Trump to defund 4 democrat run cities

You know, the more Trump tries to look and act tough, the more he shows his ignorance of how things actually work in the government. Congress is the only branch that can fund/stop money from going to cities, not Trump. He's looking more and more like a tinpot dictator the more he does crap like this.

He claims to be the law and order President. He is the lawless and disorderly President.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:

Trump signs memo to defund 'lawless' cities but experts raise legality doubts

Even if federal agencies are able to find justification to reduce funding to certain cities, perhaps via grants linked to law enforcement, any funding restrictions are unlikely to hold up to legal challenges, he added.
“The president obviously has no power to pick and choose which cities to cut off from congressionally appropriated funding,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar at Harvard, and recently the co-author of To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. Trump “has no defunding spigot. The power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive. Donald Trump must have slept through high school civics,” Tribe said in an email.
Ever since trump walked down the elevator he has faced lawsuits from the washington swamp rat establishment

But he will win popular opinion on this issue

No he will not.

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

Sure...right.. yawn.

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

Sure...right.. yawn.
Leftard mayors, governors let BLM and ANTIFA run amok and destroy infrastructure and businesses and tell the police to "stand down" and then beg for federal funds to pay for the very damage that they allowed to happen.....only makes sense to a leftard.
The house controls the purse strings and this would NEVER make it through Nazi Pisslosers house. Even if she was in the salon without a mask during the vote.

Hell, I'd be willing to bet that there are a few Republican senators and representatives who think this is a stupid idea.
The worst president in our History, has tried this before, with defunding sanctuary cities, and lost his battle in court, he tried again by not funding Puerto Rico with Maria help, and also tried to hold back military aid to the Ukraine and was impeached for it, and tried to defund schools if they did not open in the pandemic, and now this crap....

What a piece of excrement! Wasting so much money on lawyers and the courts, only to constantly fail....our tax payer money....

He can not be gone, soon enough!! Dump Trump, vote Joe! :)

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

Sure...right.. yawn.
Leftard mayors, governors let BLM and ANTIFA run amok and destroy infrastructure and businesses and tell the police to "stand down" and then beg for federal funds to pay for the very damage that they allowed to happen.....only makes sense to a leftard.

So to punish the mayors and governors, the 40-80% who had no dog in the fight are going to be punished as well. Only makes sense to a TDS (trump dick sucker)
It is Congress that allocates funds. It looks like we might be living under a dictatorship already. No one has "allowed lawless protests." God. This guy is so white trash.
It is the president who spends - or does not spend - the money congress allocates

I expect some obama or clinton judge will agree with the democrats and trump will fight that dictate in a higher court

but in the meantime the democrat pussies running the cities will get nothing
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Trump has it right again.

Why should my tax money that is used to subsidize law enforcement be given to stupid Democrats who have defunded police departments? Like those morons in New York that cut a billion dollars of the police budget? That is idiotic.
Red meat for his base, and more evidence for the rest of us how lawless, incompetent and ignorant (of law, constitution, etc) this president is. It is highly unlikely he can legally do this :rolleyes:
This country has never seen anything like this. This presidency is the Sean Hannity show in the Oval Office.
Tough love for spoiled, wayward children
Typical of Trump Supporters, simple thinkers have no clue as to the consequences of this E.O., this time I'm sure considered by Trump.

Q. Who gets hurt by this (likely) illegal action?

A. The poor, the elderly, the infirm and off course his favorite targets, minorities.
Who gets hurt by this action? Cuomo who can't spread the money around so it winds up in his bank accounts------------------Cuomo is actually making threats against trump's life now.

Who do you think gets hurt with allowing and encouraging the criminals, the crazies, the terrorists, and thugs to burn down cities and attack people such as the mayors/governors of NY, Portland, etc are doing? I mean seriously don't you know that the rioters are hurting these people and trumps actions are only really hurting the dirty politicians who are encouraging the attacks.

NEW YORK -- President Donald Trump ordered the federal government to begin the process of defunding Democratic-run cities, claiming officials running cities like New York City, Washington D.C., Seattle and Portland allowed "lawless" protests.

I fully agree

Because you are a good little Nazi. Trump cannot do this on his own without approval from Congress. Also I suspect the guidelines will be so vague. This will be overturned by the courts.
Maybe you should tell that Biden-----because Biden was the first to say that he would defund the police.
Weird. Just a few weeks ago you guys said defunding the police was a stupid idea.

Now you support it?
We dont think giving money to weak and incompetent democrats who allow lawlessness within their cities is a wise use of taxpayer dollars
And we don’t think giving money to corrupt unaccountable police forces is a wise use of taxpayer dollars.

But oh boy, did the left get hammered for talking about defunding the police.
All this back and forth, is it ever really going to accomplish anything? Does anyone ever change their mind on this? Seems so many black people are forever unhappy with this country, even after all the strides made.

I'm hoping this is just the next election cycle BS that will fade, but if not, then what?

I don't understand the point of large crowds protesting, or allowing them to, since they so typically devolve into violence. Sign a petition and then sit down to talk it out, but large crowds of angry people in the streets? We all can see the results of it.

The happy and content black people are welcomed to stay but otherwise, why not just ship the malcontents the F out of here? I don't understand staying somewhere that you deem so "systematically racist and unfair." Could it be that there is just no better place to be? and that all this outrage is drastically overhyped? and that it only pokes its head out during an election cycle?

I never considered myself a racist and still don't. I am good with people of any color that are decent, and I dislike those that are lazy criminals. Strikes me as odd that the world was clicking along just fine until this pandemic and then the Floyd death. Now all the sudden, the whole world is divided into rage and chaos?

bizarre times.

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