarchy?

Yup another liberal shows his true colors
You do realize that when President Trump wins reelection there is nothing to keep him from pardoning the Veterans of the United States who swore an oath to defend this country against "SOCIALISM". When all the Socialist Scum are brought to trial, and then shot for being enemies of the state, those like Bernie Sanders and AOC can be put infront of a firing squad and i will be there to pull the trigger....You dumbasses might want to get to Cuba before Nov 4th.....

You need to look up the Oath of Enlistment for US servicemembers, because the oath DOES NOT say that we will defend the country against socialism. The oath of a US servicemember clearly states that we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Nothing in there about socialism.

Socialism/communism is an enemy of the united states
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.

Don't you hate it when people you attack constantly and viciously, fight back?

Why can't they just all take it like good little bitches?

I don't hate people like you, I pity your side of the aisle. You people actually believe you are patriots and yet support Trump, an Authoritarian / megalomaniac, who you will vote for in November. You must know, and may not admit to yourself that Trump is a liar, corrupt and has failed to protect We the People from the virus, and is seeking to suppress the vote.

BTW, I don't "attack constantly and viciously" anyone here or anywhere else. I point out what I read and hear from your side of the aisle. Having served my (our?) Country; I have taken the oath three times to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and my criticism of the current iteration of the GOP is necessary. We must recognize McConnell, Barr and Trump as domestic enemies or surrender to these self serving and divisive officials who are not morally and ethically capable of serving in any office of trust.

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