Trump to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
It should go further than that. Anybody not paying into the federal income tax is a burden on our society. Only let in those that make enough money for that, or create a special rule where lower income immigrants still have to pay into it. Add to our nation or turn around and go home.
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Waaaaaaaaa! People born here can't get assistance either, why is that?Somebody is getting assistance $260,000,000 000 to address illegal immigration so far this year. Somebody is getting assistance! Maybe it's just the wrong somebody's. :eusa_dance:
What a convoluted article and spin on it.

First the article says nothing about "using" welfare programs. It says deny green cards to immigrants deemed likely to rely on government aid.

Before I get to my point I will also note......

Officials described the so-called "public charge" rule as a way to ensure those granted permanent residency are self-sufficient........

A Green Card is not granting anyone "permanent residency".

While the “public charge” inadmissibility standard has long been part of U.S. immigration law, the term has not been formally defined in statute.

So this appears to be another case of Trump saying "Look at me". This has always been the law. Trump simply posts a "statute" which really means little.

A business that wants to stay within the law but still pay a low wage are the ones hiring people with Green Cards. Without that they will hire those who come here illegally.
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Waaaaaaaaa! People born here can't get assistance either, why is that?Somebody is getting assistance $260,000,000 000 to address illegal immigration so far this year. Somebody is getting assistance! Maybe it's just the wrong somebody's. :eusa_dance:
The Trump administration can't give green cards to illegal immigrants, so he must be talking about legal immigrants. And you are flipping this to a discussion of illegals. It wouldn't apply to giving them green cards.
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Nor should she be. The EU has a much more generous welfare state than we do. Why didn't she stay there?
Donald Trump wants to cut millions of people off of food stamps. Donald Trump has ruined the lives of farmers doubling their number of bankruptcies per year. So Donald Trump gives them billions of dollars to grow food that no one can afford to buy now because they no longer have food stamps.

Remember when they made fun of Obama for being a “community organizer“? I think a little organization might be with this White House needs.
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Waaaaaaaaa! People born here can't get assistance either, why is that?Somebody is getting assistance $260,000,000 000 to address illegal immigration so far this year. Somebody is getting assistance! Maybe it's just the wrong somebody's. :eusa_dance:
The Trump administration can't give green cards to illegal immigrants, so he must be talking about legal immigrants. And you are flipping this to a discussion of illegals. It wouldn't apply to giving them green cards.

Canada isn't going to let you immigrate there if you cannot prove self-sufficiency. We've had the sponsorship program in the US for decades (though I don't think they ever really went after the sponsors to recover the costs of immigrants). I don't see anything unique abut this idea.
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Waaaaaaaaa! People born here can't get assistance either, why is that?Somebody is getting assistance $260,000,000 000 to address illegal immigration so far this year. Somebody is getting assistance! Maybe it's just the wrong somebody's. :eusa_dance:
The Trump administration can't give green cards to illegal immigrants, so he must be talking about legal immigrants. And you are flipping this to a discussion of illegals. It wouldn't apply to giving them green cards.

Canada isn't going to let you immigrate there if you cannot prove self-sufficiency. We've had the sponsorship program in the US for decades (though I don't think they ever really went after the sponsors to recover the costs of immigrants). I don't see anything unique abut this idea.

Canada doesn't have thousands of employers willing to hire those there illegally. It's not a problem if we end that.
“It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burdens, that they can stand on their own two feet, as immigrants in years past have done,” he said. “It’s not only a recipe for their success, but for America’s success growing out of our immigration system.”


Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Waaaaaaaaa! People born here can't get assistance either, why is that?Somebody is getting assistance $260,000,000 000 to address illegal immigration so far this year. Somebody is getting assistance! Maybe it's just the wrong somebody's. :eusa_dance:
The Trump administration can't give green cards to illegal immigrants, so he must be talking about legal immigrants. And you are flipping this to a discussion of illegals. It wouldn't apply to giving them green cards.

Canada isn't going to let you immigrate there if you cannot prove self-sufficiency. We've had the sponsorship program in the US for decades (though I don't think they ever really went after the sponsors to recover the costs of immigrants). I don't see anything unique abut this idea.

Canada doesn't have thousands of employers willing to hire those there illegally. It's not a problem if we end that.

We can send you some--3 for $1.00.
Long over due....Obama promised this in his first campaign in exchange for overall work visa and green card reform....but he lied about that too....
Long over due....Obama promised this in his first campaign in exchange for overall work visa and green card reform....but he lied about that too....

I don't recall Candidate Obama promising this. I recall that he promised Hispanics immigration reform in his first year but lied about that.
I'm not sure I understand where he is getting this from. I have been teaching a student who recently immigrated from Ireland, and she and her husband were living in a tent for chrissakes and half the time didn't have money for gas to get her to class, but she was not eligible for any benefits because she was an immigrant. The first thing I had suggested was that she visit human services to see if they could help her over the rough patch, and she said she WAS NOT ELIGIBLE.

Nor should she be. The EU has a much more generous welfare state than we do. Why didn't she stay there?
She didn't come here to collect welfare! She's doing fine now.
This isn't about her--it is about the fact that she wasn't eligible for benefits, so who is Trump talking about? I think another poster explained it already though.
Immigration: Trump admin announces rule that could limit legal immigration - CNNPolitics

So telling how President Dumb-as-Dirt goes out of his way to keep Latin Americans from immigrating to America. They are gentle, law abiding people, but in the minds of Dumb-as-Dirt and his cult members, they are future Democrat voters. Rarely a day goes by when he does not criticize them or attempts to regulate against them.

But, when it comes to cracking down on white nationalists, who love mass shootings, and their murder weapon of choice, assault rifles, Dumb-as-Dirt is AWOL. Well, of course, they are his people, his voters, how can he regulate against them?
Immigration: Trump admin announces rule that could limit legal immigration - CNNPolitics

So telling how President Dumb-as-Dirt goes out of his way to keep Latin Americans from immigrating to America. They are gentle, law abiding people, but in the minds of Dumb-as-Dirt and his cult members, they are future Democrat voters. Rarely a day goes by when he does not criticize them or attempts to regulate against them.

But, when it comes to cracking down on white nationalists, who love mass shootings, and their murder weapon of choice, assault rifles, Dumb-as-Dirt is AWOL. Well, of course, they are his people, his voters, how can he regulate against them?


They are not "immigrants." They are simply law breaking border jumpers. Criminals.
Immigration: Trump admin announces rule that could limit legal immigration - CNNPolitics

So telling how President Dumb-as-Dirt goes out of his way to keep Latin Americans from immigrating to America. They are gentle, law abiding people, but in the minds of Dumb-as-Dirt and his cult members, they are future Democrat voters. Rarely a day goes by when he does not criticize them or attempts to regulate against them.

But, when it comes to cracking down on white nationalists, who love mass shootings, and their murder weapon of choice, assault rifles, Dumb-as-Dirt is AWOL. Well, of course, they are his people, his voters, how can he regulate against them?
So we can assume you want your home town to be a sanctuary for these gentle law abiding people, correct? You are just another Liberal NIMBY who is sooooo compassionate as long as they are someone else's problem.
OP is derp! In all reality, immigration needs to be more limited.
No Actually immigrants at the top and bottom of the income range would help citizen in the middle income range see their costs go down and their wages go up right up until robot farm help and the PC schooling eliminates the current advantage to the US. DNA and fingerprints for everyone crossing our southern border in either direction would also be needed. But yeah, with e-verify for new hires some immigration is good for us.

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